

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Text 3

European farm ministers have ended three weeks of negotiations with a deal which they claim represents genuine reform of the common agricultural policy(CAP). Will it be enough to kickstart the Doha world trade negotiations?

On the face of it, the deal agreed in the early hours of Thursday June 26th looks promising. Most subsidies linked to specific farm products are, at last, to be broken—the idea is to replace these with a direct payment to farmers, unconnected to particular products. Support prices for several key products, including milk and butter, are to be cut—that should mean European prices eventually falling towards the world market level. Cutting the link between subsidy and production was the main objective of proposals put forward by Mr Fischler, which had formed the starting point for the negotiations.

The CAP is hugely unpopular around the world. It subsidises European farmers to such an extent that they can undercut farmers from poor countries, who also face trade barriers that largely exclude them from the potentially lucrative European market. Farm trade is also a key feature of the Doha round of trade talks, launched under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in November 2001. Developing countries have lined up alongside a number of industrial countries to demand an end to the massive subsidies Europe pays its farmers. Several Doha deadlines have already been missed because of the EU’s intransigence, and the survival of the talks will be at risk if no progress is made by September, when the world''s trade ministers meet in Cancùn, Mexico.

But now even the French seem to have gone along with the deal hammered out in Luxembourg. Up to a point, anyway. The package of measures gives the green light for the most eager reformers to move fast to implement the changes within their own countries. But there is an escape clause of sorts for the French and other reform-averse nations. They can delay implementation for up to two years. There is also a suggestion that the reforms might not apply where there is a chance that they would lead to a reduction in land under cultivation.

These let-outs are potentially damaging for Europe’s negotiators in the Doha round. They could significantly reduce the cost savings that the reforms might otherwise generate and, in turn, keep European expenditure on farm support unacceptably high by world standards. More generally, the escape clauses could undermine the reforms by encouraging the suspicion that the new package will not deliver the changes that its supporters claim. Close analysis of what is inevitably a very complicated package might confirm the sceptics'' fears.

31. The deal agreed on Thursday looks promising in that _____.

[A] European farm ministers finally reached a consensus

[B] the link between farm products and subsidies is removed

[C] farmers would definitely accept the direct payment to them

[D] European farm products will reach a lower price level than the world

32. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that ____.

[A] farmers from poor countries were put at a disadvantage by CAP

[B] the deal will be a key subject of debate in Doha round of trade talks

[C] the deal was probably a result of pressure from other countries

[D] the world’s trade ministers will resist the new deal reached recently

33. In what case might the escape clauses apply in reform-averse nations ?

[A] Farmers lose their interest in farming.

[B] Reforms have to be delayed for up to two years.

[C] Implementation of the measures goes too eagerly.

[D] The measures damage the reformers’ confidence.

34. The new package of measures is inevitably a complicated one due to ____.

[A] Europe’s negotiators’ loss of confidence

[B] European expenditure on farm support

[C] escape clauses for some European countries

[D] suspicion of the new package

35. What is the passage mainly about ?

[A] a promising new deal

[B] Doha world trade negotiations

[C] world’s anger against Europe

[D] doomed reforms of CAP

Text 4

Perhaps only a small boy training to be a wizard at the Hogwarts school of magic could cast a spell so powerful as to create the biggest book launch ever. Wherever in the world the clock strikes midnight on June 20th, his followers will flock to get their paws on one of more than 10m copies of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”. Bookshops will open in the middle of the night and delivery firms are drafting in extra staff and bigger trucks. Related toys, games, DVDs and other merchandise will be everywhere. There will be no escaping Pottermania.

Yet Mr Potter''s world is a curious one, in which things are often not what they appear. While an excitable media (hereby including The Economist, happy to support such a fine example of globalisation) is helping to hype the launch of J.K. Rowling''s fifth novel, about the most adventurous thing that the publishers (Scholastic in America and Britain''s Bloomsbury in English elsewhere) have organised is a reading by Ms Rowling in London''s Royal Albert Hall, to be broadcast as a live webcast. Hollywood, which owns everything else to do with Harry Potter, says it is doing even less. Incredible as it may seem, the guardians of the brand say that, to protect the Potter franchise, they are trying to maintain a low profile. Well, relatively low.

