
The special girl

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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The special girl

I’ve seen her name as the manager of English Salon and was curious about her. I wonder what kind of girl could she be to be a manager? I started to get to know more about her as I applied for the job as one of the Masters of English Café.

The first impression she gave me was sincere. Well, most people can pretend to be nice to you, after all, this is the Internet, where you can fake all your emotions and feelings. I’ve met some people who appeared to be nice to you, but actually they wanted nothing to do with you. But from her words and actions, you could see she meant what she said and did. This type of people is hard to get in the new modern world, so I started to take more notice about her.

After becoming the Master of English Café, she often helps me with my problems. She helped me to write the notice board application when I had no clue what is a notice board. (OK, I see those headlines and discussion topics whenever I sign in, but I never know that those are called the notice board until she told me so.) I guess I am a fast learner, for I didn’t ask her how to give stars or organize the digest. I figured those out by myself.

She is a good example of how to be a good master. I know she is very busy, but she comes to HongEn almost every single day. She goes to all forums in English Salon to check on articles and answer questions. She helps people whenever she can and replies articles under her root articles. She has a good temper, always gentle to people, even those who have offended her. The thing is, she seems to be perfect. She is everything I ever wanted to be. And I, the kid who knows nothing, want to become just like her. I want to try my best to be help others when I can, to be a responsible but not tedious Master, to make my forum a place full of laughter and affection.

At first she is just a goal to me. A girl who seems to know everything and can solve every problem, every argument in this forum. A girl who never show her temper. A girl, who is so different from me. I seem to be smart, but I just know the basic in each subject. I have such a hot temper that I was afraid that people would hate me when I explode out of rage and frustration.

My respect for her grows stronger when I learned of her “flaw”. Her physical appearance is not of a normal child. My first thought was “How cruel!” Such girl could not enjoy the simple pleasures everyone else can. When someone else does not even appreciate the pleasure of moving freely, she can only sit there to be taken care of by others. She cannot go to school to receive normal education, and even if she could, she will be an outcast. People will eye her like a fragile vase; she will not be accepted by peers; people will take advantages of her; people will bully her, so on and on. Sympathy came to me like waves, as I felt so sad for the girl who can not lead a live like mine.

Then I realized there was nothing to feel pity about. Yes, such a brilliant young girl going through this kind of agony is a sad thing. A caged bird that can never fully stretch her beautiful wings and soaring up the sky. Apart from this, there is nothing to feel sad. She might be different from the rest of us on the outside, but her heart is as good as anyone else, or even better. She could live a life as a slob, waiting for others to take care of her. Instead, she faces the unchangeable fact and lives with it. She self-studies several subjects, becomes the Master of Canuck’s Comment and the Manager of English Salon. She has written so many brilliant, well-organized articles. The stars and replies she receives are proves of that. She may be weak in appearance, but she is anything strong and determined. She lives her life efficiently and successfully.

Now eighteen years of her life had passed by. She stands still, waiting and exploring the bright future in front of her. There are ups and downs in her life, but she faces all of them, the tears, the laughter, the joy, and the bitterness. No matter what happens, she is always that optimistic, cheerful, strong girl. No matter what happens, she will always remain as my dear friend, a girl I look up to. Thanks, Jenny, for all you’ve done for me. Thanks for your constant support and encouragement. Thanks for being there for me when I was blue. Thanks for correcting my mistakes and cheering me up. Most of all, thank you, for being just you. You are special, not because of your physical state, but because of the girl I see in your soul. I’ll always remember the chats we had and will continue to have with one another. I hope to see you bloom with your special fragrance, and help others to find their lost selves. You’ve taught me to be strong; to be nice to others when all I want to do is to kill him. :D You’ve taught me that life, is a treasure that has a reason to be what it is. You’ve taught me to accept what I own and appreciate them. You are the biggest treasure I find in HongEn.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P.S. I’ve spent one and half hour to write this article. I don’t know how will I wave my thoughts about Jenny into words. So like before, I write what comes to my mind. I know this is a horrible piece of work, but the emotions are from the deepest part of my heart. Jenny had given me too many things that I don’t know where to begin and where to end. Since I’m going to resign, I think I should write an article of her to tell her my appreciation of her in my life and my gratitude towards her. Of course, I will still come to HongEn whenever I have time, probably every day for now. But I’d like to express my feelings for once, (Jenny told me to write down my feelings) before I grow to shy to form the words. Before I end, I’d also like to thank to others who had helped me before. Thanks to David, Mary, Panpanpan, Dave, Mia, Dee and others. Thanks to you guys, that I could find the mistakes in my articles and correct them. Thanks to you guys, for your support and encouragement and the things you’ve done for me. :) Wish all of you a happy Ram year and best luck in everything you do!

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