

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Text 3

After their 20-year-old son hanged himself during his winter break from the University of Arizona five years ago, Donna and Phil Satow wondered what signs they had overlooked, and started asking other students for answers.

What grew from this soul searching was Ulifeline (www.ulifeline.org), a Web site where students can get answers to questions about depression by logging on through their universities. The site has been adopted as a resource by over 120 colleges, which can customize it with local information, and over 1.3 million students have logged on with their college ID''s.

"It''s a very solid Web site that raises awareness of suicide, de-stigmatizes mental illness and encourages people to seek the help they need," said Paul Grayson, the director of counseling services at New York University, which started using the service nearly a year ago.

The main component of the Web site is the Self-E-Valuator, a self-screening program developed by Duke University Medical Center that tests students to determine whether they are at risk for depression, suicide and disorders like anorexia and drug dependence. Besides helping students, the service compiles anonymous student data, offering administrators an important window onto the mental health of its campus.

The site provides university users with links to local mental health services, a catalog of information on prescription drugs and side effects, and access to Go Ask Alice, a vast archive developed by Columbia University with hundreds of responses to anonymously posted inquiries from college students worldwide. For students concerned about their friends, there is a section that describes warning signs for suicidal behavior and depression.

Yet it is hard to determine how effective the service is. The anonymity of the online service can even play out as a negative. "There is no substitute for personal interaction (个人互动才能解决) ," said Dr. Lanny Berman, executive director of the American Association of Suicidology, based in Washington.

Ulifeline would be the first to say that its service is no replacement for an actual therapist. "The purpose is to find out if there are signs of depression and then direct people to the right places," said Ron Gibori, executive director of Ulifeline.

Mrs. Satow, who is still involved with Ulifeline, called it "a knowledge base" that might have prevented the death of her son, Jed. "If Jed''s friends had known the signs of depression, they might have seen something," she said.

31. The first paragraph is written to ____.

A. report the suicide of a young man

B. show the suffering of Mr. And Mrs. Satow

C. describe the Satows’ confusion over their son’s death

D. introduce the topic of a website called Ulifeline

32. One reason that many colleges adopt the website is to ____.

A. provide their students with campus information

B. offer medical treatment to students in mental disorder

C. encourage their students to seek advice about depression

D. give their students various help they may need

33. Go Ask Alice as mentioned in the passage is ____.

A. a side effect caused by some prescription drugs

B. intended to counsel college students on mental problems

C. a collection of medical responses from students the world over

D. meant to describe the various signs of mental disorders

34. The first sentence of the sixth paragraph implies that ____.

A. only actual therapy can ensure adequate treatment

B. the help given by the web service is doubtful

C. doctors have expressed a negative view of the service

D. a therapist’s office is the first place for the depressed to go

35. Mrs. Satow would probably agree that ____.

A. Jed’s friends can prevent her son’s death

B. her son’s suicide is unavoidable

C. Ulifeline is a worthwhile website

D. depression is the final cause of suicides

Text 4

The meanings of "science" and "technology" have changed significantly from one generation to another. More similarities than differences, however, can be found between the terms. Both science and technology imply a thinking process, both are concerned with causal relationships in the material world, and both employ an experimental methodology that results in empirical demonstrations that can be verified by repetition. Science, at least in theory, is less concerned with the practicality of its results and more concerned with the development of general laws, but in practice science and technology are inextricably involved with each other. The varying interplay of the two can be observed in the historical development of such practitioners as chemists, engineers, physicists, astronomers, carpenters, potters, and many other specialists. Differing educational requirements, social status, vocabulary, methodology, and types of rewards, as well as institutional objectives and professional goals, contribute to such distinctions as can be made between the activities of scientists and technologists; but throughout history the practitioners of "pure" science have made many practical as well as theoretical contributions.

Indeed, the concept that science provides the ideas for technological innovations and that pure research is therefore essential for any significant advancement in industrial civilization is essentially a myth. Most of the greatest changes in industrial civilization cannot be traced to the laboratory. Fundamental tools and processes in the fields of mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, metallurgy, and hydraulics were developed before the laws governing their functions were discovered. The steam engine, for example, was commonplace before the science of thermodynamics elucidated the physical principle underlying its operations.

In recent years a sharp value distinction has grown up between science and technology. Advances in science have frequently had their bitter opponents, but today many people have come to fear technology much more than science. For these people, science may be perceived as a serene, objective source for understanding the eternal laws of nature, whereas the practical manifestations of technology in the modern world now seem to them to be out of control.

Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization but also that the rate of technological change has developed its own momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now seem to appear at a rate that increase geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems, frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process.

36. Science is, as the author argues, similar to technology in that ____.

A. it involves a long process of change

B. it focuses on the casual aspects of the material world

C. it resorts to experiments as an exclusive method of research

D. it is concerned about the theoretical development

37. Which of the following does the author NOT agree with?

A. Scientific activities are deeply involved with those of technology.

B. Industrial civilization is largely based on the scientific progress.

C. Science and technology move forward at a comparable speed.

D. Either of science and technology is necessary for the advance of each other.

38. The example of the steam engine is presented to ____.

A. refute the belief that industrial progress feeds off scientific ideas

B. illustrate the remarkable achievements of industrial civilization

C. indicate that many great inventions originate from the laboratory

D. laws come out much earlier than related functions

39. What does “the practical manifestations…out of control” (Para.3) mean?

A. Technology is losing its traditional practicality.

B. Technology is moving further away from science.

C. Technological progress is benefiting the whole world.

D. Technology is threatening the existence of human civilization.

40. The “historians” as mentioned in the last paragraph regard the technology with ____.

A. absolute enthusiasm

B. total indifference

C. obvious resentment

D. reserved approval

Text 3译文

五年前的寒假,Donna and Phil Satow的就读于亚利桑纳大学的20岁的儿子自缢身亡,从那以后,夫妻俩就一直想知道自己忽略了什么迹象,也向儿子的同学打听。