Ms Rowling signed a contract in 1998 with Warner Brothers, part of AOL Time Warner, giving the studio exclusive film, licensing and merchandising rights in return for what now appears to have been a steal: some $500,000. Warner licenses other firms to produce goods using Harry Potter characters or images, from which Ms Rowling gets a big enough cut that she is now wealthier than the queen—if you believe Britain''s Sunday Times rich list. The process is self-generating: each book sets the stage for a film, which boosts book sales, which lifts sales of Potter products.

Globally, the first four Harry Potter books have sold some 200m copies in 55 languages; the two movies have grossed over $1.8 billion at the box office.

This is a stunning success by any measure, especially as Ms Rowling has long demanded that Harry Potter should not be over-commercialised. In line with her wishes, Warner says it is being extraordinarily careful, at least by Hollywood standards, about what it licenses and to whom. It imposed tough conditions on Coca-Cola, insisting that no Harry Potter images should appear on cans, and is now in the process of making its licensing programme even more restrictive. Coke may soon be considered too mass market to carry the brand at all.

The deal with Warner ties much of the merchandising to the films alone. There are no officially sanctioned products relating to “Order of the Phoenix”; nor yet for “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, the film of the third book, which is due out in June 2004. Warner agrees that Ms Rowling''s creation is a different sort of commercial property, one with long-term potential that could be damaged by a typical Hollywood marketing blitz, says Diane Nelson, the studio''s global brand manager for Harry Potter. It is vital, she adds, that with more to come, readers of the books are not alienated. “The evidence from our market research is that enthusiasm for the property by fans is not waning.”

36. When the author says “there will be no escaping Pottermania”, he implies that ____.

[A] Harry Potter’s appeal for the readers is simply irresistible

[B] it is somewhat irrational to be so crazy about the magic boy

[C] craze about Harry Potter will not be over in the near future

[D] Hogwarts school of magic will be the biggest attraction world over

37. Ms Rowling’s reading in London''s Royal Albert Hall is mentioned to show ____.

[A] publishers are really adventurous in managing the Potter’s business

[B] businesses involved with Potter are moving along in an unusual way

[C] the media are promoting Pottermania more actively than Hollywood

[D] businesses are actually more credible than media in Potter’s world

38. The author believes that ____.

[A] Britain''s Sunday Times rich list is not very convincing as it sounds

[B] Time Warner’s management of licenses is a bit over-commercialised

[C] other firms may produce goods using Harry Potter images at will

[D] what Ms Rowling got in return for her offering to Warner is a real bargain

39. Paragraph 5 intends mainly to show Warner’s ____.

[A] determination to promote Potter

[B] consistence in conducting business

[C] high regard for Ms Rowling’s request

[D] careful restrictions on licensing to Coco-Cola

40. It can be concluded from the last paragraph that ____.

[A] products of Potter films have brought enormous profits to Warner

[B] current Hollywood’s marketing of Potter may damage its potential

[C] readers could get tired of Ms Rowling’s writings sooner or later

[D] Warner will maintain the same strategy with Potter in future

Part B


In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

The place is a lovely meadow surrounded by deep woods on a hilltop overlooking a beautiful lake in the Catskill Mountains 120 miles from New York. It is quarter past eight in the morning, and you are about to commute to your office in the city. Yet there is no paved highway nearer than fifteen miles, and it is fifty to a railroad station.

41) __________________________________________. The aircraft, looking oddly like a horizontal electric fan, drones toward you. When the pilot is directly overhead, all forward movement of the machine ceases and it descends vertically until the cabin door is within a foot of the ground. On the machine’s gray side is painted Helicopter Express to New York. The door opens and you step inside.

Fifty minutes later the helicopter bus hovers over a midtown New York building, descends slowly to alight on a roof space some sixty yards square. You go into the building, take the elevator to the street below, and walk half a block to your office. Not quite an hour has elapsed since you drank your morning coffee in your home.

42) ______________________________________.

In the air age of tomorrow, the manufacture, sale, and upkeep of the direct—lift machine will become a billion—dollar industry just as the automobile industry. There will be many startling changes in our way of life.

43) ________________________________________________. A cheap, swift helicopter bus service will ferry these people to and from their work. Suburbs will include ten thousand or more square miles. Real estate values will come within the reach of average incomes, and the people will literally return to the good earth.

44) _________________________________________________. But the short haul of less than 1000 miles is equally the task of the helicopter, which can do it with the greatest efficiency.

Express and air mail will be carried from the airports to final destination by helicopter. There will be a direct—lift machine service to take airliner passengers from the airport to the city in a few minutes. There will be special delivery of perishable food to your door.

