
Campus Story Part12

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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I opened the envelop first,the letter says as follows:

Dear Sir,We hope you have returned the campus safely.How was your spring festival?we hope your trip to our home didn’t make your holiday very bad.Please excuse us to haven’t not told you the truth about Wenly,only for the safety of your return trip.Actually,we have to tell you sorrowfully,she has gone,gone forever.We told a lie that she had married and said you are no more than a good friend of hers,only because we were afraid you might not stand the heavy blow.In fact Wenly likes you very much,we knew this because our neighbours had felt Wenly was such a nice girl that they fighted to introduce a match for her,but she always said that she had already had one,that is you.We had asked her to call you in for us to have a look,she said she would contact with you till she found a fixed job,because she was afraid that you would be worried about her employment.After few days at home,she went to the city to find a job,fortunately,the city’s Construction Bank was advertising for a computer engineer.For being a newly-graduated student,she was given a point-blank refusal,but just when the recruitment was to end up with failure,they found she still waited there,then they kindly gave her an interview,with which the recruiters were very satisfied.Then she was unprecedently given a half-year probation,if she could performance well in half a year,she would become a regular employee.The whole family were very happy to hear the good news.For a few days,Wenly was waiting for the notice of the bank to begin her internship.It was just in mid-July,the monsoon season,torrential rains had been pouring for three days.My mother suffers arthritis every this season,her handicap encumbers her doing house work,especially the preparations for my father’s meals,you know,my father works in a township factory and I work as a kindergartener in the city,so we have little time to help my mother.But,thanks God,Wenly came back from the north as soon as every summer holiday began,no matter how long the distance is.It was pouring on,showing no sign of stop.Most of the news on TV was reporting the flood conditions in south China and the anti-flooding efforts taken by governments of all levels.One day,when my sister was having lunch,someone from the township government came to our home and asked if my sister worked in the city’s construction bank,my sister told him that she was just registered an intern of that bank and hadn’t worked there for even one day.The comer said that the bank made a call to the township government,saying that the computer system of the bank crashed due to misoperation,it was impossible to ask the engineer in the headquarters,which is far from here,for help,so they remembered the newly recruited intern,and asked the local government to provide necessary support to escort their intern to the bank,they also emphasized the urgency,because all trades including the stock market were waiting anxiously for transactions,the more urgent was that the city government was waiting for money to implement the anti-flooding efforts.My sister made no hesitation,she thought it a right time to put her best foot forward,so as to get the job in the future.Then she put the unfinished lunch aside,hurriedly put on a raincoat and went out with the comer,no matter how my mother asked her to eat more behind.The township government assigned a car to send her,but the driver said he could see nothing in the car, for it was raining too hard for the brushes to sweep the front glass in time.Then my sister borrowed a bike,she rode along the river –like road and merged into the rain.She began to check the main machine as soon as she got there,after hours of restless work the main machine was recovered and back to normal,then she connected the computers one by one,finally the whole system ran normally.The leader of the Bank was so delighted that he declared to cancel my sister’s probation and take her as a regular employee directly.My sister was more delighted ,she even said she couldn’t wait any more to tell the good news to her family and her friend. All the people in the Bank began to work busily,the leader asked my sister to have a rest and would send her back when the rain became lighter.But the rain became harder and harder,let alone became lighter.The leader asked her again to lodge there if the rain wouldn’t stop later.But my sister couldn’t wait any longer,she said she had to take care of my mother,so ,insisted on going home by herself no matter how the leader tried to hold her.Water on the ground was becoming thicher and thicker,the brook was already leveled and the small bridge was submerged.She could hardly ride along against the resistence of the water,but she still pushed along and soon merged into the rain again. She didn’t come back,when the rain stoped next day,she was found floated in the brook, being unmovable forever.My mother fainted right on the scene and lost mind when she waked,she has been living in delirium since then,whenever she hears someone mention Wenly’s name,her mental disorder would be in a paroxysm.My family fell in deep sorrow,you know,my sister was a good swimmer,but she ate little when left for the bank and, the tremendous ride and hours of restless work already exhausted her energy,she had probably fainted and fallen into the brook.From my sister’s diary,we know that she loves you very much, the reason why she didn’t show her love for you and didn’t bid farewell to you when left the university two years ago is that she knew you love your major very much too,and the university as well as the famous professors can provide you a better environment for your study,meanwhile she knew you love her too,so if she told you she loves you face to face,you would probably give up your good conditions for study to follow her.Now we posted her diaries to you,we think you are the best one to keep her most valuble remains.Finally let bygones bygone,we living ones have to live on,please get over it.Sincerely yours WenjiaI could hardly read through,I stopped many times,feeling my breast was choked with something ,I could hardly breathe,tears already wet the paper.Since then,for days,I shut myself in ,lying there like a dead one with the diaries in my tight embrace.I hated myself,I hated myself why I was such a coward that didn’t even have the courage to express my love for her in front of her,otherwise I would have gone to her home together with her,I would have accompanied her to the