
Using the Debug Class

王朝asp·作者佚名  2006-01-10
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Using the Debug Class

During the testing of your application, you may find that when you are

stepping through code the application works fine, but when you run the

program straight through it does not work the way you expected. The reason

for this is that you can change the way your program runs by using the

debugger梩he fact that you're executing the code extremely slowly can

affect the behavior of the application! Instead of using the debugger to

test values, you may find it convenient to print those values to the

Immediate window.

You may print directly to the Output window (use the View, Other Windows,

Output menu item to display this window and select Debug from the drop-down

list at the top of the window) from within your application by executing

the Debug.Write or Debug.WriteLine method. The values placed into the

Immediate window using either of these methods will still be available in

Break or Design mode. It can be useful to see those values without having

to enter Break mode and thereby possibly change the execution of your

program. You'll most likely use the WriteLine method of the Debug object,

simply sending the method a string to display in the Output window, like


Debug.WriteLine("Now executing btnStart_Click()")


The Output window can display both Build and Debug information. Make sure

you select Debug from the drop-down list at the top of the window in order

to see the Debug.WriteLine output.

To illustrate these points, make sure DebugForm.aspx is the start page for

the sample project, run the project, and select Debug Class on the Web

page. Clicking this button loads a Web Form named DebugEvents.aspx. This

form includes several calls to the Debug.WriteLine method in several

different event procedures. This page illustrates the use of the

Debug.WriteLine method and also gives you an idea of which events are fired

when a Web Form loads and unloads. Figure 9.23 shows some of the sample

output from these Debug.WriteLine method calls.

Figure 9.23. Sample output from DebugEvents Web Form.


If you're a VB6 developer, you may be used to the output from the Debug

class going into the Immediate window. Look there all you like in Visual

Studio .NET, but you won't find what you're looking for. This content now

goes to the Output window instead.

Listing 9.1 shows part of the code that creates the output shown in Figure


Listing 9.1 The Example Uses This Code to Help Demonstrate Debugging


Private Sub Page_Load( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.Load

'Put user code to initialize the page here


End Sub

Private Sub Page_PreRender( _

ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.PreRender


End Sub

Private Sub Page_Unload( _

ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.Unload


End Sub

The Debug class has several methods you might find useful, in addition to

the WriteLine method. Table 9.4 describes some of the more common ones you

might use.

Table 9.4. Methods of the Debug Class Method Description

Assert Stops the program if the condition you pass to this method does not

evaluate to True. This method only works in the design mode: All Debug

statements are removed from the final compiled program.

Write Writes a value to the output window without a CRLF.

WriteLine Writes a value to the output window with a CRLF.

WriteIf Writes a value to the output window without a CRLF, if a specified

condition is true.

WriteLineIf Writes a value to the output window with a CRLF, if a

specified condition is true.

The Assert Method

The Debug.Assert method allows you to insert assertions in your code梩hat

is, debugging statements that display information into the Output window if

a specific condition isn't met. Debug.Assert is a powerful debugging tool

in that it allows you to ensure that you've passed correct parameters to a

procedure or that a variable always contains a specific value or range of

values. Some programmers insist that you shouldn't program an application

without using the Debug.Assert method scattered throughout your whole

application anytime you make any type of assumption about the current state

of parameters of variables. The following code shows how you might check to

see whether a number typed into a text box was typed in correctly:

Private Sub AssertSample()

Dim intNum As Integer

intNum = CInt(Val(txtNumber.Text))

Debug.Assert(intNum >= 0 And intNum <= 5, _

"Number must be between 0 and 5")

End Sub

If you run this code and enter 6 into the text box on sample form

(DebugClass.aspx), the assertion will return False. The .NET runtime will

display a message into the Output window like the one shown in Figure 9.24.

Figure 9.24. Debug.Assert displays information like this into the Output

window when the assertion fails.


Debug.Assert isn't normally used to validate input, as you've seen here.

The validation controls provided by ASP.NET do a better job at that. We've

purposefully selected a simple example here, just to demonstrate how you

might use Debug.Assert. Normally, you'd use Debug.Assert to verify that the

data sent to a procedure meets certain criteria that you just assume梖or

example, that a string isn't too long or that a value that shouldn't be

zero is, in fact, not equal to zero.

The WriteLineIf Method

If you only wish to write a line to the Output window when a specified

condition is true, you can use the WriteLineIf method of the Debug class.

For example, the sample page uses code like the following to check a

condition before writing information to the Output window:

Private Sub WriteLineIfSample()

Dim intNum As Integer

intNum = CInt(txtNumber.Text)

Debug.WriteLineIf(intNum >= 0 And intNum <= 5, _

"You input a correct number")

End Sub


If you want to dig a little deeper, you'll find that the Debug class (and

its cousin, the Trace class) are far more powerful than you've seen here.

Each of these classes relies on the concept of "listener" objects梩hat is,

objects that "listen" for output and collect the output for display. By

default, the only listener for the Debug class is the Output window.

Without too much effort, you can create listeners that write output to a

text file or to the Windows Event Log. Although doing this work is beyond

the scope of this material, you can check out the Debug class in the online

help for information on creating other listeners.

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