
Strongly Recommendation: An Excellent Website

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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For a long time, I want to recommend this website which I have obtained so much

from it. But on the one hand, I am a little lazy. You know writing something will always exhaust much energy. After a day's work, opening computer, what I want

is only relaxation. This is one reason. Another reason is in fact I do not understand this website very well. Although I have registered in it for about two years.

Oh, please forgive me. For my thought is a little disordered. I am so excited that I do not know how to say. Let me calm down and try to introduce it.

Two years ago, for the reason to join oral examination, I posted here to pour my

vexation. You know listening may be the most difficult course in English major.

And as a self-taught learner, without teacher, without classmates, how do I improve my listening? I got the response immediately. That was Azure. I will never

forget his name. It is him who guide me into that website which is another spiritual paradise for me now.

That website is PUT. The address is www.putclub.com. I get so many help from the

masters there. Logging on put become a routine for me. Yeah, I like its atmosphere and I never think why I like it.

Nearly 2 months ago, the website manager published an advertisement. They need some people to update the listening materials. I am always shy to be a moderator.

In my heart, moderator is a magnificent job. The person only with profound knowledge and lofty talent can be competent for it. So although I have registered for two years and I never apply for this position. But this time what they need is only moderator assistant. As an assistant, I think I can be competent for it.

So I became a moderator assistant. And for the work reason, I began to chat with

some of the moderators to learn how to work well. This action open a new sky for me.

At first the manager only asks me to do some updating work. And the work were done by two persons. As that guy was so diligent, he always did it before me. So little by little, I have nothing to do. But I learned to use the software such as

Cutftp, Realproducer Plus and Streambox Ripper. That was a big progress for me.

I often do not like to study such computer technology. But this work urges me to learn it. And I feel happy that I can do something for this website.

A month later, that guy named ZY turn to moderator. But I am still the assistant

. But never mind, I never think much of such titles. And I am still I. I am rambling on the net from PUT to hongen. It is really very easy.

Just as I began my summer holiday, I received a message from ZY. The power cut there. So he asked me to update or ask leave for him. I have logged on PUT again.

And for so many time I have not updated the materials, I even do not know how to use these softwares. I felt a little shy. What I could do was only ask leave for him. I told the manager the situation through QQ.

I am often curious about this manager. As PUT is a famouse website on Internet,

his burden is so heavy. And PUT is a free website, he has no salary for his work

. So I really admire him very much. I think he is a very lofty person, although

maybe he is younger than me. Oh, I respect him very much.

He asked me could I have time to update the material. My answer was dim. As the

terrible school net, the computer was often off line. I really didn't know whether I could finish such tasks. I thought he was angry. He said nothing. I felt unrest. The next morning, I got up early to try to update the material. But this process was not smooth. The server password were changed. I even could not log on

it. I send a message to him for help. His answer was only "I don't want to trouble you." I was enraged. Why not tell me? I asked other moderator for the password and I quickly got it. At last I finished it.

At night, I tried to chat with him to explain something. But I didn't know how to explain it. It was true I had do nothing since I was entitled as the assistant

. How could I say? Nothing. He must think I was irresponsible. What I could do was only chat with him to relax the atmosphere and work hard to change his impression.

From chatting, I understand him more. He was not angry with me only. In fact, he

was angry with the station master. He was angry with some other irresponsible moderators. As a manger of such a large website, he has many things to do. Everyone can ask leave. But he can't. He is just like a housekeeper who looks after the home. And what he does are all free.

Put is a free website. It receives no money from its associators, but it gives

more to its associators. It provides so many listening materials, E books and good services. The aim is one, help more people to improve their listening.

But in today's Internet, there are always so many terrible hackers. They often attack PUT. As PUT has no money resource, the sation master can't afford so much

money to employ strong technology, Broad Band and credible sever. When encountering attacks, the loss is extreme large. So many scripts cleaned up by so many self-giving moderators are lost. These scripts congeal their sweat and painstaking

efforts. But they were disappeared immediately when hackers attack

them. As the manager, how can he look apathetically.

The next day, I told ZY such situations. ZY adviced me to see their post in moderator discussion column. As I had no right to see it, ZY told me his ID and password. At that day, I began to know PUT authentically. There are so many excellent people there. Most of them are undergraduates, postgraduates and even Doctors

. They have different majors. But one thing is same. That is they are all English fans. Their English are all excellent. At that column, I saw them discuss many

things, such as how to defend hacker's attack, how to improve the

numbers of forum associators, their complains and their problems. From there, you can see their real identity in society. You can know them by their excellent

speech. Oh, I have registered there for about two years, but I never know the people I face are so excellent.

For some reason, I could not write more information about their discussion. As it is a secret for this website. But I can understand why I always feel so happy

in PUT. Yeah, living with so many talented person, you can learn more. And what

they attracted me most is their spirit, dedicatory spirit, without return.

I think it is this spirit that attracts so many excellent people. It is also this spirit which support PUT facing so many difficulties. So many attacks, no money, some capable moderator's leaving, no, nothing can beat PUT.

I sincerely hope PUT can be better and better.

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