
政制及选举事务用词 2

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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cabinet 内阁

call for nomination 吁请提名

call to order 要求遵守规则;宣布开会

campaign 运动;活动

campaign assistant 竞选助理

campaign expenditure 竞选开支

campaign funding 竞选经费

campaign literature 竞选刊物

campaign material 宣传物品

campaign paper 竞选文件

campaign partner 竞选伙伴

candidacy 候选人身分;候选人资格

candidate 候选人;竞选人;参选人

Candidate''s Consent to Nomination and Declarations 候选人提名同意书及声明书

candidature 候选人身分;候选人资格

canvasser 拉票人

canvassing 拉票活动

canvassing agent 拉票代理人

canvassing aide 助选团成员

capping 设定上限

casting vote 决定票;主席决定性一票

casual vacancy 临时空缺

categorical vote 决断票

catering subsector 饮食界界别分组

ceiling 上限

censure 谴责

central counting station 中央点票站

central government level 中央政府层面

central institutions of government 政府中央组织

Central People''s Government [China] 中央人民政府〔中国〕

Central Policy Unit 中央政策组

central regime 中央政权

centralized address system 集中处理地址资料的系统

certificate for posting of election communication 投寄选举函件证明书

cessation of office 停任

"Chairman, Electoral Affairs Commission" 选举管理委员会主席

"Chairman, Heung Yee Kuk" 乡议局主席

"Chairman, House Committee of the Provisional Legislative Council" 临时立法会内务委员会主席

"Chairman, Provisional Legislative Council" 临时立法会主席

"Chairman, Provisional Regional Council" 临时区域市政局主席

"Chairman, Provisional Urban Council" 临时市政局主席

"Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People''s Congress [China]" 全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长〔中国〕

chairman''s brief 主席备忘录

Charter of the United Nations 联合国宪章

check and balance 制衡作用;互相制衡

check digit [poll card] 核对编号〔投票通知卡〕

Chief Electoral Officer 总选举事务主任

"Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" 香港特别行政区行政长官

Chief Executive in Council 行政长官会同行政会议

Chief Judge of the High Court 高等法院首席法官

Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal 终审法院首席法官

Chief Returning Officer 总选举主任

Chief Secretary for Administration [formerly known as Chief Secretary] 政务司司长〔前称布政司〕

Chinese medicine subsector 中医界界别分组

Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference [CPPCC] 中国人民政治协商会议〔全国政协〕

Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference subsector 中国人民政治协商会议界别分组

Chung Hwa Travel Service [of Taiwan] 中华旅行社〔台湾机构〕

circulation paper 传阅文件

citizen 公民

Citizens Party [CP] 民权党

civic awareness 公民意识

civic consciousness 公民意识

civic education 公民教育

civic education body 公民教育组织

Civic Education Resource Centre 公民教育资源中心

civic rights and responsibilities 公民权利及责任

Civil Force 公民力量

Clerk to the Executive Council 行政会议秘书〔前称行政局秘书〕

Clerk to the Provisional Legislative Council 临时立法会秘书〔前称立法局秘书〕

clique 小派别

close of session 会期终结

closed-door discussion 闭门会谈

closing speech [National People''s Congress] 闭幕词〔全国人民代表大会〕

coalition 联盟

coat-tail effect 凭借作用;联票效应

code reference number 参考代号

collective responsibility 集体负责制

combined polling arrangement 合并投票安排

"Commander, People''s Liberation Army Military Force in Hong Kong Special Administration Region" 中国解放军驻香港特别行政区部队司令员

commercial (first) functional constituency 商界(第一)功能界别

commercial (first) subsector 商界(第一)界别分组

commercial (second) functional constituency 商界(第二)功能界别

commercial (second) subsector 商界(第二)界别分组

Commission on Human Rights 人权委员会

Commission on Youth 青年事务委员会

"Commissioner, Assessment Office [1984]" 民意审核专员〔一九八四年〕

Commissioner for Oaths 监誓官

"Commissioner, Survey Office [1987]" 民意汇集专员〔一九八七年〕

committal [bill] 付委〔法案〕

Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [National People''s Congress] [China] 香港特别行政区基本法委员会〔全国人民代表大会〕〔中国〕

committee of the whole Council [Provisional Legislative Council] 全体委员会〔临时立法会〕

Committee on Members'' Allowances [Provisional Legislative Council Commission] 立法会议员津贴事宜委员会〔临时立法会行政管理委员会〕