bank,she would have nowhere near left me alone.To hell with my damned major,who would care that? It was me that killed her,it was me the murderer,for what reason could I live on the earth any longer?When I opened my eyes again,I found myself was lying in hospital.All my colleagues and teachers came to see me,they said I hadn’t gone to classes for days,it was Linlily that found me fainted on bed and called the ambulance.They persuaded me one after the other,without knowing what on earth had happened.Only Linlily knew what had happened,for she told me that she was sorry to have read the letter.She said she was very sorrowful to learn that Wenly was dead,and she finally knew why I had been head over heels in love with Wenly,even loved her with my life.A few days later,I was released from hospital,but from then on I lost interest in any study,only did what the tutor told me to do,I was every bit a motionless machine.Linlily took care of me every day,helped me doing the assignments and experiments,and bought meals for me,but never persuaded me,she knew no persuasion could work.Days going on steadily without stopping for anyone’s reason,the spring was coming,it was becoming warmer and warmer,verdure buds were growing on trees, the lawn was becoming green,and the primroses were blooming.Though my icy heart was not thawed by the warm of the spring,I could do everything by myself,then I told Linlily not to take care of me any more.I thought it a profanity to her if I stay with any other girl again.She said nothing and left.But in the next two days I didn’t see her come to class,I didn’t care.In the third day,I still didn’t see her,but I felt a little worried,do I still have motion?I asked myself,when the tutor sent for me to his room,he asked me if I know why Linlily hadn’t come to classes for days,I said I didn’t know.Then he sighed and said:”it is you that makes her like this.Yesterday she came to my office and told me that she didn’t want to study her master’s degree any more,she wanted to go home,and she said she didn’t have any interest in staying day and day with those motionless machines.You two used to be very interested in this study,but since the beginning of this semester you have been seeming not yourself all days,Linlily told me all about your encounter,I am very proud that our university has brought up such a good student as Wenly,I will report her deed to the authority of the university,to call everyone to learn from her.Now look at yourself,don’t you feel sorry to her expectation of you?don’t you feel sorry to your parents’ expection of you?don’t you feel sorry to the years of education the campus has given you?I don’t know what is your youngsters’ views of love,but love in our old generation’s eyes is based on lofty common pursuit,if one falls the other would work harder to achieve their common goal,only this can the living one console the dead one,only this can the living one not feel conscience-smitten.Do you know why Wenly loves you?just for you were a diligent student,you had a devotion to your cause,so is her.If you didn’t have these merits,you would be nothing in her eyes.If you keep deserting yourself in despair,and go to see her like this without no achievement,could she excuse you?”the more he spoke,the more excited he became,and finally he had to end it with a string of cough.I poured a cup of water for him.“Now,”said the tutor again,”Linlily is one of my best students,she is very clever,I think she will have a promising future if she continues the study as ever before.I know she has an unusual feeling for you,so why don’t you accept her?I think Wenly would feel happy if she could know you have such a lovely girlfriend as Linlily,you know,you two are not so young.Do you want to keep single all this life?I don’t think that is what Wenly wants to see.Now,whether can I keep Linlily as my student is full depended on you,which way to turn is your choice now.I think you would regret for the rest of your life if you lose such a nice girl.”I promised the tutor to think it over and went out.Walking on the pavement of the campus,I pondered what the tutor said just now,I thought it sounded reasonable,I must fulfil my tutor’s commitment to keep that silly girl,so as not to fail his years of cultivation.How can I say then?say sorry to her?illuminate the significance of the study for her?while thinking of ways of talking to her,I heard someone said:”hey,who are you gonna see?”I came to myself all of a sudden,just to find that my feet had already taken me to the hen-cop.I said I wanna see Linlily,but the janitress said that she had gone out with a travelling bad just 20 minutes ago,seemingly to have a long travel.On hearing this,I had no more worry about how to speak to her,but dashed out and ran in sprint toward the gate.I called a taxi and pantingly told the driver to go as quickly as he could to the train station.When I hurriedly made my way to the check-in entrance,I found she just had her ticket cheked and was walking to the platform,at the nick of time,I shout out:”Linlily,come out,come out,don’t go,I beg you not go!”She stopped,and turned back,now I found her face was tear -stained.She said melancholically:”Don’t try to hold me,I have decided to leave this motionless and stifling place.”I shouted again:”I promise,I will turn a new leaf of my life,let’s do our research together as happily as before,OK?”“You bet?”“I bet my bottom dollar.”Then a sweet smile came to her face,she ran out of the entrance lke a happy bird and dropped the big bag on the ground,jumped and hanged herself on my neck,this time I didn’t unclasp her arms,instead,I closed her waist with my arms and whirled a round perfect circle.(THE END)

AppendentToday is the final day of my winter holiday,I will go to work tomorrow,then I won’t have much free time to write as much as I do in the holiday.I try to finish the story today,but I was too sorrowful to write fluently to finish the last part,I have suspended many times.But I controled my motion and finally finished it.Whether it’s a reading-worthy story or not,whether it has bothered you or interested you,please never hesitate to let me know,because I wrote it with my heart, with my full emotion instead of pen,it flowed out from the inner part of my heart,no grammar rule can control it,so I am afraid there must be many lines that are not in accordance with the grammar,so please excuse me.I am always the loyal visitor to the forum of Canuck’s comments.Here I wanna express my thanks to our dear Mary,it is her encouragement that made me write on till the end.

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