

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Model Test 2

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

What’s your earliest childhood memory? Can you remember learning to walk? Or talk? The first time you 21 thunder or watched a television program? Adults seldom 22 events much earlier than the year or so before entering school, just as children younger than three of four 23 retain any specific, personal experiences. A variety of explanations have been 24 by psychologists for this “Childhood amnesia” (儿童失忆症)。 One argues that the hippocampus, the region of the brain which is responsible for forming memories, does not mature 25 about the age of two. But the most popular theory 26 that, since adults do not think like children, they cannot 27 childhood memories. Adults think in words, and their life memories are like stories or 28 –one event follows 29 as in a novel or film. But when they search through their mental 30 for early childhood memories to add to this verbal life story, they don’t find any that fits the 31 . It’s like trying to find a Chinese word in an English Dictionary.

Now psychologist Annette Simmons of the New York State University offers a new 32 for childhood amnesia. She argues that there simply 33 any early childhood memories to recall. According to Dr. Simms, children need to learn to use 34 spoken description of their personal experiences in order to turn their own short–term, quickly 35 impressions of them into long-term memories. In other 36 , children have to talk about their experiences and hear others talk about 37 ——Mother talking about the afternoon 38 looking for seashells at the beach or Dad asking them about their day at Ocean Park. Without this 39 reinforcement, says Dr. Simms, children cannot form 40 memories of their personal experiences.

1. A. listened B. felt C. touched D. heard

2. A. involve B. interpret C. recall D. resolve

3. A. largely B. rarely C. merely D. really

4. A. canceled B. figured C. proposed D. witnessed

5. A. until B. once C. after D. since

6. A. magnifies B. intervenes C. contains D. maintains

7. A. reflect B. attain C. access D. refer

8. A. narratives B. forecasts C. regulations D. descriptions

9. A. the rest B. another C. the other D. others

10. A. outputs B. dreams C. flashes D. files

11. A. footstep B. pattern C. frame D. landscape

12. A. emphasis B. arrangement C. explanation D. factor

13. A. aren’t B. weren’t C. isn’t D. wasn’t

14. A. anyone else B. anyone else’s C. some else D. someone else’s

15. A. forgotten B. remembered C. forgetting D. remembering

16. A. senses B. cases C. words D. means

17. A. him B. theirs C. it D. them

18. A. used B. chosen C. taken D. spent

19. A. habitual B. verbal C. pretty D. mutual

20. A. permanent B. conscious C. subordinate D. spiritual

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANAWER SHEET 1 (40 points)

Text 1

St. Paul didn’t like it. Moses warned his people against it. Hesiod declared it “ mischievious” and “ hard to get rid of it,” but Oscar Wilder said, “ Gossip is charming.”

“ History is merely gossip,” he wrote in one of his famous plays. “ But scandal is gossip made tedious by morality.”

In times past, under Jewish law, gossipmongers might be fined or flogged. The Puritans put them in stocks or ducking stools, but no punishment seemed to have the desired effect of preventing gossip, which has continued uninterrupted across the back fences of the centuries.

Today, however, the much-maligned human foible is being looked at in a different light. Psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, even evolutionary biologists are concluding that gossip may not be so bad after all.

Gossip is “ an intrinsically valuable activity,” philosophy professor Aaron Ben-Ze’ev states in a book he has edited, entitled Good Gossip. For one thing, gossip helps us acquire information that we need to know that doesn’t come through ordinary channels, such as: “ What was the real reason so-and-so was fired from the office?” Gossip also is a form of social bonding, Dr. Ben-Ze’ev says. It is “ a kind of sharing” that also “ satisfies the tribal need---namely, the need to belong to and be accepted by a unique group.” What’s more, the professor notes, “ Gossip is enjoyable.”

