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I hardly believed the news
来源:洪恩论坛 Andy's Column
阅读:7212 次
I hardly believed the news when I heard by the telephone call, that the boy was
impossibly to get his degree this summer.
Four years age, he left the south city to go to a famous university in north China. At that time his mother and all the relations were proud of him. His mother,
a thin, short, divorced poor woman, thought it would be very bright to her son
in future and if the boy were graduated four years later it must would be to change her family then. Though she had been out of work for many years and had no enough money provided him for study, she went to be a matron in a other family so
that to earn only 300yuan per month. The other relations all tried them best to help him so he entered into the university happily.
But from then on, people seldom have heard from him. Some times he made calls to his mother or others all asking for only money for different reasons --- they
now know most of thoes are all his lies. The relations and the mother offered him while none has known whether he has really been studying and living in school or not for those years.
This summer when he should have finished school the mother and others thought why he still had no words to them, remaining unless asking for money. They expected that he had found a good job and could get completely independence.
So far as the news came, it greatly shocked all these kind people. Today he has
already become form a good student to a bad person. He had not passed 23 subject
exams -- On his school report card, many scores even to be zero.
What a pity! The thing is clear that the boy had made every one very sad. They want to wonder how he would have become so disappointing, what he had done in the
university, why the school officials did not help him when he began made fault…
.? Of course his parents have even more duty of this.
This is a truer story which reminds parents how they should correctly treat their children.