
For my dear Google, and all others with anguished hearts....

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Dear Google and other dear and caring friends here,

What can we do? What can you do about another potential war? To begin with,

remember that just as you feel in China, there are many people in Iran, Iraq, the USA and every other country, who just long for peace. They want to raise their children, feed their families, get along with their neighbours and not hate anybody at all. They don't want to raise and love their sons, bring them to healthy manhood and early maturity, only to have them come home in body bags.

Try to focus your thoughts on those innocent Americans, those innocent Iranians.

They exist. Just as innocent Chinese like you exist.

We need a strong world federal system. For this, each country needs to cede a little of its national sovereignty to the world federal system so that it can function properly. So far, this is what has held the United Nations back from achieving this necessary goal of enforcing that no nation attack any other nation.

It is this unwillingness to cede any sovereign power. The dependencies work very well, but not the war stopping and the global commons protecting


Now our global commons have become so polluted and damaged that soon most peopleand their leaders will be forced to understand that it is a case of --stop

fighting and save our global life systems, --or keep on fighting until all the problems coming from climate change and pollution kill off all human beings.

The truth is that, as Baha'u'llah predicted in the mid 1800's, there is no longer any place to hide any longer for any of us. That includes all warmakers and their loved ones, too. Even the most stubborn are being forced to acknowledge that now. In that, I suspect, lies part of our hope.

Dear Google, try to feel love and compassion for ALL people. That will spread outfrom your heart and from many other similarly feeling hearts, and affect other responsive hearts in all parts of the globe. We humans have now really become one organism, so what we do anywhere has a wide effect. So that is one of the things we can do to healing the things that are causing wars.

We need to deeply understand that all of us on earth originated in the beginning

from the same original parents. Science has now clearly proven it. So our prejudices need to be left behind now.

We have all seen the pictures from space of our beautiful little blue planet.

Our lonely little blue planet. We now know, through space exploration, that there is nowhere for any of us to flee. There is no other planet to take over, once we have made this one unliveable for ourselves.

The whole world is the home of all of us. We are able to live anywhere on the

earth, because it is all our home. There are continents, but there aren't any

straight lines on the real world like there are on maps. The lines on a map are

lines made by certain human leaders in ancient times, for their own ends. For

instance, there was a strong line between France and Germany on the map, and they hated each other and had wars. Now, at last there is a European Union, and people can move freely from country to country. This happened long ago in North America, which is one of the good things about the USA.

A lot of good global cooperative things are happening, and as fast travel and email allow us to get to know each other, and a common language allows us to talk

directly to each other, we are finding out how much we actually like each other.

Like I like you and many of you like Tim and Uncle Ben and me. Our

leaders are also able to talk directly with each other instead of through translators so that misunderstandings are much more easily avoided.

Love and unity are something we individuals can do to help. There is a

direction in the flow of world events in our age that is forcing greater and greater international cooperation. This terrible problem of climate change is part

of it, and is growing and developing more dire complications in many directions

rapidly now. We are almost at a point of no return, and world-wide, masses of

the greatest scientists are sounding warning after warning.

We and our leaders will wake up and stop fighting, and start cooperating, and learn to find how we can live cooperatively and happily together on this planet,

or we are all going to die off as a species.

We are being forced to become a true human family, and to find our way to livingon this globe, our one home as a loving and unified family. That is the spirit

of the age, and there is no way to defy or avoid it. It is the Plan of God. The world religions all teach that there will be a time when wars will cease and peace will reign. Peace and contentment. We are the generations who are critical to that time.

All the religions of the world have prophecies about the coming of a great worldTeacher who would lead the human race to world peace. Many Christians and

Moslems are taught that this is still to come. I have studied Baha'u'llah's

claims, life and teachings with great care and detachment for many years, and am

fully convinced that Baha'u'llah was really the one who was prophesied. He has

brought the healing guidance that can and will heal humanity, when it is allowed to be applied.

