
The Naissance of Dragon

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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The Naissance of Dragon

I have heard of the story about naissance of the dragon from one book, it is interesting and readable. I write some details here, for your reference.As we all know that the appearance of country play a very important role during the history of human being’s civilization. But why and how the country produce is still a problem.Mr. Zhangyan’s viewpoints is, politics power came of religion power. This can be easily understood if we know some knowledge about history, the religion tutor is also the political leader. Today in Iran there is another example. But how the religion came into being? Mr. Zhang believes that religion came of human being’s considering life, especially the fear to death. Early in the mankind society, Man, as the only animal that can consider life, was different from others. The more they began to know life, the more wondering they were to the death. They might be successful in his life, but they had to face the death. So we say that death was a kind of natural violence. Since man could be biddable when facing man-made violence, they would be more biddable to the nature which we can name it God. They would like to give some of their wealth to the god, in one word, they tried their best to please the god. These kinds of behaviors form the original religion.We can imagine, this kind of domination (nature or god to man) can be applied to a kind of domination (man to man). Religion produced power. Because of genius and resources (age, position in his big family), some people acted as the leaders in the religion ritual. This position is special, they can change people’s behaviors through cheating recurring to man’s obedience to the god. Some leaders would like to satisfy themselves through religion, other would make some orders as god’s orders to let man comply with. At the same time, some wise religion leaders would try to help people increase production, spread technology. So we can say that religion、economy、politics and culture were mixed to one whole in the early time of history . From this we begin to know and understand totems. Totem had the meaning of religion, politics and economy. As we know, most of those totems are animals and plants.At that time, all the production in one tribe mainly were consumed by the people in this tribe. Consumption was subsistence. So the totem, as the image of one totem, was also the foundation of one bribe’s subsistence. Why these animals and plants can exist? This is beyond man’s considering. They were grateful to the nature (god). Since these animals and plants are given by the nature (god), they should be respected as god. One totem was also the god of the bribe. Recurring to the power of the god, some wise leaders would make their bribes more effectively, people’s life was better, so man would be more grateful to the god, the totem. They think it was the totem’s operation. All in all, the totem became very important for one bribe and the people in this bribe.Subsequently, different bribes began to unite through war or negotiation. And the negotiation about totems was very important, how to describe a new totem was a focus. Different bribe hope the new totem, even a part can stand for his own bribe. The negotiation resulted in a new totem appeared, and new totem would become more strange followed by more and more bribes’ uniting. At last dragon appeared, a strange animal that none see became Chinese totem.It is only one kind of imagination, but I feel it is readable.

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