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Frank Information Regarding Gay Sex
来源:洪恩论坛 Canuck's Comments
阅读:1763 次
Dear friends,
First, think about what the sexual acts involved between men are. For those who
don't know I hesitate to tell them, but I think it is necessary. The anus is used as though it were a vagina. This is not a clean act, nor is it a good thing
to do to your body. The anus has a sphincter muscle to keep from leaking liquid waste. This muscle can be easily damaged and then you will have that unpleasant problem. The act hurts the person who is the receiver. It may be mentally intriguing to some, but the reality is not pleasant.
The vagina has no sphincter muscle at its opening to be overcome and damaged. The anus is not intended for sexual intercourse. No matter what homosexuals may
say and want to believe -- this is the truth.
Men who are active homosexuals more often have HIV and AIDS, and can transmit it
to others through sexual intercourse. There are many homosexuals who enjoy sex
with strangers in parks or public washrooms. There are also people who have sex with either men or women. These people are the ones who spread HIV and AIDS in the population.
Homosexuals' love for each other can be pure, but only if they don't perform sexual acts together. The acts aren't pure. My point in saying that is that the vagina is not a germ carrier. The anus is. It is our waste disposal system, and
the waste includes bacteria and viruses. Consider for instance,
e coli. It is often found in human feces and is a very dangerous organism. The
disease organisms in human waste is the reason that we treat sewage before putting it into waterways. We take care not to get it into our drinking water. Wells must be protected from sewage contamination. If e coli, for instance, gets into drinking water or on your hands and thus into your food it can kill you. So
how can sex using the anus be called "pure."
Men who have only one partner, when both of them are proven HIV AIDS free, will
not give each other HIV AIDS. However, if either of them has someone else even
once, then the door has opened for both of them to become infected. Your government doesn't approve of these kinds of relationships. There are clear reasons for their concerns.
Strict lesbians' situations can be somewhat different. I don't intend to discuss those.
If you decide to have sexual intercourse with either a man or a woman who is not
your completely trusted and bonded mate, a person whom you know has a clean health record clearly proving no HIV or AIDS, and has never had intercourse with anybody but you since, you should be safe. If you aren't 110% absolutely sure, then be sure to always use a good quality condom. Otherwise, don't have sex together.
It is extremely unsafe now in our times, even though it never was in the past.
Times have changed for all those alive now. Be sure that you are *truly* informed, and keep up with the times and conditions, because you will easily endanger
yourself if you don't. HIV AIDS is a time-bomb. Don't become part of it.
Here in Canada, older women who have lost their husbands through death or divorce are now getting HIV in enough numbers to be of concern. This is because they
aren't used to the dating scene and don't know how to refuse sex unless a condom
is used, so they are getting illness and death put into them. It's a tragedy.
Think about it. Don't be shy to insist on a condom. Your life may well be at stake. Carry them yourself if necessary, whether you are male or female. There still is no cure for HIV AIDS and while the medications, when available, can help
one to manage to live longer, life is greatly changed and very difficult. Don'
t take any chances!
Warmly, and with much affection and concern,