
政制及选举事务用词 4

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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kaifong welfare association 街坊福利会

Kin Kong Society Limited 建港社有限公司

labour functional constituency 劳工界功能界别

labour subsector 劳工界界别分组

Largest Remainder Formula 最大余额方法

launching ceremony [political organizations] 誓师大会〔政治团体〕

law and statutory interpretation 法律及法定释义

law draftsman 法律草拟人员

Law Draftsman 法律草拟专员

Law of the People''s Republic of China on the National Emblem 《中华人民共和国国徽法》

Law of the People''s Republic of China on the National Flag 《中华人民共和国国旗法》

Law of the People''s Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone 《中华人民共和国领海和毗连区法》

Law Reform Commission 法律改革委员会

leader of opinion 意见领袖

legal adviser 法律顾问

legal age 法定年龄

legal and judicial system 法律及司法制度

legal and procedural arrangements between Hong Kong and China in civil and commercial matters 中港之间的民商事法律及程序安排

legal basis 法律依据

legal co-operation 司法合作

legal footing 法律基础

legal framework 法律架构

legal functional constituency 法律界功能界别

legal officer 律政人员

legal person 法人

legal status 法律地位

legal structure 法律架构

legal subsector 法律界界别分组

legislative amendment 修订法例

Legislative Council 立法会〔前称立法局〕

Legislative Council Commission Ordinance [Cap. 443] 《立法会行政管理委员会条例》〔第443章〕

Legislative Council election 立法会选举

Legislative Council (Election Petition) Rules [134 of 1997] 《立法会(选举呈请)规例》〔1997年第134号〕

Legislative Council electoral roll 立法会选民名册

Legislative Council Ordinance [134 of 1997] 《立法会条例》〔1997年第134号〕

Legislative Council (Registration of Electors) (Appeals) Regulation [134 of 1997] 《立法会(选民登记)(上诉)规例》〔1997年第134号〕

Legislative Council (Subscribers and Election Deposit for Nomination) Regulation [134 of 1997] 《立法会(提名所需的选举按金及签署人)规例》〔1997年第134章〕

legislative criteria 经由立法措施订立的准则;法定准则

legislative framework 法律架构

legislative interpretation 立例释义

legislative organ 立法机构

legislative power 立法权

legislative proceedings 立法程序

legislative session 立法会会期

legislative timetable 立法程序时间表

legislature 立法机关

liaison committee 联络委员会

liaison system 联系制度

Liberal Democratic Federation of Hong Kong Limited [LDF] 香港自由民主联会有限公司〔自民联〕

Liberal Party [LP] 自由党

limited franchise 有限制的选举权

limited vote system 限制可投选票制

list of candidates 候选人名单

list of proposed omissions [provisional register] 拟略名单〔临时选民登记册〕

list system 名单投票制

list system of proportional representation 比例代表名单投票制

list voting system 名单投票制

lobby 拉票;游说

local administrative structure 地方行政架构

Local Committee [Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference] 地方委员会〔中国人民政治协商会议〕

local community identities 地方社区的特色

local level 地方层面

local populace 当地人士

local tie 地方联系

localization bill 与法律本地化有关的条例草案

localization of laws 法律本地化

Localization of the Justice of Peace System 太平绅士制度本地化

long title 详题

losing candidate 落选者

loudspeaker 扬声器

lower the voting age 把投票年龄降低

magistracy 裁判法院

main committee 主要委员会

majority of votes 多数票

majority system 大多数票制

maladministration 行政失当

mandatory voter registration 强制选民登记

manifesto 宣言

manipulation of votes 操纵选票

March of the Volunteers 《义勇军进行曲》

margin of population deviation 偏离人口配额的幅度;人口相差幅度

margin rule 相差幅度规定

maximum possible margin of population deviation 可容许的人口相差幅度上限

Maximum Scale of Election Expenses (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under Cap. 288] 《1997年选举开支最高限额(立法会)令》〔根据第288章订立〕

