

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Model Test 1

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

In October 2002, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank 1 a new electronic market (www.gs.com/econderivs/) for economic indices that 2 substantial economic risks, such as nonfarm payroll (a measure of job availability) and retail sales. This new market was made possible by a 3 rading technology, developed by Longitude, a New York company providing software for financial markets, 4 the Parimutuel Digital Call Auction. This is “digital” 5 of a digital option: ie, it pays out only if an underlying index lies in a narrow, discrete range. In effect, Longitude has created a horse race, where each “horse” wins if and 6 the specified index falls in a specified range. By creating horses for every possible 7 of the index, and allowing people to bet 8 any number of runners, the company has produced a liquid integrated electronic market for a wide array of options on economic indices.

Ten years ago it was 9 impossible to make use of electronic information about home values. Now, mortgage lenders have online automated valuation models that allow them to estimate values and to 10 the risk in their portfolios. This has led to a proliferation of types of home loan, some of 11 have improved risk-management characteristics.

We are also beginning to see new kinds of 12 for homes, which will make it possible to protect the value of 13 , for most people, is the single most important 14 of their wealth. The Yale University-Neighbourhood Reinvestment Corporation programme, 15 last year in the city of Syracuse, in New York state, may be a model for home-equity insurance policies that 16 sophisticated economic indices of house prices to define the 17 of the policy. Electronic futures markets that are based on econometric indices of house prices by city, already begun by City Index and IG Index in Britain and now 18 developed in the United States, will enable home-equity insurers to hedge the risks that they acquire by writing these policies.

These examples are not impressive successes yet. But they 19 as early precursors of a technology that should one day help us to deal with the massive risks of inequality that 20 will beset us in coming years.

1. [A] created [B] generated [C] initiated [D] originated

2. [A] reproduce [B] restore [C] represent [D] resume

3. [A] sophisticated [B] expensive [C] available [D] established

4. [A] made [B] called [C] asked [D] read

5. [A] in the course [B] in the event [C] in the light [D] in the sense

6. [A] when [B] until [C] now that [D] only if

7. [A] extent [B] range [C] line [D] area

8. [A] for [B] in [C] on [D] up

9. [A] virtually [B] admittedly [C] absolutely [D] originally

10. [A] assume [B] assess [C] dismiss [D] erase

11. [A] them [B] which [C] that [D] whom

12. [A] management [B] insurance [C] security [D] technology

13. [A] what [B] those [C] where [D] it

14. [A] guarantee [B] protection [C] component [D] source

15. [A] secured [B] sponsored [C] released [D] launched

16. [A] look to [B] set up [C] lay down [D] rely on

17. [A] terms [B] specifications [C] concepts [D] consequences

18. [A] is [B] being [C] been [D] are

19. [A] emerge [B] appear [C] stand [D] arise

20. [A] somehow [B] anyway [C] otherwise [D] thereby

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANAWER SHEET 1 (40 points)

Text 1

The California Public Employees'' Retirement System (CalPERS) has positioned itself as the premier champion of investor rights, regularly singling out bad managers at some of the nation''s largest companies in its annual corporate-governance focus lists. And with $153 billion under management, Wall Street tends to listen when CalPERS speaks out. But the country''s largest pension fund has never taken on as big a fish as it did Dec. 16, when it filed a class action against the New York Stock Exchange and seven of its member firms. CalPERS'' suit charges the NYSE and specialist firms with fraud, alleging that the exchange skirted its regulatory duties and allowed its members to trade stocks at the expense of investors.

The move is a major slap in the face for the NYSE''s recently appointed interim Chairman John Reed. The former Citibank chairman and CEO came on board in September after the exchange''s longtime head, Richard Grasso, resigned under pressure over public outrage about his excessive compensation.

Reed has been widely criticized by CalPERS and other institutional investors for not including representatives of investors on the exchange''s newly constituted board and not clearly separating the exchange''s regulatory function from its day-to-day operations. The CalPERS lawsuit is evidence that the investment communities'' dissatisfaction hasn''t ebbed. "Our hopes were dashed when Mr. Reed didn''t perform," says Harrigan.

