
Are you new in the office?

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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It is Sunday but i have to come to office to work for overtime.

I was a regular visitor here 2 years ago, but for many reasons it stopped for rather a long time. I 'll come often from now on.

and I found there are so many new names, of course mine is also new to most of you now, but it doesn't matter, we still find joy here because we love this column and we are eager to communicate in English.

I changed to a company recently.(and i want to consult with Canuck, is this an acceptable expression for quit a job and start another?)

This time,it was a big famouse US company, far better than my previous one in any aspect, I was better paid, the working enviroment was perfect, around me were all talented people. I was envied by my former colleagues and all my friends. I had enouth reason to celebrate, However,strangely enough i didn't find the joy as in the previous company.

The reason, which is hard to describe,was not specific but a kind of sense, a kind of feeling, it was the attitude my new colleagues to a new comer.

Have you ever been new to an office?

I can not remember clearly what it was like when I first came to my previous company, but since i don't have any special memory about it, it must has not ever given me any different feelings.

But in this new company things was different. On the surface, my new colleagues are elegant, well-behaved people, but when I got to work with them, i found they tend to not to listen to ME and too hurry to draw conclusions.

I emphasis ME, is because I found they didn't do the same to others.

In our communication, they often don't listen to me, and directly draw the conclusion that you are wrong, what you said are not true. As a new comer, I had no choice but to shut up, because i was new i don't have so many years of experience for this job as they did.

but after some twists and turns, when it turned out that i was right, they would not make any indicatiion about that. and simply said, Oh, "yes it's it,let go on with..." and don't even gave me the chance to point out that we could have avoided all the trouble, if only they would listen to me.

What is your feeling if you were me?

Or this is a bias of mine?

But, actually they will listen to others attentively and give them a chace to fully express themselve. (Only myself is new in the office, others have been working together for more than a year.)

I started to doubt if I had lost my communicating skill overnight? I was quite confident about my communicating skill before. I was quite popular in my previous company, because i am considered a person ready to help others and have unique perception.

Ironically, I had performed as a trainer for the new comers in my previous company.(My previous company recruited new clerks for my leaving). I understand what an entire new enviroment means to a new comer in an office. I had tried my best to help them, listen to their talk attentively and consider their opinion seriously, I don't think i'm supreior to them only because i stayed longer than them. and I believe they will also be excerllent only allow them time and practice.

Days after, whem i come to the new office with the idea that people there must see things in the same way, but finally find i 'm totally wrong.

I have stayed for more 3 months in this new office now. basically i can handle my new job independently.and their attitude to me is dramatically changed. Is it funny?

To be frank, no matter how kind they are now, i will not respect them a bit. The gap between us is permanent.

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