
Conditional Compilation

王朝asp·作者佚名  2006-01-10
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Conditional Compilation

Although debugging techniques can help you iron out problems in your code,

you may want to simply add chunks of code at compile time (if you're

currently in the debugging phase of your project) or remove the same chunks

when you release your code. Conditional compilation makes it possible to

add and remove chunks from the executable.

Conditional compilation relies on compiler directives in your code that

indicate to the compiler, as it's compiling your code, how it should use

the code. Compiler directives are #If statements that direct the compiler

as to which code it should leave in and which code it should leave out. For

example, you might wish to put debugging code in your application, but when

you create a final compile, you don't want the debugging code to be there.

Or maybe you wish to take out the code for certain features if you are

creating a demo version of your product.

To use conditional compilation, you will first need to declare a compiler

constant. You declare then using the #Const statement. Each constant is

given a unique name and assigned a value. Once these constants are

declared, you can use them within an #If… #End If block. As you'll see,

there are several ways to define conditional compilation constants.

Declaring a File-Level Compiler Constant

You can declare a compiler constant anywhere within a file in your program.

That compiler constant is then available anywhere within that file. It does

not matter whether you place the constant declaration at the top of the

file, within a defined class, or within a procedure, it will still be

available throughout the whole file. For example, the sample page

DebugForm.aspx defines the following constant at the top of its code-behind


#Const DEMO = True

Using Conditional Compilation Constants

To create a compiler directive, use the #If… #End If construct. You might,

for example, want to include one block of code for demo versions of your

application and different code for retail versions, like this:

Private Sub ConditionalSample()

#If DEMO Then

lblMessage.Text = "Demo version"


lblMessage.Text = "Retail version"

#End If

End Sub


You may be wondering why you'd use conditional compilation rather than

simple conditional statements in your code. One good reason is that you may

have large blocks of code that are different for two versions of your

application. There's no reason to load both sets of code when they're

mutually exclusive. Instead, you can make the choice as to which block you

want to include at compile time (not at runtime) using conditional


Unlike a normal If statement, the #If statement actually removes the unused

code as it compiles. This leads to a reduced application size in memory and

prevents unnecessary or unwanted code being deployed as part of the

application. For the preceding example, the compiler will actually only see

the following code (assuming that the DEMO constant is set to True):

Private Sub ConditionalSample()

lblMessage.Text = "Demo version"

End Sub


Visual Studio .NET provides two built-in compile-time constants: DEBUG and

TRACE. By default, they're both defined for you (although you can modify

this behavior using the Project Properties dialog box). The DEBUG constant

is defined to be True when you are compiling a Debug build of your program.

(You can choose what type of build you are making by selecting Build,

Configuration Manager from the menu bar and then choosing either the Debug

or Release version. Once you set your application to build as Release, the

Debug constant is set to False.) The TRACE constant allows you to control

runtime tracing of your application.

Declaring a Global Compiler Constant

To declare a compiler constant that can be used throughout your whole

application, select the project within the Solution Explorer window,

right-click, and select Properties from the context menu. On the Property

Pages dialog box, select Configuration Properties, Build. Figure 9.25 shows

the Property Pages dialog box.

Figure 9.25. Use this property page to set compile-time constants.

In the Custom Constants text box, enter the constant name, an equal sign,

and the value to assign. (Compile-time constants follow the same naming

rules as any other Visual Basic .NET variables.)

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