

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-04-21
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1. who have been married only a short time and whose careers are still in the promising stage. 俩人结婚不久,在事业上大有希望,但仍然处于发展阶段。

be in the promising stage处于发展阶段,处于有前景的阶段 Socialism is still in the promising stage.社会主义仍然处于迅速发展的阶段。

2. There is abundant luxury in the room but a minimum of taste. ——(The room is richly furnished but shows little taste.)


1)abundant luxury相当豪华,abundant丰富的,大量的

2)but a minimum of taste但品味很不高雅,but表示转折,minimum of taste缺少品味

3.He presses the buzzer on the house phone and speaks to the cook.他按了按家庭部电话的蜂音器对厨师说话。

Presses, speaks to剧本中的台词是剧本的主体,剧情的发展、人物的展现、剧本的主题思想全通过台词体现是。舞台说明用现在时态(一般现在时和现在进行时)。

4.I hardly slept a wink all night……——(I hardly had any sleep at all last night./I slept very little last night.)

not sleep a wink or not get/have a wink of sleep; not to sleep at all

Our next-door neighbours were so noisy last night that we didn''t get a wink of sleep.


5. There is nothing to do but face the fact that we''re not invited.——(The only thing we can do now is to accept the harsh reality-that we are not invited.)

1)there is/was nothing to do but do sth., there is/was nothing for it but to do sth.:除了……没有别的办法

Their car broke down in the wilderness. There was nothing to do but wait for help to arrive.


There is nothing to do but pay up immediately.


2)face the fact that: to accept that a difficult situation exists, although it is unpleasant

You must face the fact that you have to support yourself from now on.


6.Oh, there''s got to be a way. There''s got to be.

there''s got to be a way:We must find a way to explain our absence.

has got to: has to

7. ……there is on reason to feel slighted. We''re both pretty new in pictures. It''s not as though ) we were oldtimers who had worked with Scotty.——(……we don''t have to feel upset that they ignore/snub us. After all, our Hollywood career is just beginning.) 我们不必感到不安,毕竟在电影界我们俩人都还是新手,对我们不可能像对和斯格蒂一起共过事的老手那样。(这里兰蒂?布鲁克斯劝妻子卡罗?梅森想开点,没有邀请他们也有一定的道理,不能指望人们对他们像对好莱坞资深演员那样。)

1)slight: to treat rudely or without proper respect; to insult冷落

She feels slighted because no one spoke to her at the party.


2)it''s (not) as though / if:情况就好像(或不可能像)……一样,又如:

It''s as if I were a guest while they hosts.


The manager is very disappointed with their performance. It''s not as if they were new hands.

经理对他们的表现很不满意,他们又不是新手。(如是新手尚 可原谅。)

8. We''ve been through all(链接) this before. 这些事我们已讨论过了!

We have discussed/talked about all this before;

We''ve tried to find out why some of our friends have been invited.

9.And I may never have worked with Scotty, but I did meet him once, and he danced with me at a party.



He may be very tall, but not necessarily a good basketball player.他个子很高,但未必是一个好的篮球选手。

He may be a good teacher, but not necessarily a good headmaster.他是一个好老师,但未必就是一个好校长。

I may have never been without a job, but I do understand how laid-off workersfeel.


Cooking may be boring, but it can be a delightful thing to do at times.


Some students may think the training a waste of time, but later they''ll find it very useful.



10. He was very nice to me, too, and said some very complimentary things. 他对我很客气,还说了些赞扬我的话。

1) be very nice to对……很客气

2)complimentary things赞扬的话

11. I met his wife, too.(An afterthought .) I didn''t much like her.我还见过他的夫人。(然后补充说)我不太喜欢她。


12. I can''t help wondering if there''s been an oversight of some kind.

1)……I can''t believe they''ve deliberately slighted us. There must be a mistake. They just happen to have forgotten us.

2)oversight: an unintended failure to notice or do sth.疏忽出错,忽略

Whether by oversight or intention, he will be punished for that .不管是处于疏忽还是故意,他都要受到惩罚。

13. Now, I didn''t have to say that…… if you ask me, it showed a lot of humility on my part to say a thing like that when, after all, I''ve got a career of my own to consider……

(Just a few days before he died I said, “Scotty Woodrow is still the greatest.”) Well, you know, I didn''t have to say something so complimentary. When I had such a high opinion of him, it looked as if I had a low opinion of myself; it isn''t good when I have a promising career in Hollywood……

if you ask me: in my opinion(口语)我认为,依我看(强调以下所说只是个人意见),又如:

If you ask me, they aren''t reliable partners.


