During the Second World War, one day a British fictionist came to a grave in the countryside. When he was about to leave, he suddenly found a new gravestone with a sentence on it:The darkness of the whole world can’t make a candle lose its brilliance!This sentence made the novelist very excited. He quickly took his pen out and wrote it down. He hurried back to the flat to find out the derivation of this sentence, but he failed.The next day he went back to the grave. The conservator told him that the person who lay under the gravestone was just a 10-year-old boy. He had been burst to death several days before. His mother was very sad and she made a gravestone there.The fictionist was so surprised. He thought it was logion but it wasn’t. Then he wrote an article about this and it was quickly published. This article was like a seed of hope; it encouraged many people to go ahead for victory.Many years later, a man called Blake read this passage by chance. This passage changed his destiny. After graduation, he gave up many chances to work in the famous companies and decided to help the poor in Africa. He knew there would be a lot of difficulties such as the weather、 disease and war. But he would try his best to get over them.Several year months has passed, Blake and his partners, used the little shine of candle, and finally succeeded. The UN also awarded them a name“The Ambassador Of Helping The Poor”.Actually, everybody is like a candle. When you feel angry or sad, or even hopeless. Why not light the candle in your heart? The darkness disappeared, while leaving a surprising wonder.