Another gossip groupie, Dr. Ronald De Sousa, a professor of philosophy at the University of Toronto, describes gossip basically as a form of indiscretion and a “saintly virtue”, by which he means that the knowledge spread by gossip will usually end up being slightly beneficial. “ It seems likely that a world in which all information were universally available would be preferable to a world where immense power resides in the control of secrets,” he writes.

Still, everybody knows that gossip can have its ill effects, especially on the poor wretch being gossiped about. And people should refrain from certain kinds of gossip that might be harmful, even though the ducking stool is long out of fashion.

By the way, there is also an interesting strain of gossip called medical gossip, which in its best form, according to researchers Jerry M. Suls and Franklin Goodkin, can motivate people with symptoms of serious illness, but who are unaware of it, to seek medical help.

So go ahead and gossip. But remember, if ( as often is the case among gossipers) you should suddenly become one of the gossipees instead, it is best to employ the foolproof defense recommended by Plato, who may have learned the lesson from Socrates, who as you know was the victim of gossip spread that he was corrupting the youth of Athens: When men speak ill of thee, so live that nobody will believe them. Or, as Will Rogers said, “ Live so that you wouldn’t be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.” (500 words )

21. Persons’ remarks are mentioned at the beginning of the text to ____.

[ A ] show the general disapproval of gossip

[ B ] introduce the topic of gossip

[ C ] examine gossip from a historical perspective

[ D ] prove the real value of gossip

22. By “Gossip also is a form of social bonding” (Para. 5), Professor Aaron Ben-Ze’ev means gossip ____.

[ A ] is a valuable source of social information

[ B ] produces a joy that most people in society need

[ C ] brings people the feel of being part of a group

[ D ] satisfies people’s need of being unusual

23. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

[ A ] everyone involved will not benefit from gossip

[ B ] philosophers may hold different attitudes toward gossip

[ C ] Dr. Ronald De Sousa regards gossips as perfectly advantageous

[ D ] people are generally not conscious of the value of medical gossip

24. We learn from the last paragraph that ____.

[ A ] gossipers will surely become gossipees someday

[ B ] Socrates was a typical example of a gossiper becoming a gossipee

[ C ] Plato escaped being a victim of gossip by no gossiping

[ D ] an easy way to confront gossip when subjected to it is to live as usual

25. The author’s attitude toward “ gossip” can be best described as ____.

[ A ] neutral [ B ] positive

[ C ] negative [ D ] indifferent

Text 2

SoBig.F was the more visible of the two recent waves of infection because it propagated itself by e-mail, meaning that victims noticed what was going on. SoBig.F was so effective that it caused substantial disruption even to those protected by anti-virus software. That was because so many copies of the virus spread (some 500,000 computers were infected) that many machines were overwhelmed by messages from their own anti-virus software. On top of that, one common counter-measure backfired, increasing traffic still further. Anti-virus software often bounces a warning back to the sender of an infected e-mail, saying that the e-mail in question cannot be delivered because it contains a virus. SoBig.F was able to spoof this system by “harvesting” e-mail addresses from the hard disks of infected computers. Some of these addresses were then sent infected e-mails that had been doctored to look as though they had come from other harvested addresses. The latter were thus sent warnings, even though their machines may not have been infected.

Kevin Haley of Symantec, a firm that makes anti-virus software, thinks that one reason SoBig.F was so much more effective than other viruses that work this way is because it was better at searching hard-drives for addresses. Brian King, of CERT, an internet-security centre at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, notes that, unlike its precursors, SoBig.F was capable of “multi-threading”: it could send multiple e-mails simultaneously, allowing it to dispatch thousands in minutes.

Blaster worked by creating a “buffer overrun in the remote procedure call”。 In English, that means it attacked a piece of software used by Microsoft''s Windows operating system to allow one computer to control another. It did so by causing that software to use too much memory.

Most worms work by exploiting weaknesses in an operating system, but whoever wrote Blaster had a particularly refined sense of humour, since the website under attack was the one from which users could obtain a program to fix the very weakness in Windows that the worm itself was exploiting.