The book is all trash, if you ask me.


14. ……try to do something, Mike.

……try to find a way to get us invited.

15. He couldn''t get us an invitation to Dineyland. 这么简单的事情他哪能办成呀。 (注意卡罗的挖苦口气。)

an invitation to Disneyland: one of the easiest things to do再简单不过的事情。

Disneyland: 迪斯尼乐园,在美国的洛杉矶近郊,是美国动画片制作家及制片人活尔特?迪斯尼(Walter Disney)创建的游乐园。其后迪斯尼公司陆续在佛罗里达州以及日本、法国等地建立同样的游乐园,下一个迪斯尼乐园将建于香港。


16. Oh yes! Half the people going, going, I bet, have never met him.是啊,我敢肯定,去的人当中有一半根本就没见过他。

going: who are going to the funeral.

I bet /I''ll bet/you can bet (that): I''m certain (that)(口语)我敢肯定,又如:

I bet she won''t take the job. The salary is far from what she expects.


You can bet they''ll on time.


这里为了突出卡罗所肯定的具体内容,将I bet作为插入语放到句子中间。

17.Now, if we don''t get an invitation, I''ll have to lie again and say we came down with food poisoning, or something. ——(……I''ll have to tell another lie and say we can''t go because we''re suffering from food poisoning or some other illness.) 现在我们要是还收不到请贴,我还得再撒一次谎,说我们食物中毒或是得了别的什么病。

1)come down with: to get an illness that is not serious; become ill with得了……病,又如:

The whole family came down with the flu and had to stay in bed.


2)or something/somebody/somewhere: 用来表示不敢确定是什么、是何人或干什么的以及在何处,又如:

The title of the novel is Unforgettable Mr. Johnson or Remarkable Mr. Johnson, or something.


18. Mark played Scotty''s son in a picture once.马克曾经在一部电影里扮演斯格蒂的儿子。

play (the part of)……:扮演某一角色,又如:

Jim played (the part of) Hamlet several times.


Little Jenny doesn''t want to play the witch; she''d like to play the fairy.


play a part/role in在……起作用

He played an important part in Beijing''s bidding for 2008 Olympic Games.他在北京申奥的工作中起了很重要的作用。

19. A long time ago, before either of us came on the scene. 很久以前,那时我们俩还没有出道。

come/appear/arrive on the scene: appear and begin to take part in an activity(口语)到场;登场;到来;出生,

The hall was full of fans before the star came on the scene. 在这个明星出场之前,大厅里挤满了他的歌迷。

The famous singing star was a restaurant waiter before he came on the scene.这个著名的歌星在出道前曾是一个餐馆服务员。

The university has changed a lot since the new president came on the scene.


That happened long before you people came on the scene.


20. That means Mark''s a little older than he admits.这就是说马克的年龄比他自己说的要大。


You mean you don''t want to get the opportunity.你的意思是说你想放弃这次机会。

Forgetting the past means betraying.忘记过去就意味着背叛。

2)older than he admits: older than he admits he is比他自己说的要大

21. The part was very young, practically an infant.那个角色年龄很小,实际上是个婴儿。 Practically(speaking) 实际上,从实际来讲

Practically, you are fit for teaching not fit for administrating.


22. Just the same I''ll bet Mark''s thirty.再小也一样,我敢肯定马克有30岁了。(角色的年龄再小,也改变不了我的看法,我仍然认为他实际年龄大些。)

all/just the same: in spite of this仍然,依然,照样,又如:

He may have done some stupid things, but we respect him just the same.


We didn''t understand the jokes, but laughed with all others all the same.


23.(A little shocked.) She''s not giving a party! (感到惊讶)她不是在搞什么聚会吧! (兰蒂觉得紧接着葬礼之后,桑德拉就搞这种社交性的聚会很不妥当。)


——You don''t mean you''re leaving for good?


——Of course not. I surely will return after the job is done.


——You admitted having cheated in examinations?




24. No. She just invited some friends to come in afterwards to have a few drinks and talk about what a great guy Scotty was, and everything.


1)have a few drinks喝点饮料/酒

2)and everything:其他等等,又如:

They talk about their work, dreams and everything.


She calls her parents every evening to see how they are and everything.


25. After all, Scotty Woodrow was practically a landmark, or something. Think of it. He''s been a star for forty years.


1)after all:毕竟(通常用于句首,导出原因,)又如:

How can we expect Jim to do so much? After all he''s only 15.