The world of humanity today is like a person laying in bed and sickening to death. Incapable physicians are clustered around the bed prescribing remedies that

don't work, and preventing the divine Physician from treating the patient. It's

time for truly concerned people to take a good long, detached look at the

teachings, laws and life led by Baha'u'llah and what his Faith is doing in the world because it was prophesied that "by their fruits ye shall know them." So if

you wish, look to see what kind of fruits are being produced. Think for yourself. Don't follow anybody. Don't follow me. Decide and learn for yourself, and

then if you believe it, live your life as best you can accordingto the teachings about doing away with all prejudice. Turning your heart to the

great compassionate and loving God and ask for mercy and help for the human race and for your own lives and loved ones. And to become strong. To understand that all religions are part of the same great and everlasting religion of the one


Any religion that causes disunity is not healthy because religion is supposed to

bring long and unity and trust and good lives among people. Any religion that

does the opposite should be discarded. True religion is in harmony with science

and reason. We aren't expected to believe things that science proves are not true. There must be education for all. Women must have the opportunity to become equal with men. Much of what your country and advanced countries strive for is already in line with these teachings which came into the world beginning in 1844 at least. To seek truth is one of our human obligations and delights. Truth

is one. You will always find it a oneness.

So live your life as well as you can, have faith. Trust in God. Because it really does matter to the welfare of all of us, and to the welfare of our children

and even to the life of the human race. There are critical points in all creation. For instance when water makes the transition from a liquid to a solid. Or

from a liquid to a gas. When a worm makes a pupae. And inside itchanges into a butterfly. Then emerges and dries its wings. This is such a time in the life of the whole human race. It is the time of the coming of age of the entire human race. This time for us is like one of those critical

points. We are going to emerge as a different quality of humans, as butterflies

do. And we will gain new powers and new capacities and make discoveries that will make life possible for all of us without damage. We are in process of passing from adolescence to the maturity of the human race. This really is an exciting time to be alive, you know. You can watch it happening, getting setback, moving ahead again. What is happening can also be likened to a birth.

The nearer the time of birth the harder and closer together are the birth pains.

At the hardest point the child is born. At the darkest time of night, then theturning point toward dawn begins. There is much to hope and help, you know, my

dear friends. Life from my point of view is demanding, yet very hopeful and exciting.

The religious prophecies of each religion have been fulfilled, but not in the way their priests imagined they would be, and taught their people, right until now

. The have always taught their own long established imaginings. Jesus warned this would happen when He said that the Great Teacher would come "like a thief in

the night, and the master of the house knew it not." A lot of religiousscriptures of past religions is being taken literally instead of symbolically.

That is also a problem. So people actually imagine that Jesus will ride down on

clouds to earth. That's one example that according to science is impossible. There are many others. So people imagine that strange and impossible things will

happen that are against science, and say since God is all powerful that means he can cause them. But that isn't the way the world works. It works according to science and reason, and not vain imaginings and magical thinking.

Things aren't going to be allowed to continue this way of war, because there really is only One universal God who has been given different names in each religion, but is only really ONE. This creator's intent is that the human race, which

is belongs to God, is going to grow up now and reach the next step of evolution

on this planet. We will make that next step. But how long as

things grow steadily more dangerous? It's up to all of us.

After so much care and evolution it's unlikely that all of us will be allowed todie off, although it could come very near to that unless we start to grow upand recognize our oneness, cooperate, and overcome the things that take global

cooperation to overcome. These things that only an end to war, and love, unity

and cooperation for the good of all of us everywhere, can overcome.

I wish you all the very best, my dear Chinese friends. I've travelled in the

USA and met many average American people. I can assure you that hearts are bleeding there. Many are afraid, just as you are, Google. They want just the same

things you do, and more and more of them are awakening to the crying needs of our "interesting times" in which we are fated to live. ;-> We and our children

are the critical generations. Love toward all the human race is a true beginning that all of us can work toward.

With my true affection for all of you, Mary

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