One way to deal with a wicked worm like Blaster is to design a fairy godmother worm that goes around repairing vulnerable machines automatically. In the case of Blaster someone seems to have tried exactly that with a program called Welchi. However, according to Mr Haley, Welchi has caused almost as many problems as Blaster itself, by overwhelming networks with “pings”—signals that checked for the presence of other computers.

Though both of these programs fell short of the apparent objectives of their authors, they still caused damage. For instance, they forced the shutdown of a number of computer networks, including the one used by the New York Times newsroom, and the one organising trains operated by CSX, a freight company on America''s east coast. Computer scientists expect that it is only a matter of time before a truly devastating virus is unleashed.

26. SoBig.F damaged computer programs mainly by ____.

[A] sending them an overpowering number of messages

[B] harvesting the addresses stored in the computers

[C] infecting the computers with an invisible virus

[D] destroying the anti-virus software of the computers

27. Which of the following best defines the word “ doctored” (line , para. 1) ?

[A] falsified [B] cured

[C] deceived [D] diagnosed

28. Compared with SoBig.F, Blaster was a virus that was _____.

[A] more destructive

[B] more humorous

[C] less vulnerable

[D] less noticeable

29. From the text we learn that Welchi ____.

[A] is a wicked worm causing as many damages as Blaster did

[B] is a program designed by Haley to detect worms like Blaster

[C] is a program intended to fix the infected machines

[D] is a worm meant to defeat the virus with “ pings”

30. The tone of the text can best described as _____.

[A] optimistic and humorous

[B] analytical but concerned

[C] passionate but pessimistic

[D] scholarly and cautious


Section I Use of English

1.[答案] B

[解析] 本题考查词汇的逻辑搭配。thunder“雷声”做宾语,[B]heard是最佳选择。

2.[答案] A

[解析] 本题考查考生利用上下文选择判断的能力。文章第一行有remember一词出现,有所暗示。而且全文主题是“儿童失忆症”。[A]recall意为“回忆”,符合句义。

3.[答案] D

[解析] 本题考查上下文的连贯理解能力。前半句中出现了seldom一词,just as在这里提示后半句也应该是表示否定意义,且横线后的any一词也起到暗示作用。可见,[D]rarely为正确答案。

4.[答案] A

[解析] 本题考查词汇的搭配。和explanations搭配,[A]propose为最佳选择。[B]witness“目睹,作证”,[C]cancel“取消”,[D]figure搭配介词to意为“算出,估计,推测”

5.[答案] C

[解析] 本题考查结构知识。根据句义,“……直到一两岁才能成熟”。应该用not…until结构。因此,[C]为正确答案。

6.[答案] B

[解析] 本题考查考生的词汇知识。[B]maintain意为“坚持,主张;维持,维修”。根据句义“最流行的理论坚持认为……”。可见,[B]为正确答案。

7.[答案] C

[解析] 本题考查上下文的连贯理解能力。22题的recall events对本题有提示作用。[C]reflect意为“反映,表现;反省,细想”,带入句中符合句义,与上文呼应。因此,[C]为正确答案。

8.[答案] C

[解析] 本题考查结构知识。句中出现or连接的并列结构,故此处所选的词应与or前面的story为近义词。[C]narratives“叙述,故事”为最佳答案。

9.[答案] D

[解析] 本题考查固定搭配。与前面one搭配的应该是another。[D]为正确答案。

10.[答案] B

[解析] 本题考查词汇知识。本句句意为“在心智档案中寻找儿时的记忆……”。[B]files意为“文件,答案”,为最佳答案。

11.[答案] D

[解析] 本题考查词汇知识。[A]frame指“框架”;[B]landscape指“风景线”;[C]footstep指“脚印”,[D]pattern指“模式”。可见,[D]为正确答案。

