
Unrealized Reason

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Hi Anne,

What an interesting topic.

If they didn't daydream about the future how could they have finally learned to fly? Or to talk across long distances, or to communicate in minutes by way of the internet? If they didn't have hope of a better future how could they dedicate themselves to building it? I think it depends on what you are dreaming about.

If someone is dreaming about winning a lottery they aren't putting any effort in, yet they expect that they, out of all the millions of people, will be the lucky one. This is a lazy way, foolishness, and a waste of money that could be used better in other ways.

If a person want a dear wife or husband it helps to make themselves into a fine person so that they will attract such a person. As is well said, "like attracts like." If they become such a person themselves they will want to go where such people gather, and there they may meet one who is drawn to them, too. If their wants are for the prettiest girl to be their sex partner then their aspirations don't rise very high, and only people without much character yet will be interested in them, and what can they expect as a result of it over the long term? How one ends up has a lot to do with what one dreams about and so becomes.

How to always be right? It isn't always possible, of course. But it is possible to avoid a lot of pitfalls if one has a good religion, that forbids and alcohol, tobacco and drugs and loose sex, and manages to stay lean and exercised, and on a healthy diet. Religion has the power to change lives and hearts. If you believe a law is from God you don't want to break it. Therefore you are more apt to stick to it and so remain protected. It helps to pray and meditate about your plans and to consult with a few people whom you trust. You don't have to do what they say, but if they all give you the same advice you should listen very closely.

As one gets older and sees the bodies falling all around in failing health and ruined marriages and families, one is glad to have been protected from all that. A philosophy won't do for most people, because it doesn't engage the heart enough. Religion has the power. But it is important to be careful what kind of a religion it is, and to have a detached heart when you are looking for it. If you are attached to names or ideas or tradition or love of anyone, or anything else, you may overlook what you were seeking.

I am happy that I have found such a belief that has protected me and mine from all the ruin that could, (and I have reason to believe would,) have happened in our lives. My married daughter told me the other day that the only times she fell into real trouble were when she didn't obey its laws. It is not fanatical and it doesn't try to make people belong to it. I found it because I wanted to find what would make this a better world, and I searched for something with the potential to do away with hunger, and war and prejudice. I didn't look where everybody else went, like a sheep, I looked and thought for myself. Finally I found what I think is very important and wonderful. I have my dear husband because of it. All of our children and grandchildren are good and their marriages are, and there have been many other things we are glad that we have been able to avoid, and so many good experiences, interesting trips and excellent friendships have come out of it.

So I advise you to get a feeling heart for others, look for the best truth you can find, and stick to it. Live by it. Work for it. Don't forget to think for yourself. And be sure that it is in accord with science and reason, and is not damaging to anybody in any way. Be sure that the people in it are really trying to live up to it as best they can. If they are new, it may take them awhile, but the ones in longer should be showing good qualities.

Best wishes to all, Maryk

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