Committee on Members'' Interests [Provisional Legislative Council] 议员个人利益监察委员会〔临时立法会〕

Committee on Rules of Procedure [Provisional Legislative Council] 议事规则委员会〔临时立法会〕

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 消除种族歧视委员会

Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education 公民教育委员会

committee paper 会议文件

committee report 委员会报告

committee stage [Provisional Legislative Council] 委员会审议阶段〔临时立法会〕

committee stage amendment 委员会审议阶段修订建议

common law 普通法

community identity 社区独特性

community organizer 社区干事

Community Participation Scheme 公民教育活动资助计划

Community Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects 人权教育活动资助计划

Community Relations Department [ICAC] 社区关系处〔廉政公署〕

community sensitivity 社区感

company voter 团体投票人

compartment 分隔间

compendium 民意汇集文件

competent authority 主管当局;主管部门

Complaints Committee [Electoral Affairs Commission] 投诉处理会〔选举管理委员会〕

comprehensive consultation 全面咨询

compromise candidate 在妥协情况下产生的候选人

compulsory registration 强制登记

compulsory voting 强制投票

concern group 关注团体

confidential diplomatic exchange 机密外交往还

confidential paper 机密文件

confidential session 机密会议

conflict of interest 利益冲突

conflicting loyalties 双重效忠

confrontational politics 对抗式政治

congress 国会;议会

conjoin debate 联会辩论

consensus 共识;一致意见;共同意见

consensus candidate 协商产生的候选人

consent by a candidate for nomination 候选人同意提名

Consent of Support 支持同意书

consequential amendment 相应修订

consolidated legislation 综合法例

conspiracy theorist 阴谋论者

constituency 选区;选举界别

constituency boundary 选区分界

constituency demarcation plan 选区划分图

constituent representative body 组别代表团体

constituted by election 由选举产生

constitution 宪制;宪法

Constitution of the Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议章程

Constitution of the People''s Republic of China 《中华人民共和国宪法》

Constitutional Affairs Bureau [formerly known as Constitutional Affairs Branch] [Government Secretariat] 政制事务局〔前称宪制事务科〕〔政府总部〕

Constitutional Affairs Policy Group 政制事务政策小组

constitutional convention 宪法惯例

constitutional legislature 符合宪法的立法机构

constitutional presumption 宪法推断

construction of laws 法例的释疑

consular corps 领事团

consular protection 领事保护

consultation 咨询;协商;征询意见

consultation paper 咨询文件

consultation period 咨询期

consultation system 咨询制度

consultative and advisory body 咨询组织

consultative committee 咨询委员会;顾问委员会

consultative system 咨询制度

contested election 有竞逐的选举

contiguous area 毗连的区域

continuity 延续性;持续性;连续性

continuity of the legislature 立法机构的延续

convener 召集人

"Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [United Nations]" 《禁止酷刑和其它残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》〔联合国〕

Convention of the Rights of the Child [United Nations] 《儿童权利公约》〔联合国〕

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW] 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》

convergence 衔接

conviction on indictment 循公诉程序定罪

co-operative partnership 伙伴关系

Co-operative Resources Centre [CRC] [dissolved in March 1993] 启联资源中心〔启联〕〔一九九三年三月解散〕

co-opted member 增选委员

co-ordinating committee 统筹委员会

corporate elector 团体选民

corporate member 团体成员

corporate voter 团体投票人

corporate voting 法团投票;团体投票

Corrective Declaration of Election Advertisements 修订选举广告声明书

corresponding subsector 对等界别分组

Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinances [Cap. 288] 《舞弊及非法行为条例》〔第288章〕