12.[答案] A

[解析] 本题同样考查词汇知识。文章第4行“a variety of explanations”处有提示作用,表示对儿童失忆症有很多解释。这里是另一位心理学家提出的新的解释(explanation)。因此,[A]为正确答案。

13.[答案] C

[解析] 本题考查语法知识。there be句型单复数需要和be后面的名词保持一致,故用复数形式。时态为一般现在时。可见,[C]为正确答案。

14.[答案] B

[解析] 本题考查一般词汇知识。本句句意为“儿童们需要学会用别人对自己经验的口头描述来把短期记忆转化程长期记忆”。[B]someone else’s表示“别人的”。因此,[B]为正确答案。

15.[答案] C

[解析] 本题考查词汇使用知识。根据句意,short-term memories(短期记忆)会quickly forgotten(很快被忘却)。[C]为正确答案。

16.[答案] A

[解析] 本题考查固定搭配。in other words意为“换句话说”。可见,[A]为争取答案。

17.[答案] B

[解析] 本题考查代词使用知识。指代others的应该是them。[B]为正确答案。

18.[答案] B

[解析] 本题考查词汇的固定搭配。spend time doing sth. 因此,[B]为争取答案。

19.[答案] D

[解析] 本题考查词汇知识。根据前句的talk about可得到提示,此处应该是[D]verbal“文字的,口头的”。

20.[答案] C

[解析] 本题考查上下文的理解能力。根据句意,此处“儿童要形成的”应该是前文提到的“长期记忆”。四个选项中,[C]permanent“永久的”符合句意。可见,[C]为正确答案。

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1 译文





哲学教授Aaron Ben-Ze’ev在其编写的名为《好的闲话》一书中就说,闲话是一种“本质上讲很有价值的活动”。首先,闲话可以帮助我们获得通常渠道不能获得的信息,比如“某人被开出办公室的真正原因是什么”。Dr. Ben-Ze’ev还说,闲话就像“一种社会纽带”,它是“一种分享”,能够“满足人类的部落需求,即属于或被某一个独特的集体接受的感觉需求”。而且,该教授还认为,“闲话给人带来快乐”。

另一位闲话的支持者,多伦多大学的哲学教授Dr. Ronald De Sousa认为,闲话是“一种不谨慎”,也是一种“圣徒般的美德”,他的意思是说,闲话传播的信息到头来往往是有点益处的。他说,“人们更可能喜欢所有信息被广泛拥有的社会,而不会喜欢秘密被强权控制的世界”。


顺便说,有一种被称为“医疗闲话”很有趣,据研究人员Jerry M. Suls and Franklin Goodkin的研究,这种闲话能激励那些有严重疾病症状,但自己却没有意识到的人去寻求医疗帮助。

所以说闲话去吧,但注意,如果你自己成了被闲话的对象(闲话者中常发生这种现象),就使用柏拉图建议的简易防御方式,柏拉图是从苏格拉底那儿学到了这个经验,苏格拉底正是毒害雅典青年这个流传的闲话的直接受害者。柏拉图的建议是:如果有人说你的坏话,继续生活,使这种坏话无人相信。或正如Will Rogers所言,“生活着,不因家事成为全城的闲话中心而羞愧”。

21. 【答案】B


22. 【答案】C

【解析】这是一道句意题。根据第五段后面Dr. Ben-Ze’ev的讲话,可知答案应为C。

23. 【答案】A


24. 【答案】D


25. 【答案】B


Text 2 译文


Symantec是一家编制防毒软件的公司,公司的Kevin Haley认为,巨无霸之所以比其他病毒有效是因为,它更擅场于搜索硬盘中的地址。位于匹兹堡的卡耐基-梅隆大学的网络安全中心CERT的Brian King认为,与以前的病毒不同,巨无霸能“多径发送”,能同时发送许多邮件,几分钟多达上千条。





26. 【答案】A


27. 【答案】A


28. 【答案】D


29. 【答案】C


30. 【答案】B


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