Medal for Bravery (Bronze) [MBB] 铜英勇勋章

Medal for Bravery (Gold) [MBG] 金英勇勋章

Medal for Bravery (Silver) [MBS] 银英勇勋章

Medal of Honour [MH] 荣誉勋章

medical functional constituency 医学界功能界别

medical subsector 医学界界别分组

meeting adjourned 会议结束;休会

Meeting Point [merged with United Democrats of Hong Kong to form Democratic Party in 1994] 汇点〔一九九四年与香港民主同盟合并组成民主党〕

meeting resumed 会议恢复进行

Meet-the-Public Scheme 会见市民计划

member 成员〔选举管理委员会,行政会议〕;委员〔选举委员会〕;议员

member of the Local Committee of the Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议地方委员会委员

member of the National Committee of the Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员

membership qualification 成员资格

memorandum of understanding 谅解备忘录

Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Construction of the New Airport in Hong Kong and Related Questions 《关于香港新机场建设及有关问题的谅解备忘录》

Method for Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [Annex I of Basic Law] 《香港特别行政区行政长官的产生办法》〔《基本法》附件一〕

Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedures [Annex II of Basic Law] 《香港特别行政区立法会的产生办法和表决程序》〔《基本法》附件二〕

military estates 军用土地房产;军用房屋土地

minimum age requirement for nomination 提名人最低年龄规定

minimum voting age 最低投票年龄

ministerial system 部长制

Ministry of Civil Affairs [China] 民政部〔中国〕

Ministry of Foreign Affairs [China] 外交部〔中国〕

minor 未成年人

minutes of evidence 作证记录

misrepresentation 失实陈述

Mission Statement 工作宣言

misuse of election expenses 滥用选举开支

mobile poll 投票车

mobile polling station 流动投票站

mock election 仿真选举

modality 形式;模式;方式

modality for co-operation 合作模式;合作方式

mode of election 选举方式

model agreement 协议模板

Model Rules for Mutual Aid Committees 《互委会规则模板》

modus operandi 办事方式

"Monitor, Survey Office" 民意汇集处监察委员

monitoring committee 监察委员会

monthly progress report 每月进度报告

moral obligation 道义责任

motion 动议;议案

motion adopted 动议获通过

motion carried 动议获通过

motion debate 动议辩论

motion defeated 动议遭否决

motion of impeachment 弹劾案

motion rejected 动议遭否决

move a motion 提出动议

multi-ballot system 多次投票制

multilateral international agreement 多边国际协议

multilateral international rights and obligations 多边国际权利和义务

multilateral treaty 多边条约

multi-member constituency 多议席选区

multi-member preferential system 多议席选择选票制

multiple candidates list 多名候选人名单

multiple nominees list 多名获提名人名单

multiple voting 多次投票权

multi-seat constituency 多议席选区

multi-seat geographical constituency 多议席地方选区

"""multi-seat, single-vote"" system" 多议席单票制

municipal congress 市级国会

municipal councils 两个市政局

municipal services 市政服务

Municipal Services Appeals Boards 文康市政上诉委员会

mutilated ballot paper 损毁选票

mutual aid committee [MAC] 互助委员会

mutual election 互选

mutual legal assistance 相互司法协助;司法互助

Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 刑事司法互助

Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters Bill 《刑事事宜相互法律协助条例草案》

oath 宣誓;誓词

occupational group 行业组别;职业类别

offending election material 违例竞选资料

Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People''s Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 中华人民共和国外交部驻香港特别行政区特派员公署

Office of the Ombudsman 申诉专员公署

office-bearer 干事;执事人员

official capacity 官方身分

official language 法定语言

official member 官方议员

official mission 官方机构

Official Oath 就任宣誓

Official Secrets Ordinance [62 of 1997] 《官方机密条例》〔1997年第62号〕

"Ombudsman, the" 申诉专员

omissions list [electoral registration] 遭剔除者名单〔选民登记〕

omnibus adaptation bill 适应化的综合条例草案

omnibus legislation 综合法例

"""One Country, Two Systems""" “一国两制”

