More fascinating things a woman can do.
When you go to your computer you can begin to follow a fascinating trail on
Wikipedia. When you have thought of or found written something about a topic you would like to know more about, check it out on Wikipedia, the world
computer encyclopaedia. In the article they have about your topic you will
find other high-lighted words. When you click on the most interesting you will find another topic worth reading, and more high-lighted words. This will provide
you with a fascinating trail of information.
Here's an example: a couple of days ago I remembered "The Niagara Falls Mummy"
which we saw when we lived in Niagara Falls, Ontario. I looked it up and, as
I thought I remembered reading in a newspaper many years after we left that
area, it was finally discovered to be the lost mummy of Ramesses I. It had beenon display in that old tourist museum that also contained things like a two headed calf, and so on. When the museum closed Emory university in in the USA purchased the mummy. As soon as their Egyptologist saw it she recognized that it had
been prepared like a royal mummy. Many years were spent studying it and it was
finally determined to be the mortal remains of Ramsses I. He was a warrior, and the founder of his dynasty. A slightly later member was Akhnaten. Akhnaten was a monotheist. I have been interested in him, as many people have been, for some time. I saw a wonderful Egypt-loaned display of many thingsthat had belonged to King Tutankamon and on one Holland America ship there wasone of his sarcophaguses. I own a splendid book with many photographs of
King Tut's" possessions. Holland America Line is known for the quality of its fine art displays of many world regions and ages.
I knew that Akhnaten, a relative before Tut, worshipped The Aten, the sun. But
what I didn't know was that carved or painted on each piece where this seeming
sun worship was depicted there was a small careful note in heiroglyphics that said that the sun was simply a symbol of Something that was unknowable, but provided innumerable blessings, just as the sun does for the earth and all of us. That seems to possibly make Akhnaten the first monotheist. Now, this may not interest you, but to me it was part of a long line of interest and inquiry, and it fascinated me and furthered this interest. I will be again reading more about this dynasty. Did you know that it has recently been discovered with
new medical technology that Tut wasn't murdered. DNA and other studies willtell us more and more about true history of important world periods.
Incidentally, a good used book store is a wonderful place to spend some time. You can build yourself an excellent personal library for these days when you
are alone. Build it on certain topics of special interest to you. Take itslow and do a good job. It won't cost you much and you'll be glad you did formany years to come. Buy hard-covered books if its a topic of real interest.
Pocket books are for light romances and so on.
Here's another very valuable thing to do: begin to write morning pages every morning. Write whatever you have in your mind. Write your dreams, or whatever comes to you. Be sure to write three whole sides of school-book sized paper.
I found that eventually I ran out of things to write, so I began to write much more original material. Then my mind began to trickle words through in the middle of the night, so I started to jot them down as they trickled through my mind and I found that it was making sense and was a type of modern poetry. I would like to return to that period. Who knows what you may unearth fromwithin yourself.
Read about how to keep a journal, and begin a journal. Years from now you willbe very interested in reading what you see and experience and think now. It willseem fresh to you and you will bring back treasured memories that can't be
retrieved any other way. I have some myself. Even my daughters like to hearthem because they were part of some of them. But they simply like the storiestoo. They are grown women now, themselves. You will probably surprise yourself.
You will get to know yourself better through journalling, as well. You have no idea of the talents and abilities you have wrapped inside of
you. Why not make your inner self an object of investigation.
The ancient sage said that the most important thing is to "Know Thyself." So
get to know yourself. Don't imagine now that you already do, because you don't.
There is too much to plumb in any one lifetime.
Another thing. If you have this experience, always listen to whatever "the still, small voice" tells you, and consider it well. It is the voice of your deepest self. If usually speaks very quietly. For me the voice is neither male nor female. It always uses the bare minimum of words. This voice is sometimes called
the voice of intuition. I think it is more than that. But you willneed to figure that out for yourself. By listening and paying attention to it you will begin to hear it more often, and it is well worth hearing. That's
just one of the things you can learn to know about yourself. I find this still,
small voice is the epitome of wisdom in whatever it addresses.
Best wishes, Mary. Part 5 follows