Dear Antigl,
This is about your two posts, and Canuck's replies. You raised yoursubject under the title: "Canuck Please Help Me."
You twice asked Canuck, (my brother David), to help you understand thewords of a song. He has twice, gently and respectfully, backed away from doing so.
I am usually more willing to spell out ugly things in clear words than my brother, so I will give you an answer, because I don't want you to be damaged, and also I think this subject is important enough to us that we may possibly wish to discuss it further. That is why I put this reply into a root article.
The words of this song fall into a category that is known as "ethical nihilism". Nihilism is the doctrine that nothing exists or can be known; and it is called "ethical nihilism" when it is the rejection of religious and moral creeds. "Nihility" is "nothingness".
Without morals and moral patterns to help us choose the best ways, ways that have been found to work best for all people through time, civilization can be lost. Ethical nihilism encourages individuals to be free to do the most terrible and degenerate things to others or self, because it has destroyed morals and moral patterns and there is no general agreement left about what is right or wrong any more. There are no moral standards.
This poem is poisonous thought in a sugar coating of enjoyable music.It intrigues you. Many dangerous things have intriguing aspects, and there are a lot of them around in our time. We need to think for ourselves, and carefully choose our ways through the dangerous minefields and take the healthy paths.
You are intrigued with the words of this song because your inner self understands enough to realize that these are dangerous, and yet somehow exciting, intriguing and attractive words. That is the allure of the degenerate.
In symbolic language this has been called the alluring influence of "the devil" and the condition you end up in is called "hell". They say, speaking symbolically, that he lures you and you love it, until he has you; and then he drops you flat to struggle in your hell, which is the hell of your spoiled life, and of your damaged inner being which is the real you.
It is unfortunate that many people have taken such good symbolism literally. They think of it as superstition. These stories are really strong visual pictures that make many deep and valid points in easily understood and easily remembered ways. This "devil" has horns and a tail, indications of animal nature dominating higher human nature.
The more you meditate on the words of that song, Antigl, and try to tease out their ambiguous meanings, the more you immerse yourself in the nihilistic spirit. Be wise. Choose consciously what you allow into your conscious and your subconscious mind, -- into your "rational soul" which is your human mind and heart. This part of you is not material. It is the part of you that will last forever, even after this life. What you make of yourself here when you have free will is yours to live with later. Take good care of yourself. It's the only self you have.
One way we can all do this, is by remaining aware of the quality of what we allow to trickle into our subconscious minds when we are not paying much attention, because it will come up into our conscious thoughts later, as if it came from our own selves. Serious mistakes in life can be made by believing such things that aren't true, or even real, but we act upon them as though they were.
I don't think that the lyrics Antigl shared are conscious brain-washing.Such words can act that way, though, even if they weren't meant for the purpose. Of course, planting words in music is part of a classic brainwashing technique. This was tried in the West in super-markets and movie breaks, to encourage people to buy more of certain products. Now, words in music at a level just below conscious hearing is banned. However, you can get the same effect if you play songs in the background as you go about other activities and don't pay attention to their message before youdo so. The thoughts expressed in songs trickle then directly into your subconscious mind and influence you, without your conscious mind realizing.that they are influencing your thoughts in negative ways about yourself,your world, your life, beliefs, principles and the people around you.
With my best wishes to you, Antigl, and to us all in these strange times, for happiness and well-being,