
政制及选举事务用词 3

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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faction 派别

factual report 事实报告

fair and equal treatment 公平及平等待遇

fair copy 清稿

false claim of support 作出虚假的支持声称

false declaration 虚假声明

false majority 虚假多数票

false registration 虚假登记

false sponsorship 虚假赞助

false statement 虚假声明;失实声明

false statement about a candidate 有关候选人的虚假声明

false statement of withdrawal 退出竞选的虚假声明

federal government 联邦政府

federal system 联邦制

federation 联邦;联盟

Federation for the Stability of Hong Kong Limited 稳定香港协会有限公司

Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions [FLU] 港九劳工社团联会〔劳联〕

final register 正式选民登记册

final register of electors 正式选民登记册

Finance Committee [Provisional Legislative Council] 财务委员会〔临时立法会〕

finance functional constituency 金融界功能界别

finance subsector 金融界界别分组

financial accountability 财政责任

financial autonomy 财政自主权;财政自主;财政独立

financial provision 财政条文

financial services functional constituency 金融服务界功能界别

financial services subsector 金融服务界界别分组

financing arrangement 财务安排

First Legislative Council Election of the HKSAR in 1998: Brief Note on Electoral Arrangements 《一九九八年香港特别行政区第一届立法会选举安排重点》

first poll 第一次投票

"""first post the post"" voting system" “得票最多者当选”投票制

first preference vote 第一选择票

first provisional register 首份临时选民登记册

first reading 首读

first-choice candidate 第一选择候选人

fiscal policy 财政政策

fiscal reserves 财政储备

flat rate 划一比率

for decision 提交决定

for discussion 提交讨论;以供讨论

for information 提交参考;备考;以供参阅

for noting 提交省览;以供省览

for ratification 提交考虑通过;提交通过

for reference 提交参考;以供参考

formal diplomatic relation 正式外交关系

former political figure 原政界人士

four-sector Election Committee 由四个界别组成的选举委员会

framework 架构;纲领;范围

franchise 投票权;选举权;选民范围

fraudulent voting 欺诈性投票

"""free lunch"" policy" “免费午餐”政策

free postage [election advertisement] 免费投寄〔选举广告〕

freedom of expression 发表意见的自由;表达思想的自由

freedom of information 信息自由

freedom of the press 新闻自由

"freedom of thought, conscience and religion" 思想、信念及宗教自由

free-standing agreement 独立签署的协议

"Frontier, The" 前

full age 成年

fully directly elected Legislative Council 全部由直选议员组成的立法会

function 职能

functional body 功能团体

functional constituencies final register 功能界别正式选民登记册

functional constituency 功能界别〔前称功能组别〕

functional constituency ballot paper 功能界别选票

functional constituency election 功能界别选举〔前称功能组别选举〕

functional constituency system 功能界别制度

fundamental policy 基本方针政策

Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People''s Republic of China 《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》

general election 换届选举

General Electoral Roll 选民总名册

general revenue 政府一般收入

geographical constituencies final register 地方选区正式选民登记册

geographical constituency 地方选区

geographical constituency ballot paper 地方选区选票

geographical constituency boundary 地方选区分界

geographical constituency counting zone 地方选区点票站

geographical constituency election 地方选区选举

geographical constituency elector 地方选区选民

geographical constituency polling station 地方选区投票站

geographical constituency seat 地方选区议席

geographical election 地区选举;分区选举

geographical representation element 地区代表制的成分

geographical seat 地区选举产生的议席;地区议席

geographically based election 按地区划分的选举

gerrymander 选区划分不公

Gold Bauhinia Star [GBS] 金紫荆星章

good ballot paper 好票

government by consultation and consensus 咨询与共识并重的政制

Government Counsel [formerly known as Crown Counsel] 政府律师〔前称检察官〕

Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette 香港特别行政区政府宪报

Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette Extraordinary 香港特别行政区政府宪报号外

government property 政府财产

Government Secretariat 政府总部〔前称布政司署〕

government structure 政府架构

government system 政府体制;行政制度

gradual and orderly approach 循序渐进方式

Grand Bauhinia Medal [GBM] 大紫荆勋章

grand electoral college 大选举团

grass-roots representative 基层代表

grass-roots sector 基层界

green paper 绿皮书

Green Paper on A Pattern of District Administration in Hong Kong [1980] 《香港地方行政的模式绿皮书》〔一九八零年〕

