Dear Runoff,
I am glad to learn that you will study for a year in the USA, and sorry that you
will be so far away from where I live. In fact you will be about five days
driving distance away! However, you can always get some guidance when needed through the forum when you have a question while you are in the U.S. If something
puzzles you, be sure to ask David, Tim, Neil or me about it. Surely one of us
should be able to explain.
You wrote that you are "one of the oldest members of this forum, but in another
name. I share my ups and downs, happiness and sadness here. This forum not only
helps me to improve my English, but also helps me to relieve stress, boredom and
anxiety." That's good news! If you feel that way I think some others must find the same. :-)))
You wrote: "...I don抰 know why I always meet bad luck these days. One week ago,
one message in which I gossip about my leader was mistakenly sent to him. I just don抰 know why I would make such a horrible and stupid mistake. 3 days ago, my
mobile phone fell to the ground from by briefcase, with batteries, flash memory
card and the clam shell everywhere. I lose all the materials in it, including all the contact persons. Yesterday, another bad news comes that I have to accept
an interview before being issued a visa but the interview day is Sept.6. That means all of my group mate would go to the United States except me and I have to go there by my own self. I just can抰 help but get headache when thinking that I
have to manage with those two big trunks and go through those fussy formalities
by myself.Would you please to give me some help? I抦 really very anxious."
If at all possible go in person to the place where you have an appointment for September 6. Be very courteous to everyone there. Ask for the Department Head.
Explain your predicament of needing to go with the group and see if they will be kind enough to give you an earlier appointment. If it is not possible, then take it as a sign that you should travel by yourself in order to develop self-reliance. I'm sure you will manage fine. Uncle Ben says there will likely be a young man nearby who will gladly help you by lifting your trunks off the carousel
and onto your cart! ;-))
Your first two problems may have happened due to extra tension and stress. I think that's why you dropped your things. I hope you have been able to go and admit your mistake to your leader, and that you apologized most sincerely. You could say you were very tired and just wrote stupidly, and you hope the leader will
be able to forgive you. Over here it's usually better to own up to things like
this and apologize, rather than to go on without a word.
Gossip or backbiting are divisive. They kill the light of the heart. Pull these weeds out of your character. I know in some groups it's almost entertainment
and in others it's a way of making small talk. The truth is that it's hurtful.
It also causes others present and listening not to trust you, because they wonder if they are gossiped about when they aren't present.
I've read that people don't ever fundamentally change, but it's possible to draw
the good in them to the surface and then they are happier, you're happier, and
life goes along much better for everyone. Do this by looking for something good
in others and focus on that. It will help to encourage good qualities and poorer ones will tend to recede.
Get enough rest right now. Don't drink too much tea or cola drinks because the caffeine will wake you up at night, or keep you from sleeping. It can alsomake you jumpy in the daytime which is another way to make mistakes and drop things.
I will explain some things that will help you, and some of what you can expect almost immediately upon your arrival in the U.S., in case you don't know these things yet. It helps a lot to know how things will proceed. Just knowing can often reduce anxiety a lot! :-) If you already know all this from other
travels then you won't need it, but someone else may.
As soon as you have a quiet place and a little time, ask in your own words for help with all your problems, and that things will turn out for the best for everyone concerned. Do this sincerely, before you start to do anything about your problems. Have faith, trust in God. Then the next step is to do whatever things
you need to. Go ahead now and do your best with confidence, trusting that your
prayer has been heard and answered for the best. Things may begin to turn out just as you hoped they would. On the other hand your prayer might not seem to be
answered in the ways you had hoped, but trust that things will stil work out for the best for everybody concerned. Knowing that you have done all you can will certainly give you confidence. I think you have already begun to learn a lot,
even in advance of your trip. May your year in the USA teach you good English
and many more good expected, and unexpected things!
If you must travel alone, and not with the rest of the group do your best now to
arrange with their leader that someone will be there at the airport to meet you
when you arrive. They would need to meet you after you have cleared customs with your luggage. Then they can help you or take you to your destination. They
should have proper identification with them that shows that they are connected with your group.
When you come off the plane and come to where the luggage arrives you can rent a
cart to transport your luggage. You probably will need to put the required American coins into a slot. You will also need coins or bills for a porter if you
use one, or to pay for a cab to your destination.
Therefore, be sure to exchange some yuan for dollars and U.S. coins. All US bills are green. Therefore *always* look at the number on each bill to be sure you
are giving the right amount. It is very easy to give far too much, by mistake.
I know that yuan, just like Canadian bills come in various colours. US bills
all look the same to us, too, because we and you are both used to various colours for each denomination. For instance, our $5.00 bills are blue.
It is easy to give a $100 dollar bill instead of a $1.00 bill and the receiver may not tell you your mistake if they aren't honest.
Take the cart to the room where you must collect your luggage. Luggage is sent
down from the plane onto a moving carousel with the name of your airline and flight number. It will likely be on a notice board above the carousel. You may need to ask an official which carousel will luggage from your airline. Officials
wear distinctive clothing with a patch saying they are "Airport Security" or some such designation. Or you may have been given a number so that you can find the correct carousel with luggage from all the people who came with you on the same plane.
If you don't want to rent a cart, there are usually porters wearing shirt, uniform or hat that identifies them as a porter. They have big carts, and will assist you for pay. Look for a porter with a cart immediately upon your arrival in the area where the luggage carousels are so that you get one before they are snapped up by others. Your porter will ask which airline you arrived on and take you to the right carousel. Watch with him for your luggage to appear on the moving carousel. When you see it, point it out and he will lift itfrom the carousel
onto his cart and deliver them and you to the customs area. There is likely to
be a line-up there, but he will know what to do.
If you don't have a porter and have rented your own cart somebody will be sure to be willing to help to lift your trunks onto your cart for you, especially if
you ask nicely and with a smile.
You must pass through customs together with your luggage so have the trunks put
onto a cart that you can push yourself. After you clear customs with your luggage you can get another porter to help, or the same one may come back.
Hopefully at that stage somebody involved with your USA studies group will meet
you in the arrivals lounge. If not, the porter can take your luggage to where taxis are, and signal a driver for you. The taxi will have the driver's name and
picture inside on a licence. Ask the driver for an estimated price to the address you want to be driven to with your luggage, before you or your luggage enter
the cab. There will be a mileage meter in the cab that shows the mounting cost
as you travel toward your destination.
I hope this helps. If you have any questions about any of it be sure to ask.
Best wishes in all your endeavours! :-)
Warmly, Mary