The winter growth of fresh vegetables such as beans and tomatoes, celery and lettuce, in the warm South and the Far West has been hitherto restricted because of cost and time or transportation to market. The airline and helicopter freight service will speed such healthy foods to the ends of the nation.

45) __________________________________________________________..

[A] Most important is that hundreds of thousands of people can return to the health and beauty of the countryside. Millions of acres of hitherto inaccessible land will be developed with small homes for medium-or low-income groups.

[B] And a new type of architecture-perhaps a house with a flat roof and a pleasantly designed helicopter hangar to one side of it, so that you have only to wheel the machine a few feet to take off.

[C] Does this sound like a fantasy imagined by science fiction writers? If so, I can assure you, as a practical aeronautical engineer, that such a trip is neither fantastic nor impractical. I am convinced that a helicopter bus service is not only practicable but, in fact, inevitable.

[D] Hence our eating habits will change perhaps more than we realize. Strawberries in January, as it were, available for all. The airline and helicopter freight service render all this possible.

[E] Private and bus helicopters will make possible vacations at seashore or mountain for countless thousands. The helicopter will destroy space for millions of people. Nothing is more delightful than touring in a helicopter. To hover and fill one’s eyes with an enchanting vista is to bring joy to the soul.

[F] Now you hear a low hum, and over the horizon appears a flying machine. You press the button of a box nearby and a radio signal flashes to the machine.

[G] Long-distance transportation of passengers and freight over land and sea will definitely remain the job for the large airplane.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

The “standard of living” of any country means the average persons share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. 46) “Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such as transport and entertainment.

A country’s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country’s natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. 47) Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess none of them.

Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. 48) Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and external wars, and for this and other reasons have been unable to develop their resources. Sound stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasion, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to produce more wealth than another country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country’s people. Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled.

49) A country’s standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For example, Britain’s wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would otherwise be lacking. 50) A country’s wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

You have stayed with your friend Cathy for a whole week. Now you are going home. Write a message to her to

1) express your gratitude

2) show your appreciation of the good days you’ve had together

3) say goodbye

You should write about 100 words on Answer Sheet 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Susan” instead. You do not need to write the address. ( 10 points )

Part B

52. Directions:

Assuming that a manager is going to interview some job applicants and one of his friends gives him a piece of advice that the first impression is not a reliable basis for judgment. This manager wants to hear more from others and decides to have a wall newspaper put up for more views on that topic.

1. You are going to write an article to offer your opinion about it.

2.You should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.( 20 points )

Text 3译文


表面上看,6月26日星期四达成的这项协议很有希望,与具体农产品挂钩的多项补贴终于取消―――意思是直接给农民付款,不与特定的产品挂钩,借此取代以前的做法。几项重要产品(包括牛奶和黄油)的支持性价格将要降低―――这意味着欧洲的价格终于趋于世界市场价格。切断补贴和生产之间的联系是Mr Fischler的提议的主要目标,这为谈判提供了一个起点。














Text 4译文

也许只有在Hogwarts魔术学校受训做魔术师的小男孩才能产生如此大的魅力,造就有史以来最大的销书狂潮。6月20 日,不管在世界的什么地方,午夜的钟声一响,他的追随者就蜂拥而至,抢购1000万册“Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”中的一本。书店半夜开门,送货公司招募更多的雇员、租用更多的卡车。相关的玩具、游戏、DVD及其它商品到处都是。哈里波特热潮无所不在。

然而,波特的世界很奇怪,事情与往常不一样。尽管易于激动的媒体(包括《经济学家》杂志也乐于宣传这样一个全球化的经典之作)帮着鼓吹J.K. Rowling的第五部小说的发行,出版商所做的最大胆的宣传不过是请Rowling小姐到伦敦皇家阿尔伯特大厅朗读一段,并在网上实况转播。拥有除出版之外与哈里波特有关的一切的好莱坞,动作也不多。真是不可思议,商标的拥有者说,为了保护与哈里波特相关的权利,他们正试图保持底姿态。真的很底。

Rowling小姐于1998年与华纳兄弟,美国在线时代华纳的一部分,签订了合约,赋予电影厂全部拍摄电影、许可及商品开发权,而她的所得现在看起来真廉价:约50万美元。华纳许可其他公司使用哈里波特的人物形象生产产品,Rowling小姐也从中分得一大块,使她比女王还富有————只要你相信英国Sunday Times所列的富人名单。这过程是增值的过程:书为电影搭建平台,电影促进书的销售,书的销售有带动哈里波特产品的销售。