Green Paper on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men [1993] 《男女平等机会绿皮书》〔一九九三年〕

Green Paper: The 1987 Review of Developments in Representative Government 《绿皮书:一九八七年代议政制发展检讨》

Green Paper: The Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong [1984] 《代议政制绿皮书──代议政制在香港的进一步发展》〔一九八四年〕

groups with related interests 有相关利益的团体

guideline 指引;指南

Guidelines for Mutual Aid Committees 《互助委员会参与助选活动事宜指引》

Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the 1998 Legislative Council Elections 《一九九八年立法会选举活动指引》

guiding principle 指导原则

Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra-judicial document. in Civil and Commercial Matters [1965] 《关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书的海牙公约》〔一九六五年〕

handbill 传单

Handover Ceremony 交接仪式

Handover Ceremony Co-ordination Office 交接仪式统筹处

Hansard 《香港议事录》

Hare Quota [of votes] 黑尔选举限额〔选票〕

health services functional constituency 生服务界功能界别

health services subsector 生服务界界别分组

Heung Yee Kuk 乡议局

Heung Yee Kuk functional constituency [formerly known as Rural functional constituency] 乡议局功能界别〔前称乡事界功能组别〕

Heung Yee Kuk subsector 乡议局界别分组

High Court 高等法院

high degree of autonomy 高度自治权

higher education subsector 高等教育界界别分组

higher preference 较优先选择

Home Affairs Bureau [formerly known as Home Affairs Branch] [Government Secretariat] 民政事务局〔前称政务科〕〔政府总部〕

home visit programme 家访计划

Hong Kong Affairs Adviser 港事顾问

Hong Kong Affairs Society Limited 太平山学会有限公司

Hong Kong Alliance of Chinese and Expatriates 香港中外联盟

Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office [China] 国务院港澳办公室〔中国〕

Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People''s Livelihood [ADPL] 香港民主民生协进会〔民协〕

Hong Kong belonger 香港本土人士

Hong Kong Belongers Association Limited 香港协进会有限公司

Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance [Cap. 383] 《香港人权法案条例》〔第383章〕

Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association subsector 香港中国企业协会界别分组

Hong Kong Citizen Forum 港人论坛

Hong Kong Civic Association 香港公民协会

Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions [CTU] 香港职工会联盟〔职工盟〕

Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance [Cap. 484] 《香港终审法院条例》〔第484章〕

Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Rules [Cap. 484] 《香港终审法院规例》〔第484章〕

Hong Kong Democratic Foundation 香港民主促进会〔民主会〕

Hong Kong deputy to the National People''s Congress 全国人民代表大会香港地区代表〔香港地区全国人大代表〕

Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions [FTU] 香港工会联合会〔工联会〕

Hong Kong Observers Limited 香港观察社有限公司

Hong Kong Parliamentary Academic Society 香港议会学会

Hong Kong People Construct 港人建港

"""Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy""" “港人治港,高度自治”

Hong Kong People''s Association 港人协会

Hong Kong permanent resident 香港永久性居民

Hong Kong Policy Viewers 香港政策透视

Hong Kong Progressive Alliance [HKPA] 香港协进联盟〔港进联〕

Hong Kong Prospect Institute 香港前景研究社

Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance [110 of 1997] 《香港回归条例》〔1997年第110号〕

