
政制及选举事务用词 5

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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qualified elector 符合资格的选民

quarterly progress report 每季进度报告

quarterly review 每季检讨报告

quasi-judicial function 类似司法的职能

quasi-judicial nature 类似司法的性质

"""quasi-ministerial"" system" “类似部长制”制度

question 问题;质询;议题〔临时立法会〕

quorum 法定人数

quota 配额

quota of electors 选民限额

quota of votes 选票基数

ratify 互换批准书〔确认程序〕;通过

reading 宣读议案

real estate and construction functional constituency 地产及建造界功能界别

real estate and construction subsector 地产及建造界界别分组

recess 休会

reciprocal enforcement of arbitration awards 相互承认和执行仲裁裁决;相互执行仲裁裁决

reciprocal enforcement of judgements 相互执行判决

reciprocal judicial assistance 司法互助

reciprocal legislation 相互适用的法律

reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters 对等承认及执行民商事判决

recommittal [bill] 再付委〔法案〕

re-count 重新点票

re-election 竞选连任;改选;重选

referendum 全民投票;公民投票

referential legislation 参照性法例

Reform Club of Hong Kong 香港革新会

regional congress 地区级国会

Regional Council [RegCo] 区域市政局

Regional Council Area 区域市政局辖区

Regional Council functional constituency 区域市政局功能界别

regional emblem 区徽

regional flag 区旗

Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance [117 of 1997] 《区旗及区徽条例》〔1997年第117号〕

regional level 区域层面

register of electors 选民登记册

register of interests 利益登记表

Register of Members'' Interests [Provisional Legislative Council] 议员个人利益登记册〔临时立法会〕

registered body 注册团体

registered elector 登记选民

registered electorate 登记选民总数

registered residential address 登记住址

registrable interests [Provisional Legislative Council] 须予登记的个人利益〔临时立法会〕

"Registrar, High Court" 高等法院司法常务官〔前称最高法院司法常务官〕

Registration and Electoral Office [REO] 选举事务处

registration cycle 选民登记周期

registration exercise 选民登记运动;选民登记工作

registration form 选民登记表格

registration of electors 选民登记

registration of interests [Provisional Legislative Council] 个人利益登记〔临时立法会〕

Registration Officer 登记主任

registration period 选民登记期

registration procedure 登记程序

regulation of ballot 规管投票

Regulations of the People''s Republic of China Concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities 《中华人民共和国领事特权与豁免条例》

Regulations of the People''s Republic of China Concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities 《中华人民共和国外交特权与豁免条例》

regulatory authority 监管当局

regulatory framework 规管架构

reimbursement of election expenses 发还选举开支

rejected 不获接纳

rejected ballot paper 不获接纳的选票

rejection objected to 反对此选票不获接纳;选票不获接纳遭反对

relative majority 相对多数

relative majority system of counting 相对多数点票制

"relative majority system of voting [also known as ""first past the post"" voting system]" 相对多数选举制〔亦称“得票最多者当选”投票制〕

religious subsector 宗教界界别分组

remainder of valid votes 有效余票

repeal 废除

repeated ballot system 重复投票制度

reporting obligation 报告责任

representational arrangement 代表安排

representative body 代表机构

representative democracy 代议民主

representative government 代议政制;代议制政府

"Representative Government in Hong Kong [white paper, 1994]" 《香港代议政制》〔白皮书;一九九四年〕

representative institution 代议机制;代议政制机构

representative member [representative of Provisional District Board serving on the Provisional Urban Council or Provisional Regional Council] 代表议员〔出任临时市政局或临时区域市政局议员的临时区议会代表〕

representative organization 代表团体

reprimand 严厉谴责

re-registration 重新登记

residential population 居住人口

residential qualification 居留规定;居留资格

residential requirement for candidature 候选人的居港年期规定

resolution 决议;决议案

"Resolution on the Capital, Calendar, National Anthem and National Flag of the People''s Republic of China" 《关于中华人民共和国国都、纪年、国歌、国旗的决议》

Resolution on the National Day of the People''s Republic of China 《关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决议》

resolution procedure 决议程序

respondent to a petition 呈请书的答辩人;质询书的答辩人

restoration of draconian laws 还原恶法

restricted canvassing area 拉票管制区

restricted paper 祇限有关人士阅览的文件;限阅文件;祇限内部传阅的文件

restriction on candidacy 候选人资格的限制

restriction on voting right 限制选举权

retiring chairman 卸任主席

Return and Declaration of Election Expenses Already Incurred and Cross-authorization of Candidates on a List of Candidates in a Geographical Constituency Election 地方选区选举候选人名单内的候选人已招致的选举开支和互相授权之申报书及声明书

Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Donations 选举开支及接受选举捐赠之申报书及声明书

Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates 地方选区名单选举候选人开支及接受选举捐赠之申报书及声明书

Return of Election Deposit 发还选举按金表格

Returning Officer 选举主任

re-verification of ballot paper account 选票结算复核书

Revising Officer 审裁官

right of association 结社权利

right of privacy 隐私权

right to be voted 被选权

right to land 入境权

right to vote 投票权;选举权

rising vote 起立表决

rival candidate 竞选对手

roll-over arrangement [provisional register] “延续”安排〔临时选民登记册〕

rule by consensus 以大多数意见为依归

rule of collective responsibility 集体负责规则

rule of confidentiality 保密规则

rule of law 法治

rules of court 法院规则

Rules of Debate [Provisional Legislative Council] 辩论规则〔临时立法会〕

Rules of Order [Provisional Legislative Council] 会议规程〔临时立法会〕

Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [formerly known as Standing Orders of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong] 《香港特别行政区临时立法会议事规则》〔前称《香港立法局会议常规》〕

"Rules of the High Court, the" 《高等法院规则》

rural body 乡事组织

rural committee 乡事委员会

rural election 乡村选举

rural electoral system 乡村选举制度

salaried functionary 受薪官员

sample ballot paper 选票样本

sanction 制裁;谴责

saving provision 保留条文

scheme of control agreement 管制计划协议

scope of authority 权力范围

screening 甄选

screening of candidates 甄别候选人

scrutinize 审议

sealing certificate [ballot box] 封箱证〔投票箱〕

sealing device [ballot box] 封箱装置〔投票箱〕

seat 议席

second a motion 和议

second poll 第二次投票

second reading 二读

seconder 和议人;赞成人

secrecy of ballot 投票保密

secrecy of votes 投票保密

secret ballot 不记名投票

secret deal 秘密协议

secret session 秘密会议

Secretary for Constitutional Affairs 政制事务局局长〔前称宪制事务司〕

Secretary for Home Affairs 民政事务局局长〔前称政务司〕

Secretary for Home Affairs Incorporated 民政事务局局长法团

Secretary for Justice [formerly known as Attorney General] 律政司司长〔前称律政司〕

Secretary General of the Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat 临时立法会秘书处秘书长

sector 界;界别〔选举委员会〕

select committee [Provisional Legislative Council] 专责委员会〔临时立法会〕

Select Committee on Legislative Council Elections 立法会选举事宜专责委员会

Selection Committee [for recommending the candidate for the first Special Administrative Region Chief Executive] 推选委员会〔负责推举第一任特别行政区行政长官人选〕

