
Campus Story Part9

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Linlily was from a metropolis about three hours by train from the city we were studying in.All the way she was talking in spirits to me about her family.Her parents were retired and living peacefully in a residential area,she also had a brother who had ever studied in Germany and formed a family there,he seldom came back.She also said proudly that her father was a good cook,her whole family used to enjoy delicious dishes cooked by her father,based on her father’s concoction of plentiful nutrition,the two children had never felt difficult in their schooling years.With her vivid narration,we reached our destination unconsciously.I had been to this city for many times before,every time I felt it different from last time.Now for the sake of becoming a cosmopolis this city can see fresh air and mordern constructions as well as state of art public facilities ubiquitously.After about 20 minutes by bus,we finally came to her home which was in a garden like residential area.There I received a warm welcome,the house was delicate and everything was orderly managed though not luxury.Her father was looking benevolent,likely in his middle fifties,and her mother was looking a little younger.My candid look and humble talking soon won their fondness,I could feel their satisfaction with their daughter’s false match.Her maother was so delighted that hastened the father to enter the kitchen and take out his bottom faculties to prepare a feast table.No need to say that my mouth was the biggest beneficiary from this journey.After lunch,Linlily and her parents showed me around nearby,all the way,the impertinent girl was talking and laughing,walking with bouncy feet like a happy bird,now and then hanging on one of arms as if we were real lovers.In the evening,we were packing Chinese dumplings together for supper,while talking a lot of interesting things,I had never enjoyed such a warm and lively family,because my parents though also love their children and care about them a lot,they never show it before us,what they talk most are principles of being human being,they never let us share the house work,only to let us have more time to read,so every holiday it was the books that accompanied me most,so how couldn’t I get raptured in fresh-aired family,then I got so intoxicated in this warm atmosphere that unconsciously I had myself melted into this family.Linlily was so nosy that tried to broker a WeiQi (siege chess with black and white nuts and lattice board)match between me and her father,because her father was a WeiQi lover.I dodged by saying that I had not played it for a long time,but the bookmaker insisted,and her father seemed in high interest,so the match was finally kicked off.Her father’s style in this game was as unscrupulous as her daughter in life,his moves were very bold but always found himself took a wrong move after I casted a countermove nut.At the beginning,he refrained several times from wanting to re-move for the sake of honour,but finally he couldn’t help demanding a re-move of his worst move,our broker plus referee silenced his demand by saying vociferously,”no way,this is a fair duel,you shouldn’t suppress the young by you seniority.”The old-timer father had to give up the demand while shaking his head disappointedly.There interposed the mother amusingly,who was watching TV,”good my daughter,you begin to favor you boy and gong upon your daddy even before you change home door,”then all of us bursted into laughter.The father lost the first match,but said it couldn’t be counted just for he was light-minded and asked her daughter to broker a rematch,the broker permitted but only one match.The mother said:”look at you two,old not old and young not young.”This time the father was very cautious with every move,and I would like to play passively without using too much brain.At the end I lost,which allowed me to go sleep in Linlily’s brother’s room.I was too tired to hold on any more,but Linlily was still in so high spirit that showed no sign of drowse,she said that she knew I made a concession otherwise her father has no way to win .I said I was tired and wanted to sleep,then she made bed for me and took in a basin of hot water for me to wash my feet,as if she was a real wife.I was feeling very very uncomfortable and guilty,no one had ever waited on me like this.So I said:”I can do all this by myself, you have no need to performance any more ,for your parents can’t see,”But she said :”I like this and how I wish this be true.”“don’t be goose,we must keep the agreement reached earlier,you must keep your credit.”“don’t cheat yourself,I know you are too honest to play this role so convincingly,tell me you are playing by heart.”“You must have a bee in your head,I can be competent for this role only for we are very familiar and your family is very friendly,” though I said this,I was really terrified by my whole day performance,am I really a good performer?I began to question myself if my love for Wenly was really challenged for the first time.“I know these two years you have been living in an illusive world,your swearing love for that remote girl is the only support of your life,you know people can’t always live in illusion,it is up to you to have a rude awakening,do come to reality,do refresh you life.”she said,eyes parkling with tears.“Don’t stir a tide in the cup,look,my life is rather tangible,the girl though far from me exists really there and I will go for her just tomorrow.”I confirmed and precipitated her to go to sleep.She dried the tears with a handkerchief and went out.Next day,some of Linlily’s old friends came to see her after learned that she had come home.Linlily was such an easy going person that she had so many friends including boys and girls.The butter ball she had mentioned was also included,he looked awkward,though from a rich family was very humble and generous to everyone.He now and then casted admiring sight to me.Then I stealingly said to Linlily:”I think that chubby boy is not bad,he can be a good husband I am sure.I can’t make out why you dislike him.”“Shout up,I don’t like that muddle-headed yesman,I don’t like a would-be hen-peckered.”she said angerily,then I shrugged and walked away.Some of her friends suggested taking pictures outside,others agreed unanimously.I declined to go out by making an excuse of not photogenic,but Linlily asked me not to be a big let-down,so I went out with them and spent the whole morning outside.After lunch treated by the chubby boy,I told Linlily that I want to buy a train ticket to the south,her face became dim all of a sudden,but make like merry yet and said earlier bye to the friends.We bought the ticket from the train station,which was due 8:00 in the evening,then we went back to her home,all the way she said nothing.When I told her parents that I would leave in the evening,they thought that I would go home for the spring festival,then they asked me to send their regards to my parents and prepared so much delicious food that I could hardly carry.Linlily was still looking dim and said nothing.Her parents said:”silly girl,isn’t that just a few days seperation?you have no need to be so sad,you will see each other in your campus after the short holiday.”On their saying that ,I was feeling guilty and self-punished for having cheated them.The more they are good to me the more I was feeling guilty.However,I finally got to the train station,Linlily and her parents all came to see me off,her mother told me stealingly:”my kid is all spoiled and always as wilful as a child,but she is a kind-hearted girl.You know her brother is far away from us,as if we only have this daughter,now I give my daughter to you ,I hope you can treat her well.”I didn’t know what to say but nodded lightly without daring to see her in the eyes.Just at this moment a long sonorous whistle signaled the departure of the train.I boarded on the train and waved my hand outside the window.They still stood there unmoved,Linlily’s eyes were full of tears.The train moved slowly,and then faster and faster,leaving her tearful eyes farther and farther and finally disappeared.I didn’t now when my eyes were also wet.

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