"one person, one vote" 一人一票

on-going commitment 持续承担

on-line equiries 联机查询

open ballot 记名投票

open session 公开会议

Operations Department [ICAC] 执行处〔廉政公署〕

opinion card 民意牌

opinion poll 民意调查;民意测验

opinion survey 民意调查

opportunist 机会主义者

Optical Mark Recognition machine [polling station] 光标记识别仪器〔投票站〕

optional subsector 可选择的界别分组

oral representation 口头申述

oral understanding 口头谅解

order of preference 选择次序

ordinal vote 列序票

ordinary session [Provisional Legislative Council] 一般会期〔临时立法会〕

organ of government 政府机关

organ of power 权力机关;权力机构

original vote 原有的一票

outgoing chairman 卸任主席

overlapping of constituencies 选区重叠

overrule 驳回;宣布无效

overseas elector 海外选民

panel [Provisional Legislative Council] 事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services [Provisional Legislative Council] 司法及法律事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

"Panel on Broadcasting, Culture and Sport [Provisional Legislative Council]" 文康广播事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Constitutional Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council] 政制事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Economic Services [Provisional Legislative Council] 经济事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Education [Provisional Legislative Council] 教育事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Environmental Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council] 环境事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Financial Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council] 财经事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Health Services [Provisional Legislative Council] 生事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Home Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council] 民政事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Housing [Provisional Legislative Council] 房屋事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Information Policy [Provisional Legislative Council] 信息政策事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Manpower [Provisional Legislative Council] 人力事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

"Panel on Planning, Lands and Works [Provisional Legislative Council]" 规划地政及工程事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Public Service [Provisional Legislative Council] 公务员及资助机构员工事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Security [Provisional Legislative Council] 保安事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Trade and Industry [Provisional Legislative Council] 贸易及工业事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Transport [Provisional Legislative Council] 交通事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

Panel on Welfare Services [Provisional Legislative Council] 福利事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

paper 文件;选票

paper tabled 会上呈阅文件

parallel counting 多线点票

parameter 既定准则;既定基础

parent ordinance 主体条例

parliamentary system 议会制

partnership 合伙

party 党派;小组

party identity 所属党派

party politics 政党政治;党派政治

party system 政党制度

party whip 党干事;“党鞭”

pecuniary interest 金钱利害关系

pennant 小旗

People''s Liberation Army Military Force in Hong Kong Special Administration Region 中国解放军驻香港特别行政区部队