self-determination 自决权

self-governed 自治

semi-official mission 半官方机构

semi-proportional voting system 半按比例投票制

Senior Representative [Sino-British Joint Liaison Group] 首席代表〔中英联合联络小组〕

sense of belonging 归属感

separation of powers 三权分立〔立法、行政、司法〕;分权而立;分权

servant of the Government 政府的受雇人

service voter 公职选民

session 会议;会期

short title 简称

show of hands 举手表决

Silver Bauhinia Star [SBS] 银紫荆星章

simple majority 过半数;简单多数

simple majority system of election 简单多数选举制

simple system of counting 简单点票制

simultaneous registration 同期进行登记

single candidate list 单人候选人名单

single candidate voting system 等额投票制

single constituency 单一选区

single nominee list 单人获提名人名单

single non-transferable vote system 不可转移单票制

"""single seat, single vote"" system" 单议席单票制

single transferable vote system 可转移单票制

single vote 单票

single-member constituency 单议席选区;单议席选举组别

single-member functional constituency 单议席功能界别

single-seat constituency 单议席选区;单议席选举组别

single-seat geographical constituency 单议席地方选区

Sino-British Joint Liaison Group [JLG] 中英联合联络小组〔联合联络小组〕

sitting time 会议时数

situation report [sitrep] 现况报告;情况报告

size of the electorate 选民人数;总选民人数

smooth transfer of government 政权顺利交接

smooth transition 顺利过渡;平稳过渡

Social Democratic Front 社会民主阵线

social welfare functional constituency 社会福利界功能界别

solicitation of treating 要求款待

sorting/counting zone 分票区/点票区

sound amplifying device 扬声器材

sovereign regime 宗主国政权

sovereign state 宗主国;主权国

sovereignty 主权

speaking note 说帖;发言讲稿

special committee [National People''s Congress] [China] 专门委员会〔全国人民代表大会〕〔中国〕

special count 特别点票

Special Finance Committee Meeting 财务委员会特别会议

special functional constituency 特别功能界别

special functional constituency polling station 特别功能界别投票站

special interest group 特殊利益组别

special polling station 特别投票站

special provision 特别规定

special session 特别会议

special supplement 特刊

specialist sub-group 专家小组

specific legislation 具体法例

specified address 指明地址

specified form 指明表格;指明格式

spent provision 已丧失时效的条文

sphere of interest 利益范围

spoilt ballot paper 损坏的选票

"sports, performing arts, culture and publication functional constituency" 体育、演艺、文化及出版界功能界别

"sports, performing arts, culture and publication subsector" 体育、演艺、文化及出版界界别分组

staggering terms of office 交错任期

Standard Form of Receipt for Donations 划一格式捐赠收据

Standard Form of Receipt for Donations to Individual Candidate on the Geographical Constituency List 捐赠地方选区个别名单候选人划一收据

Standard Form of Receipt for Donations to the Geographical Constituency List As a Whole 捐赠地方选区候选人名单的划一收据

standing committee 常设委员会

Standing Committee of the National People''s Congress [NPCSC] [China] 全国人民代表大会常务委员会〔全国人大常委会〕〔中国〕

standing order 会议常规;会议规程;常规

Standing Orders of the Provisional Regional Council 临时区域市政局会议常规

Standing Orders of the Provisional Urban Council 临时市政局会议规程

Star Chamber 高层资源会议

State Council [China] 国务院〔中国〕

State Council Decree [China] 国务院令〔中国〕

status quo 现状

statute 法规

statutory board 法定委员会;法定仲裁处

statutory body 法定团体;法定机构

statutory criteria 法定准则

statutory declaration 法定声明

statutory footing 法定地位

statutory obligation 法定责任

statutory offence 法定罪行

statutory public company 法定公营团体

statutory timetable 法定时间表

statutory tribunal 法定审裁处

statutory voter registration exercise 法定选民登记运动;法定选民登记工作

steering committee 指导委员会;督导委员会

"""stick-on"" poster" “粘贴式”海报

Stipulations for the Display and Use of the National Flag and National Emblem and the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem 关于展示及使用国旗、国徽及区旗、区徽的规定

sub-committee 小组委员会

submission date 提交日期

subregion 分区

subscribe [nomination of candidates] 签署为提名人

subscriber 签署人

subsector 界别分组

subsector election 界别分组选举

subsector final register 界别分组正式投票人登记册

subsector provisional register 界别分组临时投票人登记册

subsector register 界别分组投票人登记册

subsidiary legislation 附属法例;附例

substantial connection 密切关系

substantive motion 主体议案

substitute resolution 替代的决议

sub-subsector 小组

successful candidate 当选者

suffrage 选举权;投票权

summary of donations 捐赠摘要

summary record 摘要记录

summer recess 夏季休会

supervisory role 监督功能;监督作用

supplement to the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette 香港特别行政区政府宪报副刊