corrupt practice 舞弊行为

corruption 贪污;舞弊

Corruption Prevention Department [ICAC] 防止贪污处〔廉政公署〕

Council Agenda Item Book 临时立法会议程事项登记册

Council Business Division 议会事务部

Counsel to the Provisional Legislative Council 临时立法会法律顾问

count 点票

counted ballot paper 已点算的选票

counterfoil [ballot paper] 存根〔选票〕

countermanding of an election 撤销选举

counting agent 监察点票代理人

counting centre 点票中心

counting machine 点票机

counting of votes 点票;点算选票

Counting Officer 点票助理员

counting procedure 点票程序

counting staff 点票站工作人员

counting station 点票站

Counting Supervisor 点票主任

counting zone 点票区

Court of Appeal of the High Court 高等法院上诉法庭

Court of Final Appeal 终审法院

Court of First Instance of the High Court 高等法院原讼法庭

credibility 公信力

cross border 跨境

cross boundary 跨界

cross membership 共同成员

cross-authorization 互相授权

cross-border liaison meeting 边境联络会议

current term of office 现届任期

custody and control 保管及掌管

customary law 习惯法;习俗法

decentralization 地方分权化

Decision of the National People''s Congress on the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People''s Republic of China 《全国人民代表大会关于中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法的决定》

Decision of the National People''s Congress on the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 《全国人民代表大会关于设立香港特别行政区的决定》

Decision of the National People''s Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 《全国人民代表大会关于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的决定》

decision-making power 决定权

Declaration of Constituencies (Districts) Order 1994 《1994年选区(地区)宣布令》

Declaration of Constituencies (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under 134 of 1997] 《1997年选区(立法会)宣布令》〔根据1997年第134号订立〕

Declaration of Election Advertisements 选举广告声明书

declaration of interest 申报利益关系;表明立场

Declaration of Secrecy 保密声明书

Declaration of the Government of the People''s Republic of China on the Territorial Sea 《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》

declaratory interest 须申报的利益

declared area 已宣布区域

declared elected 宣布当选

defamation 诽谤

defence affairs 国防事务;防务问题

defence and public order 防务与治安;防务与公共秩序

defence estates 军用土地房产;军用房屋土地

defence land 军事用地

defence responsibilities 防务责任

defensive question and answer 答问资料;补充答问;备用答问资料

definitive roll 确定的名册

delegation 转委〔职能〕;转授〔权力〕

delineation 划定

delineation of constituencies 选区划界

demarcation 分界;划定;划分

demarcation criteria 划定选区分界的准则

demarcation exercise 划界工作

demarcation of boundaries 划定分界

demarcation of constituencies 划分选区

demarcation of constituency boundaries 划定选区分界;划分选区范围;划定选区分界

democracy 民主

Democracy Forum 民主台

Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong [DAB] 民主建港联盟〔民建联〕

democratic development 民主发展

democratic government 民主政府;民主政制

democratic participation 民主参与

Democratic Party [DP] 民主党

democratic supervision 民主监督

democratization 民主发展;民主进程

demographic trend 人口分布发展趋向

departure from the population quota 偏离人口配额

dependent territory 属土

deposit 按金;保证金

Deputies Credentials Committee [Standing Committee of the National People''s Congress] 代表资格审查委员会〔全国人大常务委员会〕

Deputy Presiding Officer 副投票站主任

Deputy Secretary for Constitutional Affairs 政制事务局副局长〔前称副宪制事务司〕

dereliction of duty 职

designated body 指定团体

designated officer 指定人员

designated spot [election advertisement] 指定展示位置〔选举广告〕

designation of polling stations 指定投票站

determine by a majority of votes 以多数票表决

devolution 权力下放

diplomatic contact 外交接触

direct election 直接选举

direct popular election 直接普选

directly-elected member 直接选举产生的民选议员;直选议员

directly-elected seat 直接选举产生的议席;直选议席

disclose an interest 公开利益关系

discussion paper 讨论文件

disenfranchise 使失去投票权

dismissal 罢免;撤除

disposal of ballot papers 选票的处置

disqualification from registration 取消登记资格

disqualification of a candidate 候选人丧失资格

disqualification of a voter 取消选民资格

dissenting views 反对意见

dissenting vote 反对票

dissolution 解散

Distribution of Number of Members Among Designated Bodies (Election Committee) (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under 134 of 1997] 《1997年在指定团体之间分配的委员数目(选举委员会)(立法会)令》〔根据1997年第134号订立〕