performance of a duty 履行责任

Performance Pledge 服务承诺

performance report 工作往绩报告

permanent judge 常任法官

permanent magistrate 常任裁判官

permanent resident 永久性居民

personation 冒充行为

personation at voting 冒名投票

petition 呈请;呈请书;质询书;请愿书

petitioner 呈请人;质询人;请愿人

placard 标语牌

place on record 记录在案

planning committee 策划委员会

platform 政纲

plebiscite 全民投票;公民投票

plenary meeting 全体会议;全体代表会议

plenary session 全体会议;全体代表会议

plenipotentiary 全权代表;全权委员

plural society 多元社会

plurality 胜出票数〔当选人比得票次多者多出的票数〕

plurality (relative majority) system 多数票(相对多数)制

plurality (simple majority) system 多数票(简单多数)制

plurality system 多数票制

plurality voting system 多数票制

policy address 施政报告

policy advisory committee 政策咨询委员会

policy bureau [formerly known as policy branch] 决策局〔前称决策科〕

Policy Debate 施政报告辩论

policy direction 政策路向

policy paper [green paper or white paper] 政策文件〔绿皮书、白皮书〕

policy programme 政策纲领

policy proposal 政策建议;施政建议

political activity 政治活动

Political Adviser 政治顾问

political affiliation 政治背景;政治立场

political aspiration 政治抱负

political body 政治团体

political commentary group 论政团体

political commissar 政治委员

political consultation 政治协商

political conviction 政治信念

political donation 政治用途捐款;政治用途捐赠

political end 政治目的

political group 政治团体;政见团体;政党

political harmony 和谐政治局面

political impartiality 政治中立

political influence 政治影响力

political means 政治手段

political organization 政治组织;政治团体

political party 政党

political philosophy 政治哲学

political platform 政纲

political power base 政治权力基础

political reform 政制改革

political reform proposal 政制改革建议

political right 政治权利

political rival 政敌

political system 政治制度;政制

politically neutral 政治中立

politician 从政人士;政治家;政客

politicization 政治化

polity 政体

poll 选举投票;民意测验

poll card 投票通知卡

polling agent 监察投票代理人

polling arrangement 投票安排

Polling Assistant 投票站事务员

polling booth 投票间

polling company 民意调查公司

polling compartment 投票间

polling day 投票日;选举日

polling hours 投票时间

polling method 竞选方法;投票办法

Polling Officer 投票助理员

polling staff 投票站工作人员

polling station 投票站

populace 民众

popular election 普选

population criteria 人口准则

population deviation 人口偏差

population per seat 每一议席所代表的人口

population quota [election] 标准人口基数〔选举〕

positive vetting 正面议决程序

postal voting 以邮递方式投票

postponement of a count 押后点票

postponement of an election 选举延期

potential electorate 合资格选民

potential voter 合资格选民

power 权力

power of disallowance 驳回权

power of final adjudication 终审权

power to inquire into the constitutionality of laws 违宪审查权

pragmatic approach 务实方针

preamble 弁言〔法案〕;序言;绪言

pre-election opinion poll 选举前民意调查

preferential addition voting system 按选择次序合计选票的投票制度

preferential and reallocation of preferences system 按选择次序及重新分配选票票值合计选票的制度

preferential elimination system of counting 按选择次序淘汰点票制

preferential elimination system of voting 按选择次序淘汰投票制

preferential system with a withdrawal requirement 附有得票最少候选人须退出竞选规定的按选择次序投票制度

preferential voting method 按选择次序投票方法

preliminary report 初步报告

preliminary work 前期工作

prerogative 特权

prescribed functional constituency 订明功能界别

prescribed public officer 订明的公职人员

present a paper 提交文件

preservation of local ties 维持地方关系

pre-set principle 已订原则

"President, Provisional Legislative Council" 临时立法会主席

President''s deputy [Provisional Legislative Council] 代理主席〔临时立法会〕

Presiding Officer 投票站主任

press briefing 演示文稿会;记者招待会

press council 新闻议会

press statement 向新闻界发表的声明;新闻公报

pressure group 压力团体

pressurize to canvass or not to canvass 迫使他人进行或不进行拉票活动

primary legislation 主体法例

principal official 主要官员

principal ordinance 主体条例

principal place of residence 主要住址;主要居所

principal residential address 主要住址

principle of equality of political right 政治权利均等的原则

principle of free participation in direct election 自由参与直接选举的原则

principle of plurality 多数票原则

principle of universality 普选原则

"principles of ""democracy and openness""" “民主开放”原则

printing details [election advertisement] 印刷详情〔选举广告〕

Private Bill 私人条例草案

private capacity 私人身分

private international law 国际私法

private session 闭门会议

private spot [election advertisement] 私人展示位置〔选举广告〕

procedural injustice 程序上的不公平

procedure for the nomination of candidates 提名候选人程序

procedure for voting 投票程序

proclamation 文告

professional body 专业团体

professional group 专业组别

professional sector 专业界别

programme area 工作范畴

programme of public sector reform 公营部门改革计划

progress report 工作进度报告

progressive change 渐进的改变

Progressive Hong Kong Society 香港励进会

promissory oath 采用承诺形式的宣誓

promotional literature 宣传刊物

proportional representation 比例代表制;比例代议制

proportional representation voting system 比例代表投票制

Proposal by the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR on the Establishment of the Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR Under the Standing Committee of the NPC 《香港特别行政区基本法起草委员会关于设立全国人民代表大会常务委员会香港特别行政区基本法委员会的建议》