supplementary list 补充名单

supplementary question 补充问题

supplementary report to the United Nations 提交联合国定期报告的补充资料

support a motion 支持动议

Support Clean Elections [ICAC] 《维护廉洁选举》〔廉政公署〕

surplus vote 剩余票

Survey Office [1987] 民意汇集处〔一九八七年〕

Survey Research Hong Kong Limited [SRH] 香港市场研究社

suspensive veto 暂时否决权

swear 宣誓

swearing-in 宣誓就职

symposium 座谈会

synopsis 提要;提纲

synoptic table 一览表

system of administration 行政制度

system of consultative government 咨询政制

system of geographical representation 按地区推举代表的制度

system of proportional representation 比例代表制;比例代议制

system of representation 代议制度

system of representative government 代议政制

table 提交……省览

tendered ballot paper 重复的选票

tenure 任期

tenure of office 任期

term of office 任期

terms of reference 职权;职责范围

territorial integrity 领土完整

territorial population 全港人口

textiles and garment functional constituency 纺织及制衣界功能界别

textiles and garment subsector 纺织及制衣界界别分组

third reading 三读

three tiers of representative government 代议政制三层议会

three-tier councils 三层议会

three-tier government structure 三层政府架构

through train 直通车

tie of votes 票数相等

"""tie-on"" poster" “绑结式”海报

tourism functional constituency 旅游界功能界别

tourism subsector 旅游界界别分组

transfer of sovereignty 主权移交

transfer of votes 转移选票

transient population 流动人口;暂住人口

transport functional constituency 航运交通界功能界别

transport subsector 航运交通界界别分组

"""tripartite"" constituency" 由三区组成的选区

triple-member functional constituency 三议席功能界别

turn-out rate of electors 投票率

two-tier system 两层架构

ultra vires 越权;在权限以外

unanimous vote 全票

unconstitutional 违宪

uncontested election 无竞争的选举;无对手的选举

under-representation 代议机会不足

Undertaking on the Use of Electoral Records 使用选民登记册资料承诺书

undue influence [voting] 不正当的影响〔投票〕

unicameral 单议院制

unissued ballot paper 未予发出的选票

United Democrats of Hong Kong [UDHK] [merged with Meeting Point to form Democratic Party in 1994] 香港民主同盟〔港同盟〕〔一九九四年与汇点合并组成民主党〕

universal franchise 普选权

universal suffrage 普选;普选权

unlawful expenditure 非法开支

unliquidated liabilities 未决算法律责任

unmarked ballot paper 未经填划的选票

unofficial member 非官方议员

unspent donation 未用捐款

unused ballot paper 未用的选票;未予使用的选票

urban area 市区;市区范围

Urban Council [UC] 市政局

Urban Council Area 市政局辖区

Urban Council functional constituency 市政局功能界别

vacancy 悬空席位

vacancy in membership 议席空缺

valid vote 有效选票;有效票

validly nominated candidate 获有效提名的候选人

verbatim record of proceedings 会议过程的逐字记录

verification of a ballot paper account 选票结算核实书

vested interests 既得利益

veto 否决

vetting exercise 审核工作

village representative 村代表

voice vote 口头表决

void for uncertainty 有疑问而作废

voluntary voter registration system 选民自愿登记制度

vote 表决;投票;选票

vote across constituencies 越区投票

vote across lists 越单投票

vote buying 买票

vote by ballot 投票表决;投票选举

vote by mail 以邮递方式投票

vote by open ballot 以记名投票方式表决;以记名投票方式选举

vote by post 以邮递方式投票

vote by proxy 委派代表投票;委派他人代为投票

vote by roll call 点名表决

vote by secret ballot 以不记名投票方式表决;以不记名投票方式选举

vote by show of hands 举手表决

vote of censure 谴责票

vote of confidence 信任票

vote of non-confidence 不信任票

vote planting 种票

vote rigging 操纵选票

vote switching 转换选票

vote-counting method 点票方法

voter 投票人〔界别分组〕;选民

voter register 选民登记册

voter registration 选民登记

voter registration campaign 选民登记运动

voter registration drive 选民登记运动

voter registration exercise 选民登记运动;选民登记工作

voter registration rate 选民登记率

Voter Registration Week 选民登记家访周

voter turnout 投票人数

voter turnout rate 投票率

voting 表决;投票

voting age 投票年龄

voting arrangement 投票安排;投票办法

voting by individuals 个人投票

voting compartment 投票间

voting en bloc 投全票

voting member 有投票权的成员

voting method 投票方法

voting pattern 投票模式

voting procedure 投票程序

voting rate 投票率

voting right 投票权;选举权

voting system 投票制度

warrant 授权令

water down 淡化

white bill 白纸条例草案

white paper 白皮书

White Paper on District Administration in Hong Kong [1981] 《香港地方行政白皮书》〔一九八一年〕

White Paper on The Development of Representative Government: The Way Forward [1988] 《代议政制今后的发展白皮书》〔一九八八年〕

White Paper on The Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong [1984] 《代议政制白皮书-代议政制在香港的进一步发展》〔一九八四年〕

wholesale and retail functional constituency 批发及零售界功能界别

wholesale and retail subsector 批发及零售界界别分组

winning candidate 当选者

withdraw a nomination 撤回提名

withdraw a petition 撤回呈请书;撤回质询书

Withdrawal of Candidature 退出竞选通知书

Working Group on Administrative Matters [Provisional Legislative Council] 行政事宜工作小组〔临时立法会〕

Working Group on Population Distribution [Planning Department] 人口分布工作小组〔规划署〕

working party 工作小组

Working Party on Judiciary Administration 司法机构行政事务工作小组

working people 工作人口

working population 工作人口

working procedure 工作程序;工作方法

working relationship 工作关系

working-level meeting 工作层面上的会议

World Conference on Human Rights 世界人权会议

written constitution 成文宪法

written representation 书面申述

Xinhua News Agency 新华社

xth Session of the xth National People''s Congress 第X届全国人民代表大会第X次会议

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 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
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