For our annual vacation this year we chose a cruise along Mexico's West Coast.
We went in November when the weather there is fine and because our travelHealth Insurance was good until the end of November. In December 2004 Ihad purchased a one year travel policy. At our age, that is quite expensiveand it was good to use it for more than one trip.
The trip started in San Diego, California down the Baja California coast, thencrossing the end of the sea of Cortez along the west coast of mainland Mexicoto the southernmost point for this journey, being Acapulco.
Of course, the ship sails far enough away from land on the open ocean that land
can not be seen unless one approaches a destination.
Life on board is just great, with so many activities to occupy the passengers.
The meals alone are an adventure in eating.
Breakfast starts at 6 am and then some kind of food is available somewhere on board until 11:30 at night. No wonder many people gain weight on a cruise.
There is all kinds of entertainment. Live shows, music in various areas of the
ship, movies, lectures, stores, even a casino. This we never enter.
I make use of the pool. Either on the Lido deck or the very aft pool. The Lido
deck has a sliding glass roof that is opened on sunny days. There are two hot
tubs and the pool itself. Deck chairs are lined up on both sides for sunning.
Lido is an Italian expression denoting a beach settisng. The ship was built in
There are about 1200 passengers on this type of vessel, but I never did feel crowded. I even found a private place on an afterdeck, where I could say my daily
prayers in seclusion. I also found a spot right behind the Bridge, thecommand centre of the ship, where I could see the instruments and the officers navigating the ship. This was my favourite place when approaching ports. ;You could say that I was lucky, but it also has to do with knowing ships.
What did I enjoy most on this trip? Looking back, I would say the evening dinners were highlights. My time spent seriously swimming in the pool where I learned how dolphins must feel in their tanks, swimming back and forth. The times eating breakfast out on the after deck in the sunshine. The shows I saw, maybe three of them, were OK too. The rsources available are actually quite good, but then we are spoiled by television. We took in a couple of movies, which at home we don't do because of the admission prices.
Mostly, for me, all things nautical gave the greatest enjoyment. Walking on the
promenade deck. Sitting in a deck chair watching the waves. Looking at the moon on a balmy night, from the railing. Even tucked in bed, sensing the motion of the great ship. I rose early to get the most out of every day. I also enjoyed the various shore excursions at ports of call.
End of part 1.