
Campus Story Part11

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

When I opened my eyes,it was already highly bright.I sat up to find the father was smoking against the window.After hearing my getting up,he turned back and gave me a smile ,then said:”you wake ,boy?now wash your face and get ready to have breakfast.”I had no appetite,so,as soon as washed face,I asked her father how to get to the city construction bank.He seemed to evade answering my question but insisted on my having the breakfast first.After eating a little carelessly,I came up with the question for the second time.Then the father gave out a long sigh and said:”I know you miss my daughter very much,you called her name many times in your dream last night.But…but,you’d better not see her,just go back where you are from.”I was very shocked and asked why.He gave me a bitter smile and said:”because she has been married to someone else.so you’d better not disturb her new family,I beg you.”It seemed to be a bolt from the blue,that I was striken down in the chair dumfounded,I nearly fainted sitting there unmovable.How comes that?it’s impossible,I said to myself ,eyes looking into the far through the window,never willing to accept this resultThere,the father said consolingly:”I am very sorry to have you so sad and disappointed,you travelled so long a distance to come to see her,I’d like to thank you for her.Do you really love her very much?sure no doubt,I think.You know my daughter is now living happily in her new family,as you love her you should hope her happy,so please let it this way.I can see you are such a good lad that God couldn’t desert you,you can find a better one.Please be a man,forget it.OK?”Now I came to myself a little,but still didn’t want to accept the reality.I asked myself many times,does she really love me?haven’t she ever loved me at all?then why her sister said she had ever mentioned my name?I don’t believe what they said,I must ask what on earth it is.Then I asked,”hasn’t she mentioned me to you ever before?”“Yeah,she do have mentioned,but she said nothing more than that you are one of her most belief- worth friends,”said the younger sister,whose name is Wenjia.Hearing her remark,I was feeling ice cold in the heart,perhaps she’d never loved me,had I ever heard her saying that she loved me?no,never.Then,I seemed suddenly enlightened,a gust of shame came over me,I thought I couldn’t stay at her home any longer.I said:”sorry to have bothered you too much,I will go now.”I started to my feet and went towards the street door.“All right,then we won’t hold you any longer,please take care of yourself on the way and be sure to back home savely.”the father said as affectionately as my own father.The father and his daughter followed me out of the door,I said bye to them, but found the father seemed sorrowful and the daughter’s eyes were a little wet with tears.I asked them to hold their feet and strided toward the end of the valley.Just at this moment the old laddy sitting in the court spoke in a shiver voice,”Lily,my dear daughter,will you go?”,following was the sound of the daughter’s weeping.I hesitated a second without turning back,then went on,thinking that I must be looking so pitiable that made them show tearful sympthy.I boarded on the return train with a lost heart,fortunately the passengers in the compartment were not as many as the other days,so I could sit as comfortably as possible to relax.Two days later I returned home,it was Dec 30 of Chinese lunar calendar,just the final day of this heart-broken year.My parents were very happy to see I could spend the new year’s eve with them together,which was out of their expectation.I try to make like nothing special happened,I told them that I came back days later only because I had been commited to send some important technical material to a company far away,they didn’t ask more.The rest of the new year holiday at home went with lilltle difference from those before.It was January 17 of the lunar calendar,I returned the university.Just when I settled down my luggage,someone was knocking on the door.The door opened,there came in Linlily,who returned yesterday.She asked curiously how the trip was and if I had seen Wenly.I told her what was what,then there was an undetectable smile flashed over the corners of her mouth,this made me flare in the heart,I thought she was sneering me,she wanted to take advantage of my miserable situation,I couldn’t surrender to her.On thinking this I pulled a long face and said:”I am beaten up,I wanna have a rest,can you leave me alone?”“But you should have your supper first,let me buy it for you,you needn’t move.”She said softly,and went to pick my messtin. I said rudely:”no need,can’t you give me a mimute of quiet?leave me alone.”She was shocked as if electrified,the messtin under picking dropped half way on the table,giving out a clank.She stood there dumfounded for a while,then stumbled out of the door without looking back.Now,I found myself easy to flare up,I had never been like this,the better Linlily treat me the more I thought it a sneer to my unability.I began to hate her,then saw everything was hateful,I began hate Wenly,it was she that made me have a feeling of being ripped off.In the next two days,I was completely filled with hate,I didn’t like to speak to anyone,I didn’t like to eat anything. I was nearly collapsed,when I received a letter and a package which was from the city of Wenly’s hometown.

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