The suit alleges that seven specialist firms profited by abusing and overusing a series of trading tactics. The tactics, which are not currently illegal, include "penny jumping," where a firm positions itself between two orders to capture a piece of the price differential, "front running," which involves trading in advance of customers based on confidential information obtained by their orders, and "freezing" the firm''s order book so that the firm can make trades on its own account first.

Many of the suit''s allegations are based on a previously disclosed investigation of the exchange conducted by the Securities & Exchange Commission. According to the suit, the October SEC report found "serious deficiencies in the NYSE''s surveillance and investigative procedures, including a habit of ignoring repeat violations by specialist firms."

The suit highlights the growing frustration that institutional investors have expressed with what they perceive as a system that needs to be revamped -- if not eliminated. According to California State Comptroller Steve Westley, a CalPERS board member who participated in the Dec. 16 press conference, he has repeatedly called on the NYSE to end its use of specialist firms to facilitate trades and move to a system of openly matching of buyers and sellers. BLIND EYE? "There''s no reason not to move to a fully automated exchange," Westley says. "Every exchange in the world is using such a system. The time is now for the NYSE to move into the 21st century and remove the cloud that there''s self-dealing working against investors."

21. What does the word “ a fish” (Para. 1) probably refer to ?

A. CalPERS. B.pension fund. C. Wall Street. D. NYSE.

22. The CalPERS lawsuit indicates that ____.

A. the NYSE did ignore its regulatory duties

B. John Reed should resign like his predecessor

C. the investors were dissatisfied with the NYSE

D. the exchange should have its board reelected

23. Which of the following statements is Not true ?

A. Investors were not sufficiently represented on NYSE’s board.

B. The seven specialist firms made profits by illegal procedures.

C. CalPERS’ suit against the NYSE resulted largely from a SEC’s report.

D. NYSE had ignored the firms’ improper operations for a long time.

24. According to Westley, NYSE’s problem results from ____.

A. its reliance on specialist firms

B. its system of matching traders

C. its automated exchange

D. its violation of investors’ interests

25. The best title for the text may be ____.

A. Champion of investor rights

B. Seven specialist firms

C. CalPERS speaks out to Wall Street

D. Lawsuits against NYSE

Text 2

Multifunction superpills aren''t nearly as farfetched as they may sound. And reducing such serious risks to heart health as soaring cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure potentially could save many lives and be highly lucrative for drug companies. A combo pill from Pfizer (PFE ) of its hypertension drug Norvasc and cholesterol-lowering agent Lipitor "could have huge potential," says Shaojing Tong, analyst at Mehta Partners. "Offering two functions in one pill itself is a huge convenience."

If such pills catch on, they could generate significant revenues for drug companies. In Pfizer''s case, the goal is to transfer as many qualified patients as possible to the combo pill. Norvasc''s patents expire in 2007, but Pfizer could avoid losing all its revenues from the drug at once if it were part of a superpill. Sena Lund, an analyst at Cathay Financial, sees Pfizer selling $4.2 billion worth of Norvasc-Lipitor by 2007. That would help take up the slack for falling sales of Lipitor, which he projects will drop to $5 billion in 2007, down from $8 billion last year.

Pfizer argues that addressing two distinct and serious cardiovascular risk factors in one pill has advantages. People with both hypertension and high LDL cholesterol (the "bad" kind) number around 27 million in the U.S., notes Craig Hopkinson, medical director for dual therapy at Pfizer, and only 2% of that population reaches adequate treatment goals. Taking two treatments in one will increase the number of patients who take the medications properly and "assist in getting patients to goal," he says.

Doctors also may be quick to adopt Norvasc-Lipitor, Pfizer figures, because it''s made up of two well-studied drugs, which many physicians are already familiar with. But Dr. Stanley Rockson, chief of consultative cardiology at Stanford University Medical Center, says fixed-dose combination pills represent "an interesting crossroads" for physicians, who are typically trained to "approach each individual problem with care." Combining treatments would challenge doctors to approach heart disease differently. But better patient compliance is important enough, says Rockson, that he expects doctors to be open to trying the combined pill.

Some other physicians are more skeptical. "If you want to change dosage on one of the new pill''s two drugs, you''re stuck," fears Dr. Irene Gavris, professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. She says she would feel most comfortable trying the combination pill on patients who "have been on the drugs for a while" and are thus unlikely to need changes in dosage.