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [HKSAR] 香港特别行政区

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day 香港特别行政区成立日

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Land Fund 香港特别行政区政府土地基金

honorarium 酬金

hotel subsector 酒店界界别分组

House Committee [Provisional Legislative Council] 内务委员会〔临时立法会〕

House Rules [Provisional Legislative Council] 内务守则〔临时立法会〕

human rights 人权

Human Rights Committee [United Nations] 人权事务委员会〔联合国〕

hypothetical delineation 假设分界

identity document.nbsp身分证明文件

illegal practice 非法行为

illiterate voter 不识字的选民

immunity 豁免权

impeachment 弹劾

import and export functional constituency 进出口界功能界别

import and export subsector 进出口界界别分组

in attendance 列席

in attendance as observer 以观察员身分列席

in attendance by invitation 应邀列席

inadvertent omission of printing details 疏忽遗漏印制资料

incidental matter 附带问题

inconclusive vote 无结果的表决

incumbent 在任的

incumbent councillor 现任议员

incur [election expenses] 招致〔选举开支〕

independent body 独立组织

independent candidate 独立候选人

independent commission 独立委员会

Independent Commission Against Corruption [ICAC] 廉政公署〔前称总督特派廉政专员公署〕

Independent Commission on Remuneration for Members of the Provisional Legislative Council 临时立法会议员薪津委员会

Independent Monitoring Team [Assessment Office] 特派监察团〔民意审核专员办事处〕

independent statutory authority 独立法定组织

indigenous resident of the New Territories 新界原居民

indirect election 间接选举

individual elector 个人选民

individual voting 个人投票

industrial (first) functional constituency 工业界(第一)功能界别

industrial (first) subsector 工业界(第一)界别分组

industrial (second) functional constituency 工业界(第二)功能界别

industrial (second) subsector 工业界(第二)界别分组

infant 幼年人

informal expert talk 非正式专家会议;非正式专家会谈

information paper 资料文件;参考文件

information technology functional constituency 信息科技界功能界别

information technology subsector 信息科技界界别分组

infringement 违反规定的行为

in-house meeting [Provisional Legislative Council] 内务会议〔临时立法会〕

initial 草签

initial question 初步问题

initial screening 初步甄选

inner cabinet 核心内阁

inspection of ballot paper 查阅选票

insurance functional constituency 保险界功能界别

insurance subsector 保险业界界别分组

interest group 关注团体

interim committee 临时委员会

interim report 中期报告;临时报告

internal consultation document.nbsp内部咨询文件

internal voting procedure 内部投票程序

International Commission of Jurists 国际法学家委员会

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》

"International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" 《经济、社会与文化权利的国际公约》

International Covenant on Human Rights 《国际人权公约》

international law 国际法

international rights and obligations 国际权利与义务

interpretation of laws 法例的释义

introductory leaflet 介绍单张

invalid nomination 提名无效

invalidated vote 废票

Joint Association of People''s Organizations for Promotion of Democracy 民间团体促进民主政制联会

joint committee 联合委员会

Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Basic Law of Hong Kong 基本法推介联席会议

Joint Committee on the Promotion of Democratic Government 民主政制促进联委会

Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People''s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong [Sino-British Joint Declaration] 《中华人民共和国政府和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府关于香港问题的联合声明》〔中英联合声明〕

joint election advertisement 联合选举广告

joint ticket 联票

Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court [formerly known as Judge of the High Court] 高等法院原讼法庭法官〔前称高等法院大法官〕

Judge of the District Court 区域法院法官〔前称地方法院法官〕

judicial interpretation 司法解释

judicial leader 司法统领

Judicial Oath 司法宣誓

judicial office 司法职位

judicial officer 司法人员

Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission 司法人员推荐委员会

judicial power 司法权

judicial remedy 司法补救

judicial review 司法审查〔中国〕;司法复核

judicial system 司法制度;司法体系

Judiciary 司法机构

Judiciary Administrator 司法机构政务长

jurisdiction 司法管辖权;司法管辖区

Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court [formerly known as Justice of Appeal] 高等法院上诉法庭法官〔前称上诉法院大法官〕

Justice of the Peace [JP] 太平绅士

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