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3.1 Binaries for other platforms
Downloads Please refer to our Runtime description for more details on this part of the project. Optional packages are `libgdiplus' (if you want to do graphics). The package `mcs' contains the C# source code to the compilers and class libraries. To run ASP.NET applications you need xsp and if you want to optionally integrate with Apache, get mod_mono. Online API documentation for Mono is available in the `monodoc' package. Gtk-sharp is package to build GUI applications with the Gtk toolkit.
Current Stable Version: Mono 1.1.7 (Release notes May 4th, 2005 ( Current Development Version: Mono 1.1.7 (Release notes May 4th, 2005 ( Older releases
Latest sources (
Linux Installer for x86
(All distributions)
For help with the installation, see: Instructions to use the Installer.
Mono 1.1.7-1 Installer (
SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 x86 (
SUSE Linux Professional 9.2 x86 (
SUSE Linux Professional 9.3 x86 (
Novell Linux Desktop 9 x86 (
Red Hat 9.0 x86 (
Fedora Core 3 x86 (
Red Hat Linux Enterprise 3.0 x86 (
Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4.0 x86 (
SUSE Linux Enterprise 9 x86_64 (
Novell Linux Desktop 9 x86_64 (
SuSE Linux Enterprise 9 for S390 (1.1.7) (
Includes Mono, Gtk# and XSP:
Mono Setup (1.1.7) (
Includes Mono, Cocoa#, installs in /Library/Frameworks
MonoFramework-1.1.7.dmg (, for Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) and Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
DB4O Packages.
Regression Tests You can get binaries for the Mono Regression Test Suite here (
Other Downloads Binaries for other platforms Debian Linux - preview packages for the 1.1 series:
[/url][url=] ( (also you can add this line to your apt.sources file: " deb ./ ") Debian Linux - older 1.0 official packages:
[/url][url=] ( Standalone Gtk# Installer for Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SDK
[/url][url=] ( Snapshots Daily test tarballs ( of the SVN repository are made almost daily. These are used to run daily tests ( These are not guaranteed to build, but have undergone a minimum sanity check in that the snapshot of the SVN repository from which they were generated was buildable on the test machine. The time when they become available is not predictable, and there are sometimes gaps of several days.
(obsolete for now) Nightly snapshots ( of the CVS repository are made every day at 10pm EST (Boston Time). These are not guaranteed to build, they are just a snapshot of the tree. (Note that these are of the older CVS repository, and unlikely to have any change since Oct 2004.)
The AnonSVN mirrors updated every 30 minutes.
Compilation For instructions on how to build Mono, please refer to the compiling page.
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