As usual, economics could tip the scales. Patients now taking both Lipitor and Norvasc "could cut their insurance co-pay in half" by switching to the combo drug, Gavris notes. That''s a key advantage. Controlling hypertension, for instance, can require three or more drugs, and the financial burden on patients mounts quickly. If patients also benefit -- as Pfizer and other drug companies contend -- making the switch to superpills could be advantageous for everyone.

26. Pfizer could avoid the loss caused by expiration of Norvasc’s patents by ____.

A. reducing the various risks to heart health

B. switching the patients to the superpills

C. offering greater convenience to patients

D. increasing the sales of Lipitor

27. Which of the following is Not one of the advantages of superpills ?

A. Lessening several risks to the heart at the same time.

B. Restoring the lost body functions of the patients.

C. Contributing enormously to the income of drug companies.

D. Helping more patients to reach treatment goals.

28. The fourth paragraph is intended mainly to _____.

A. contrast different responses to combopills

B. explain Pfizer’s expectation of doctors’ support

C. illustrate doctors’ possible reception of combopills

D. stress the importance of patient compliance

29. It can be inferred from the text that ____.

A. doctors’ approval is decisive for the invention of medicines

B. drug companies will benefit a lot from the new pills financially

C. different people exhibit different attitudes toward the new pills

D. switch in medications is up to a combination of factors

30. The author’s attitude towards superpills can best be described as one of _____.

A. approval

B. neutral

C. tolerance

D. disapproval


Section I Use of English

1.[答案] A

[解析] 本题涉及词义辨析。空格句表示“创建了。。。市场”之一,created语义恰当,为答案。initiated一般表示“开始实施,发起”之意,与plans,schemes,social reforms等连用。

2.[答案] C

[解析] 本题涉及词型相近的词的词义辨析。represent动词,意为“代表,标志”,带入后句意为:创建了一个新的电子的经济指标(economic indices)市场,这些指标代表的是实质性的经济风险。

3.[答案] A

[解析] 本题为一般的词汇题。带入后上下文语义连贯的选项为A “先进的”。

4.[答案] B

[解析] 本题实际为语法题,called带入后意为“被称为the Parimutuel Digital Call Auction的…”,与“developed by…”一样为后置定语,共同修饰前面的“technology”一词。

5.[答案] D

[解析] 本题涉及介词短语的用法。“in the sense of”意为“按照(就)…的意义来说”,带入后句意是“它被称为数字化的,是就其提供的了一个数字化的方法而言的”。

6.[答案] D

[解析] 这是一道语法题。根据空格前后的递进性的句意逻辑,合适的关系词是only if(只有),带入后与if语气递进。

7.[答案] B

[解析] 这是一道词汇题。由于前两句都是在强调“range”(范围),该题答案也是range才能保持句意的连贯。

8.[答案] C

[解析] 本题涉及介词的用法。与bet搭配的常为on,带入后意为“在…下赌”。

9.[答案] A

[解析] 本题涉及一般的词汇知识。“virtually”副词,意为“几乎;确实”,带入后符合句意,为答案。

10.[答案] B

[解析] 本题涉及一般词汇知识。“assess”意为“评估”,符合句意,为答案。

11.[答案] B

[解析] 这是一道语法题。which带入后引导非限制性定语从句,为正确答案。

12.[答案] B

[解析] 本题涉及上下文的理解。由于下文主要讨论家庭保险,所以本题答案为insurance,符合句意逻辑。

13.[答案] A

[解析] 这是一道句法题。“what”引导宾语从句“what, for most people, is the single most …”,做介词of的宾语。

14.[答案] C

[解析] 这是一道词汇题。C“组成部分”符合句意,为正确答案。

15.[答案] D

[解析] 这是一道词汇题。launched(使开始,推出)带入后做后置定语,修饰前面的program,意为“…所推出的计划”,应为最佳选项。released意为“公布,发行”,予以排除。

16.[答案] D

[解析] 本题涉及动词短语。根据句意,D. rely on(依靠)为正确答案。

17.[答案] A

[解析] 本题考查词汇知识。A. terms “(双方提出的)条件,条款”,带入后句意为“确定保险单中的具体条款(to define the terms of the policy)”,前后连贯,为正确答案。

