Thoughts Brought By Watching Madagascar
The lion was facing a paradox with on one side his torturing starvation and on the other the life of his friend. Severe hunger has turned his buddy's image of a zebra into one of beefsteak. Nothing has been taken in since at least four or five days ago. Poor lion.
I was sitting in a cinema, watching the film name Madagascar in darkness, a newly come out cartoon type.
"Eat him." I willed the lion on the screen. Is there any wonder that a lion eats a zebra? Isn't the latter born to be food of the former? After all, this is
the rule of nature. "Should a lion feel regretful if he eats a prey of his? Definitely NO! " The lines I read few days ago in a career assisting book jumped out
into my brain. "The strong should never take into consideration of the weak, because they are born to be eaten by you." it so lectured. As one who is innately
kind, I felt so much backed up and made up I would never take it as torturing in
clashes for personal interest among my peers. You never know how much I have suffered in safeguarding my own right when others are stretching out for it in all
these years.
"Eat him, boy." I talked to the lion. Of course, as a figure on screen, he could never hear me.
The illusioned image of beefsteak was zoomed in. The lion was energized again
by the within-reach of food.
"Is there any doubt?" I turned to my elder sister, asking for her opinion, whispering. "Won't he eat the zebra?"
My sister did not answer, but had her eyes fixed on the screen instead.
My eyes widened at the plot! The lion, with his teeth already embarked at the
bottom of the zebra, jumped back for several steps and shook his head wildly, and guiltily.
His zebra friend, at this, spoke out calmly, "I know you, lion. Your mind is
nobler than your stomach. You are my friend."
No one could ever see. But at this, in the darkness of the movie theatre, tears circled in my eyes.
How many times are we taught by books and the stereotypes to act fiercely, and aggressively and get rid of the emotional factors in our behavior? The subtle
influence exerted on us accumulated without our being conscious of it, till someday it takes power and rules us. I could not help shivering over my precious thought of "Eat it". It had come out of me without even being thought!
Long have I been keeping an eye on those corrupted officers, as it is one of
the biggest social problems that are undermining the construction of our country
.Ironical enough, the great majority of them do not come from wealthy families,
but from a rather humble background. With the background music of this, they are supposed be the ones who have the most profound understanding of the farmers (
who consists a large part of Chinese society even today), and should be the representatives of the merits of these industrious people. But what an ironic picture these bristletails compose in reality! Too often, it is revealed that they racked all their brains to swallow any possible fund for farmers.
Is there anything wrong with out education system, which lasts for a life time, and means much more than merely schooling? Like school has never taught me to
"Eat it", but so I was lectured by society.
My heart aches.
Should we be shaped into this way? I strongly doubt it.
Shall we take in those taught by society with a grain of salt? I am definitely
for it.