district administration 地方行政

District Administration Scheme 地方行政计划

District Affairs Adviser 区事顾问

District Board 区议会

District Board election 区议会选举

District Board electoral boundary 区议会选区分界

District Committee 地区委员会

District Council 区域议会

district counting centre 地区点票中心

district court 区域法院〔前称地方法院〕

district integrity 地区整体性

district level 地区层面

District Management Committee 地区管理委员会

District Office 民政事务处〔前称政务处〕

District Officer 民政事务专员〔前称政务专员〕

district organization 区域组织

district-based constituency 按地区划分的选区

divergence 不衔接

division 点名表决

division bell 表决钟声

donation 捐赠;捐款

donation in kind 实物抵付形式的捐赠

donkey vote 胡乱投票

door-to-door visit 逐户访问

double ballot system 两次投票制

double counting 重复计算

double representation 双重代表

double vote 双票

double voting 双重投票

double voting right 双重投票权

double-member constituency 双议席选区;双议席选举组别

double-seat constituency 双议席选区;双议席选举组别

"""double-seat double-vote"" system" “双议席双票”制

draft 拟稿;草案

draft legislation 草拟法例;法例草案

draft resolution 决议草案

drafting committee 起草委员会

draftsman 草拟人员

duly elected 正式当选

duly nominated candidate 正式提名的候选人

Education Action Group 教育行动组

education subsector 教育界界别分组

educational functional constituency 教育界功能界别

elected legislature 由选举产生的立法机关

elected member 民选议员

elected representation 民选代议制度

elected seat 民选议席

"elected, the" 当选者

elected uncontested 在无对手情况下当选;没有对手而当选

elected unopposed 在无对手情况下当选;没有对手而当选

election 选举

election advertisement 选举广告

election agent 选举代理人

election assistant 选举助理

election broadcasting 竞选广播

election campaigning 竞选活动

Election Committee 选举委员会

Election Committee ballot paper 选举委员会选票

Election Committee counting zone 选举委员会点票区

Election Committee final register 选举委员会正式登记册

Election Committee polling station 选举委员会投票站

Election Committee subsector 选举委员会界别分组

Election Committee subsector election 选举委员会界别分组选举

Election Committee sub-subsector election 选举委员会小组选举

election communication 选举函件;竞选刊物

election corruption 选举舞弊

election cycle 选举周期

election date 选举日期

election day 投票日;选举日

election deposit 选举按金

Election Enquiry Hotline [ICAC] 选举查询热线〔廉政公署〕

election expense agent 选举开支代理人

election expenses 选举开支

election expenses limit 选举开支限额

election forum 选举论坛

election loan fund 选举贷款基金

election material 竞选资料

election meeting 选举会议

election notice 选举公告

election petition 选举呈请;选举呈请书

election platform 竞选政纲

election poll 选举民意调查

election procedure 选举程序

election proceedings 选举程序

election process 选举程序

election publication 竞选刊物

election publicity campaign 选举宣传运动

election related document.nbsp与选举有关的文件

election result 选举结果

Election Special 《选举特刊》

election statement 竞选声明

electioneering 竞选活动;助选活动;拉票活动

electioneering activity 竞选活动;助选活动;拉票活动

electioneering material 竞选资料

electioneering team 助选团

elector 选民

Electoral Affairs Commission [EAC] 选举管理委员会〔选管会〕

Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Legislative Council) Regulation [129 of 1997] 《选举管理委员会(选举程序)(立法会)规例》〔1997年第129条〕