I thought you might find what''s wrong with the PC. After all you''ve worked with Legend.


2)(come to ) think of it:真的,想想看,想起来了(用来表示突然回忆起或记起一件事),又如:

Come to think of it, we haven''t seen Jack for twenty years.


Think of it, I''ve never been to the Great Wall even after living in Beijing

for three years.


Come to think of it, he did say that he wasn''t coming back for supper.


26. It makes me very humble to think of a guy like Scotty. 想起斯格蒂这样的人,我感到自己很渺小。

When I think of what Scotty has achieved, I feel small and inadequate.

Humble: having or showing a modest opinion of oneself; low in rank or position;谦恭的,谦逊的;微贱的,卑下的

He is very humble to his superiors.他对上级非常谦恭。

A man of humble birth出身卑贱的人,a humble occupation卑下的职业。

27. You know we could crash. 我们可以未经邀请擅自出席。

We could just go there as if we were invited.

you know口头上用来强调下面要讲的话,或引起人们对下面要讲的话的注意。

crash: = gatecrash, go to a party or other social event without being invited未经邀请擅自出席。 (在西方这是有失身份的事。)

28. Who''d know the difference? 谁会知道内情? (谁会看出我们没有被邀请?)

the difference(between being invited and not being invited)邀请的与未被邀请的有什么不同

29. How would we feel afterwards, when we had to shake hands with Mrs. Woodrow?就算我们毫不脸红地进了大门,可是之后我们不得不和伍德罗太太握手时不觉得心虚吗?

1)would此句是一修辞性疑问句,隐含一个虚拟条件句if we crashed

2)shake hands with和……握手

30. Everyone would just take it for granted we''d been invited. I mean, we''ve both just as prominent as Sandra and Don, or any of the others.


1) take it for granted认为……是理所当然的

He took it for granted that his parents sent him to school他认为父母供他上学是理所当然的。

2)I mean用来引出解释上句所说内容的理由的句子,又如:

I didn''t know our meeting had been put off until next week.

I mean, nobody told me.


I mean也可用来纠正刚说过的话,或者把已经说过的话说得更明确些。如:

The chairman is leaving for Nanning tomorrow-I mean for Nanjing. 主任明天动身去南宁,不,我是说是去南京。

The new library is to open on Tuesday-I mean next Tuesday. 新图书馆定于星期二开馆,是下星期二。

31. If you ask me,it''d be a lot better to crash than not to be seen at…… Well, you can''t call it a social affair exactly, but it''s a social event, Anyway, everyone will be there, Everyone.——( I think it would be much better to go without invitation than not to attend at all…… Scotty''s funeral service is no small social affair, but an important social event. Everyone of some importance in the film industry will be there. ) (Therefore everyone wishing to establish himself in Hollywood should be seen there.)


1)if you ask me: in my opinion(见第13条注释)。


2)it''d be a lot better to……not to be seen at: it would be much better to……than not to be seen at the funeral.

to crash……than not to be seen at……是主语。

32. I don''t know why the studio couldn''t have managed it for us with a little pull. ——(The studio should have managed to get us invited if they had used a little of their influence.) 我真不明白为什么电影制片厂不努点儿力把事情办妥。

pull: (informal) power and influence

33. They should realize it''s in the best interests of my career to be seen there, and my career means as much to them as it does to me.——(They should realize that my presence at such a social event will greatly enhance/promote my position in Hollywood, and my career and success are as important to them as it is to me.) 他们应该认识到在那个场合露面对我的事业非常有利,而我的事业对他们和对我一样重要。

注意此句的结构:它由两个并列子句组成,它们本身又都是复合句。第一个子句they should realize……to be seen there带有宾语从句it''s in the best interests……to be seen there,其中不定式to be seen there是主语;第二个子句中有一比较从句as it does to me修饰means as much,it代表my career,does代表means.

1)in the (best) interest(s) of:对……(极为)有利,为了…… 的最大利益,又如:

We expect you to act in the best interests of our country in the talks concerning her entry into the WTO.


In the best interests of your children, you should keep fit.


2)(sth.) means a lot/much/everything/the world to sb.: sth. is very important to sb. 对……来说十分/极为重要

Her family means a lot to her.


Does your job mean much to you?


Their grandchildren mean everything to the old couple.


Human resources management means a lot to a company.


