Human Being and Cancer Cells Panpanpan Human beings to the earth are terribly like cancer cells to the body. I do hate to say this, but I have to face the fact, and so do you, he, so do we everybody. Human beings are horrible to hear the word Cancer, they only know cancer cells are going to kill an originally healthy body. For some unknown reasons, cancer cells rapidly and wildly and endlessly reproduce themselves, spreading to everywhere of the body, consuming every inch of fleshes and every drop of blood, torturing its master’s willpower gradually and cruelly…They won’t quit their work until finally kill its master. They cancer cells require nutrition, energy, water, protein…they do require everything. Clever as the human is, cancer cells are still rarely defeated. Because the demand and motive of the cancer cells are irregularly changeable, human can’t be with them. It’s why human beings fear of cancer so hopelessly.
But human rarely realize that what they do to the earth is just as the cancer cells do to the body.
Population is a desperate problem. Human enjoy reproducing themselves crazily, that has already caused so many troubles to the earth, every individual knows this problem, but every individual has his own excuse…like cancer cells’ reproduction, rapidly, wildly, and endlessly. But much more clever than those cells, human don’t content of their natural way of reproduction, they take their trouble to “invent” a way of asexual-reproduction, so-called clone. Human fears of nothing about nature laws, just like cancer cells. They only know they enjoy reproduction and indulge themselves in it. Human know the energy on the earth is rather limited, they require water, food, wood, charcoal, fuel…they do require everything. Human won’t quit eating other creatures, no matter where it exists, no matter what it is, until only human themselves are left on the earth, so, they can only eat…the same species.Since human require eating, they of course require excreting. They know the containing-limitation of the earth is not limitless, but they RUQUIRE. They excrete wastewater, poisonous air, non-rot materials…they don’t care; they won’t quit their “work”. Just as cancer cells, they are never-stopped. But luckily, human are of course cleverer than cancer cells. They creatively make all varieties of weapons, which are not used for killing aliens to protect themselves, instead, are used for killing the same species. The strong human use their great inventions to kill those weak peers, inhumanely and continually. Probably they think they would lengthen the lifetime of the earth by this way…but they are completely wrong. As the master of cancer cells, the lifetime of the earth is numbered; it is being pined away day by day…Even God himself doesn’t have ability to save it from such rapacious human being… God, what can you do?