Electoral Affairs Commission (Nominations Advisory Committees) Regulation [129 of 1997] 《选举管理委员会(提名顾问委员会)规例》〔1997年第129号〕

Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance [129 of 1997] 《选举管理委员会条例》〔1997年第129号〕

Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration) (Electors for Functional Constituencies) (Voters for Subsectors) (Members of Election Committee) (Legislative Council) Regulation [129 of 1997] 《选举管理委员会(登记)(功能界别选民)(界别分组投票人)(选举委员会委员)(立法会)规例》〔1997年第129条〕

Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration of Electors) (Geographical Constituencies) (Legislative Council) Regulation [129 of 1997] 《选举管理委员会(选民登记)(地方选举)(立法会)规例》〔1997年第129号〕

Electoral Affairs Commission Secretariat 选举管理委员会秘书处

Electoral and Registration System [EARS] 选民登记计算机系统

electoral area 选举区域

electoral arrangements 选举安排

Electoral Arrangements for 1994-95 Compendium of Proposals [1993] 一九九四及九五年选举安排建议集录〔一九九三年〕

Electoral Arrangements for 1994-95 Compendium of Proposals: Supplement [1993] 一九九四及九五年选举安排建议集录:补篇〔一九九三年〕

electoral boundary map 选区分界地图

electoral bribery 选举贿赂行为

electoral college 选举团

electoral constituency 选区

electoral division 选举分组

electoral document.nbsp选举文件

electoral franchise 选举权

electoral law 选举法

electoral machinery 选举机构;选举方法

electoral matter 选举事项

electoral offence 选举中的违法行为

Electoral Officer 选举事务主任

electoral package 选举方案

electoral paper 选举文件

electoral policy 选举政策

electoral procedure 选举程序

electoral process 选举程序;选举过程

electoral provision 选举规定

electoral record 选民记录

electoral register 选民登记册

Electoral Registration Officer 选举登记主任

electoral roll 选民名册

electoral system 选举制度

electorate 选民范围;全体选民;选民;选民人数

electronic voting system 电子表决系统

eligible elector 符合资格的选民;合资格选民

elimination count 淘汰点票

elimination criteria 淘汰准则

emergnecy session [Provisional Legislative Council] 紧急会议〔临时立法会〕

Employers'' Federation of Hong Kong subsector 香港雇主联合会界别分组

empower 授权

en masse removal 全体撤换

enabling legislation 赋权法例

enact 制定

enacting formula 法案制定程序

enacting provision 制定语式条文

enactment 成文法则

endorse 批注;批签;通过

endorsement 批注

enfranchise 授予投票权

engineering functional constituency 工程界功能界别

engineering subsector 工程界界别分组

entitlement to vote 投票权

Equal Opportunities Commission 平等机会委员会

equal representation 平等代表权;具同等代表性

equal suffrage 平等选举权

“equal time” principle [election broadcasting] “平等时间”原则〔竞选广播〕

equality of votes 票数均等;相同票数

equity 衡平法

Estimates of Election Expenses 选举开支预算

European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 《欧洲保障人权与基本自由公约》

European Convention on Human Rights [Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms] 《欧洲人权公约》

evolutionary 循序渐进

executive arm 执行部门

executive authority 行政机关

Executive Council 行政会议〔前称行政局〕

Executive Council Memorandum 行政会议备忘录〔前称行政局备忘录〕

Executive Council proceedings 行政会议议事程序〔前称行政局议事程序〕

executive machinery 行政机关

executive order 行政命令

executive power 行政管理权

executive-led 行政主导

exercise of a power 行使权力

exhausted ballot paper 已用尽选择的选票

exhausted vote 失效选票

existing boundary 现有分界

exit poll 票站调查

ex-officio member 当然委员

expert group 专家小组

expert meeting 专家会议

expert report 专家报告

expert talk 专家会谈

expired provision 有效期已届满的条文

explanatory memorandum 摘要说明

explanatory note 注释

expository bill 解释草案

extended franchise 扩大的选民范围

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