18.[答案] B

[解析] 这是一道语法题。being带入后,时态上与空格前的now呼应,构成分词结构,与前面的already begun并列为后置定语,共同修饰“Electronic futures markets”(电子期货市场)。

19.[答案] C

[解析] 本题涉及词的引申用法,stand可以表达“处于某种状态或情形”之意,带入后意为“但它们却是这样一种技术的雏形…”。再例如:The house stood empty for months. 故C为答案。其他三项意思均为“出现”,不符句意。

20.[答案] C

[解析] 本题考查副词词汇知识。A.“以某种方式,不知怎么回事”,不符句意,排除。 B. “不管怎么说”,不符句意,排除。C. “用别的方式,在其他方面”符合句意,为正确答案。D. “因此”,不符句意,排除。

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1译文


这次行动对纽约证券交易所的新任(临时)主席John Reed来说,不蒂当头一棒。这位前花旗银行董事长兼CEO九月才加盟交易所,当时,长期担纲交易所领导工作的Richard Grasso因报酬太高而引起公愤,被迫辞职。


诉讼指控说,七个专营会员公司滥用或过分使用交易策略并从中获益。这些目前并非非法的策略包括“penny jumping”(专营公司在两个交易单中间介入,抢得差价),“front running”(根据从交易单中获得的机密情报,抢在顾客前面交易)和“freezing”(稳住公司的交易单簿,以便公司能用自己的户头第一个交易)。


这次诉讼突出的反映了机构投资者对交易体系的失望,该体系既便不要取消,至少需要更新。加州公司监管员Steve Westley(作为加退协的董事,参加了12 月16日的记者招待会),不断呼吁纽约证券交易所停止使用专营公司来方便交易的做法,转而采用公开匹配交易双方的制度。视而不见?Westley说:“没有理由不采用全部自动化的交易。世界上每笔交易都是这么做的。证券交易所该进入21世纪了,从而拨去公众心目中的疑云:有不少侵犯投资者权益的内部交易。”











Text 2译文

多功能超级药丸并不夸大其辞,而且减少高胆固醇、糖尿病及高血压对心脏的潜在危害也能挽救不少生命,对医药公司而言也是有利可图。用Pfizer公司的高血压药Norvasc和降低胆固醇的药Lipitor 组合而成的药丸“具有巨大的潜力”,Shaojing Tong, 一名来自 Mehta Partners的分析师这么认为,他说,“一片药丸具有双重功能也极其方便”。

如果这种药推广开来,医药公司将获得巨大受益。Pfizer公司的目标是尽可能多地将合格病人转用这类组合药。Norvasc的专利将在2007年过期,但公司可将它转为超级药丸的一部分,从而避免收入方面的损失。来自Cathay Financial 的分析师Sena Lund说,Pfizer到2007年通过这种组合药能赚到42亿美元,从而补偿Lipitor的销售疲软所带来的损失,Lipitor的赢利到2007年将降到5亿美元,而去年是8亿美元。

Pfizer认为,用一颗药丸治疗两个不同但却严重的心血管疾病是有益的。Pfizer双药治疗中心主任Craig Hopkinson指出,美国患有高血压和高胆固醇的病人有2700万,其中只有2%的人得到了充分的治疗。服一片药治两种病能使更多的病人得到适当的治疗,并有助于病人得到理想的救治。

Pfizer认为,医生们也会乐于接受组合药,因为它由两种很成熟的药品构成,医生们对它们很熟悉。但是,斯坦福大学医疗中心心脏科咨询部主任Dr. Stanley Rockson认为,固定剂量的组合药丸对医生们而言,是“一个有趣的十字路口”,医生们接受的训练往往要求他们“细心对待每个个别病例”。组合用药对他们的针对不同个体采用不同疗法是个挑战。但他也说,病人能更好的接受该药促使医生们去接受尝试这种药丸。

有些医生会持怀疑态度。波士顿大学医学院的药理学教授Dr. Irene Gavris则担心说,“如果你想改变组合药中一种药的剂量,你可难办了”。她说,她很愿意给那些“已用药有过一段时间的病人”使用这种组合药,他们不太可能需要改变剂量。












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