深刻的思索让人注意到了Ulifeline (www.ulifeline.org),大学生们可在学校登录该网址咨询问题。120多所高校使用该网址,并增添了些学校信息,130多万大学生用学生证在该网站注册。

“这是一个很不错的网站,它能提高对自杀的警惕,减少对精神疾病的歧视,鼓励人们寻求帮助,” Paul Grayson这么认为,他是纽约大学的咨询服务部主任,一年前开始使用该网站的服务。



然而很难评估这种服务的有效性,匿名在线服务甚至会起到消极作用。位于华盛顿的美国自杀学研究协会执行主任Dr. Lanny Berman就说,“这种网站咨询不能代替互动的当面咨询。”

Ulifeline首先会承认,网站咨询不能取代真正的理疗师。Ron Gibori, Ulifeline的执行主任就说,“我们的目的是帮助学生发现抑郁迹象,然后指导他们去合适的地方治疗。”

Mrs. Satow仍然关注着该网站,她称之为“知识库”,它本可以阻止她儿子Jed自杀的。她说,“如果Jed的同学知道抑郁的征兆,他们本可以发现Jed的问题的。”






【解析】这是一道细节题。依据第五段可知,Go Ask Alice是一个给学生提供健康咨询的问答库,所以答案为B。




【解析】这是一道推论题。根据末段的意思可以推测,Mrs. Satow一定非常认可该网站,所以答案为C。

Text 4译文






【解析】 这是一道细节题。依据原文第3句可知,科学和技术之间的相似之一便是研究方法的实验性。因此答案为C。B项中casual不等于原文中的causal,排除。


【解析】 这是一道是非判断题。依据第2段首句,作者认为“科学是技术创新的理论基础,以及纯理论研究对工业文明的发展是不可或缺的这两种说法都是错误的”,可见作者不赞同的是B项的说法,故B为答案。


【解析】这是一道例证题。第2段末句中,作者提到蒸汽发动机是为了反驳“理论研究对工业文明的发展是不可或缺的”这一观点,故答案为A,A中“feed off”意为“靠…生存”。





Part B




本题考察段落内部的逻辑联系,空格的下文说“But it’s time to stop blaming the citizens”,可见上文必然说到有人指责普通公民们不热衷于美国的政治选举。故答案为E。


本题考察考生对文章的总体结构的把握能力。既然第二段末句说“Candidates, public officials, and journalists are not giving Americans the type of campaign they deserve”,而且第三段又说到了officials,下文又将说到journalists,可以断定,本段应说“candidates”,即“leadership”,故B项为答案。


本题考察段落内部的逻辑理解,注意相应的词汇表达。既然空格前讲的是journalists对政治家的正面言论不感兴趣,弃置编辑室地板,而攻击性的言论却被直播(Attack sound bites get airtime; positive statements land on the cutting-room floor),那么可以推论,D项是最符合逻辑的展开内容,用词也密切相关(get more time on the network newscasts)。


本题涉及段落内部逻辑的把握。既然上文说“we interviewed 100,000 Americans to discover why they’re disengaging from elections”,那么答案为G,也就很符合逻辑了。


本题同样涉及段内逻辑,既然上文说“Officials unfailingly urge citizens to do your duty and vote. Yet, these officials embrace policies that make it harder to do that”(官员们催使公民行使职责,参加选举,但另一方面又制定政策,使公民们很难参加投票选举),那么符合逻辑的答案必定是F项了。

Part C

46. 【结构分析】这是一个简单句,结构不复杂。

【疑难词汇】词汇“disproportionately”的翻译不必拘泥原文,可灵活翻译为“激…”;另,“without shrinking…”部分的理解要结合上文准确翻译。


47. 【结构分析】冒号前后为并列结构。后半部分有两个“faster than…”的并列的比较状语从句。



48. 【结构分析】“to whom”引导的整个是定语从句,修饰前面的“young men”;定语从句中两个“to threaten…”并列,做“means”的补足语。



49. 【结构分析】“Why”引导的是主句,“if”引导的是从句。

【疑难词汇】主句中“subscribed to”意为“同意,赞同”;从句中“if a case can be made that…”可意译为“如果说…”,其中“case”意为“情况”;“gains”意译为“成果”。


50. 【结构分析】分号前后为并列结构。



Section III Writing





Part A

Dear Dr. King,

The Department of Computer Science of Beijing University would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the annual conference to be held at the speech hall of our department at nine o’clock, Saturday morning, November 11th, 2004.

As you know, the department is interested in the future development of the computer science. Since you are very familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us all.

You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.


Li Ming

Part B

China is now witnessing a new surge of interest in going to all sorts of night schools or training classes. As is shown in the pictures, lots of people are flocking to English classes while others are rushing to attend lectures on WTO. They all look happy and eager to go to the classes even after a whole day’s work.

This enthusiasm for new knowledge can be attributed to the obvious reason that the government’s policy of Open-up to the World and particularly China’s access to WTO . These have given a fresh impetus to China’s trade and exchange with foreign countries. China’s trade volume with the world has, reportedly, reached an unprecedented $500 billion and cultural exchanges with other countries are being carried on an increasingly larger scale. The new situation requires that people have to learn more about WTO rules and of course they must also acquire a solid knowledge of English. Otherwise, they may find it difficult to trade or exchange with foreign countries efficiently. They may lose the competition in the process of globalization.

Undoubtedly, China’s open policy and the globalization of the world are both irreversible and more and more Chinese will find it necessary to acquire new knowledge and skills. Therefore, more and more people will be going to various training classes or lectures in the years to come.

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