proposed constituency 建议选区

prosecuting authority 检察机关

prospective candidate 准候选人

prospective nominee 准获提名人

provide for 订定条文

Provisional District Board 临时区议会

Provisional District Board Secretariat 临时区议会秘书处

Provisional District Board Standing Orders 临时区议会会议常规

Provisional District Boards for the Districts in the Regional Council Area subsector [New Territories Provisional District Boards subsector] 区域市政局辖区内各区的临时区议会界别分组〔新界各临时区议会界别分组〕

Provisional District Boards for the Districts in the Urban Council Area subsector [Hong Kong and Kowloon Provisional District Boards subsector] 市政局辖区内各区的临时区议会界别分组〔香港及九龙各临时区议会界别分组〕

Provisional District Boards Ordinance [Cap. 366] 《临时区议会条例》〔第366章〕

Provisional Legislative Council 临时立法会

Provisional Legislative Council Brief 临时立法会参考资料摘要

Provisional Legislative Council Building 临时立法会大楼

Provisional Legislative Council Chamber 临时立法会会议厅

Provisional Legislative Council Commission 临时立法会行政管理委员会

Provisional Legislative Council Panel System 临时立法会事务委员会制度

Provisional Legislative Council question 临时立法会问题

Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat 临时立法会秘书处

Provisional Legislative Council subsector 临时立法会界别分组

provisional recommendation 临时建议

Provisional Regional Council 临时区域市政局

Provisional Regional Council Building 临时区域市政局大楼

Provisional Regional Council Chamber 临时区域市政局会议厅

Provisional Regional Council Ordinance [Cap. 385] 《临时区域市政局条例》〔第385章〕

provisional register 临时选民登记册

provisional report 临时报告

Provisional Urban Council 临时市政局

Provisional Urban Council Chamber 临时市政局会议厅;临时市政局大楼

Provisional Urban Council Ordinance [Cap. 101] 《临时市政局条例》〔第101章〕

Provisional Urban Council Ward Office 临时市政局议员会见市民办事处

provisionally demarcated constituency 临时选区

proxy voting 委派代表投票

Public Accounts Committee [Provisional Legislative Council] 政府帐目委员会〔临时立法会〕

public administration 公共行政

public authority 公共主管当局

Public Bill 公共条例草案

public body 公共机构;公共团体;公众议会

public censure 公开谴责

public consultation 征询民意;咨询公众意见

public consultation period 公众咨询期

Public Fund-raising Permit for Non-charitable Purposes 在公众地方进行非慈善性质筹款许可证

public gallery 公众席

public hearing 公听会

public image 公众形象

public inspection 公众查阅

public meeting 公众集会;公众聚会

public office 公职

public officer 公职人员

public opinion 舆论

public opinion poll 民意调查

public opinion survey 民意调查

public participation 公众参与

public position 公开场合发表的意见

public post 公职

public presentation meeting 公开发表政见的会议

Public Records Office 历史档案处

public representation 公众申述

public response 公众反应;社会各界人士的反应

public scrutiny 公众监察

public seal 公印

public sector 公营部门

public servant 公务人员;公务员

public service 公职

public session 公开会议

publicity board 宣传板

publicity material 宣传资料

publicity programme 宣传计划

publicity van 宣传车辆

 百态   2023-10-24
 百态   2023-09-13
 探索   2023-09-06
 百态   2023-09-06
 百态   2023-08-20
 干货   2023-08-06
 百态   2023-08-04
住户一楼被水淹 还冲来8头猪
 百态   2023-07-31
 百态   2023-07-25
 探索   2023-07-21
 探索   2023-07-09
 探索   2023-07-02
 百态   2020-08-20
 百态   2020-05-09
 干货   2020-04-30
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
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