从全球来看,哈里波特的前四册已用55 种语言,销了2亿册;两部电影的票房也达到18亿美元。


与华纳的交易使得商品的开发多系于电影本身。还没有官方认可的与Order of the Phoenix相关的产品出来,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban也没有,后者是第三部书的电影版,电影将在2004 年6月发行。华纳也认为,Rowling小姐的创作是一种不同的商品,它具有长期的潜力,用好莱坞的闪电式营销方式会破坏它的前景,电影厂的哈里波特全球商标经理Diane Nelson就这么认为。她还说,由于更多的系列还未出版,不能将读者疏远很关键。“市场调研表明,波特迷们对波特的激情没有消减”。

36. 【答案】A


37. 【答案】B


38. 【答案】D


39. 【答案】C


40. 【答案】D


Part B


本文讲直升飞机短途服务给人们的生活带来的种种变化。前三段描述了一个假定的场面,说明直升飞机的便捷服务。第五段说“There will be many startling changes in our way of life”,这是全文的关键句,它决定了下文的几个段落的内容。









本题考察考生对段落内部逻辑的把握。既然下文说“But the short haul (运输)of less than 1000 miles is equally the task of the helicopter”,对应的上文就该是G项。


本题考察考生对文章结构的把握能力。既然第五段末句说了“many changes”,而文章6-10段分别讲述直升飞机的服务对人类生活带来的各种变化,那么45题,即第十段的内容应是E项。D项与上段内容重复。

Part C

46. [结构分析] 这是一个复合句。For引导一个原因状语从句,其中包含了not…but结构。

[词汇难点] “in this sense”意为“在这一意义上”。

[参考译文] 在这一意义上,财富并不是钱财,因为我们的生存并不依赖于钱而是依赖于钱所能购买的东西:诸如食品、衣服的物品和诸如交通、娱乐的服务。

47. [结构分析] 这是一个复合句。分号隔开了两个部分。

[词汇难点] “be well supplied with”意为“有充足的供给”;“fertile”意为“肥沃的”。

[参考译文] 世界上有些地区蕴藏着丰富的煤炭和矿产资源,有丰沃的土地和宜人的气候;而其它一些地区却一无所有。

48. [结构分析] 这是一个并不简单的简单句。一共有3个并列成分。

[词汇难点] “well off”意为“富裕的”。

[参考译文] 有些国家自然资源可能很丰富,但却多年以来饱受内外战的困扰,并且因为这个或那个的原因不能够发展本国资源。

49. [结构分析] 这是一个简单句。not only…but also的结构。

[词汇难点] “within its own borders”译为“在本国内”。

[参考译文] 一个国家的生活水准,不仅取决于它在本国内生产和消费的财富,还取决于它通过国际贸易间接生产的财富。

50. [结构分析] 这是一个复合句。provided that引导一个条件状语从句。

[词汇难点] “provided”意为“倘若,只要,假如”。

[参考译文] 因此,一个国家的财富很大程度上受到它的生产能力的影响,如果有其它国家愿意接受它的产品的话。

Section III Writing




Part A

Dear Cathy,

Please accept my thanks for the very pleasant time I spent together with you for the past week.

I very much appreciated your hospitality and also thoroughly enjoyed the six very interesting days together, driving along the coast at the sunset, swimming at the sea, eating those delicious seafood, watching classic movies at cinema, playing video games for a whole night and doing many other wonderful things .

I know the past six beautiful days will keep me happy for a long time.

Now I would like to express my thanks for your warm hospitality with a little gift that you will

shortly receive.



Part B

Interviews are being held to seek persons for some vacancies in our company and people are wondering how to find the right persons. Someone claims that the first impression is a reliable basis for judgment. There could be some truth in his saying, but I insist that only a thorough study of the applicant can provide a solid basis on which the manager may decide whether he or she is qualified for the job.

In the interview, responsibility and ability, among other things, are the two foremost qualities the manager should stress in his assessment of the applicant. It’s hard to imagine a person without responsibility can perform his duties well. And persons who are lack of responsibility but hold important positions may bring disasters to the company involved, to the public and to the society. The same is true of those without abilities. One often hears of news stories in which incompetent guys, reportedly, bring about huge amount of economic loss to the companies or even to the country.

In my opinion, interviewers should try to judge the applicants in many relevant respects, not just the first impression. And I’m confident that qualified applicants can thus be found and contribute to the development of our company.

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