Plastic kernalsdrifting flecksbeyond the maybes
in my mind
call remembranceof things pastand presentwithout future limits
Long quaffed
bungs of agony...
The earth has had
her fill of strife
Land and sea
prefer another way
A way of tranquil showers
Rain falling on wet leaves
in spring sunshine
and a rainbow over all
Canopies of crystal stars
flicker and twirl
drift noiselessly to earth
like snowflakes
symbols of an ancient promise
Heart shining stars
reflecting radiance
think and feel
crystal streams of love
transformed by will
Shape structures of
sublime governance
for a new heaven
and a new earth
Appeal !
Appeal ! to God an end to war!
Perfect fellowship divine
yet make it mine!
Crowded streets and distant harbours
Rustling thoughts of
many minds
The air is full of
hope and dreams
love and schemes
Tanks and missiles
have no place
but fear still lingers here
Shelter usand change our heartsCause us to renounceall dartsof hateold memories ofcarnage
Start again
the wise Man said
crisp and new this Day
and so be you
Comfort me
my ancient mother
Earth and may we heal
Weigh my soul
against a feather
what the outcome?
Plea for mercy
and if heard
for peace and plenty
Make for me
a vineyard home
Bring me to my vine
And under mine own fig tree
Bestow on me a heartful mind.
M.K. November 11 1998