34. Same here. 这话对我也适用。 (我的露面对他们和对我的事业一样有利。)

same here:(口语)这话对我也适用;我也这么认为;我也是如此,又如:

——This is my first visit to China.


——Same here.


——I think that film is awful.


——Same here.


——I''m very disappointed with the result of the football match.


——Same here.


35. Just a slight case so you could tell them with a straight face……——(We''ll make ourselves really ill, just slightly of course. Then we wouldn''t feel guilty when we tell them so.) 仅是轻微的食物中毒,这样你就可以理直气壮地告诉他们。(即你不是撒谎,而是真的有病。)

(keep/with) a straight face: with a serious expression; not laughing or smiling, although you find sth. funny 板着面孔,不露笑容,

How Henry managed to keep a straight face, I''ll never know.


36. There is a slight air of superiority about her now. Randy and Carole look at her with sudden surprise.( Now she gives the impression of feeling somewhat important.)她稍微流露出一种优越感,兰蒂和卡罗突然感到惊讶。

air: the particular feeling or impression that is given by印象, 感觉

There is an air of confidence about her.


There is an air of mystery about the drugstore.


Their bedroom has an air of luxury.


37. My mother worked for him when he was starting out in the business.他刚开始演电影时我母亲给他干活。

start out:开始从事工作,开始立业,又如:

Andrew Carnegie started out as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory.


Mark Twain started out working on a boat sailing up and down the Mississippi.


38. She has thus established herself as near-royalty to Randy and Carole.____(By revealing her close relations with the great star, she suddenly becomes important in the eyes of Randy and Carole.) (This is a humuorous and exaggerated remark.) 他的那部获奖电影确立了他导演的声誉。这样,对兰蒂和卡罗来说,她几乎成了皇室成员。

1)establish sb./sth./oneself (in sth.) (as sth.): to succeed in doing sth. and achieve respect or a secure position as a result of this

He has established himself as the leading candidate in the governor election in California.


His award-winning film established his reputation as a director.

2)royalty: 皇亲国戚。Near: 近亲。

39. Mrs. Woodrow''s secretary said I could bring my family, but now that Vincent has left me and taken the car, I''ll have to take a taxi.

伍德罗太太的秘书说我可以带家里的人一起来,可是这会儿文森特离开了我,车也让他带走了,我只好打车了。 (文森特可能是缪里尔的丈夫或男友,已经抛弃了她。)


2)now that既然

Now that you are here, please stay with us.既然你来了,就和我们呆在一起吧。

40. Well, I have to be getting ready now…All the big names in Hollywood will be there. I want look my best. (On this important occasion, I want to look as smart as possible.) 呃,我得去准备了……好莱坞的大人物都要去,我要昼打扮得漂亮点。

1)have to be getting ready是现在进行时,表示马上就要做某事,又如:

It''s getting late. I must be going now.


2)big names: famous people名人。

3)Look one''s/its best: to look as beautiful, attractive, etc., as possible

The scenery looks its best in autumn; look as smart, attractive, beautiful, healthy, tidy, etc. as possible尽量显得漂亮、健康、整洁等,又如:


The children look their best on the traditional festival.


The park looks its best in autumn when the leaves turn red, yellow and brown.


41. Uh…Muriel, you don''t want to go to the services all alone! 呃,缪里尔你不愿意自己一个人去参加葬礼吧?


all alone独自一个人

42. Oh, I don''t mind. 哦,我到不在乎(一个人独自去)。

I don''t mind: I don''t mind going there all alone.

43. Look, Muriel,why don''t we all go together? I mean…well, of course, Randy and I are invited, too, but we''d be glad to go long with you…as your family, you know. Well, after all, you''re one of us, Muriel.

我说缪里尔,我们干嘛不一起去呢?我是说……,我和兰蒂当然也接到了请贴,不过我们也很高兴和你一起去……作为你的家人。呃,缪里尔,毕竟你也算是我们家里的人。 (注意,他们宁愿以女佣的家人身份去参加,也要露这个面,所以说话时吞吞吐吐,不好意思。)

1)Why don''t we do……? /why not do…用来提出建议,又如:

Why not ask our teacher for help?为什么不请我们的老师来帮忙呢?

Why don''t we all come to my office and talk at length about the matter?


I''m tired. Why don''t we trim the Christmas tree tomorrow?


2)go along with sb. as……:以……的身份和……一起去……

He went along with the city residents as a common citizen to give his vote.他以一个普通公民的身份和市民们参加了这次投票。

3)这里after all用来导出一引起理由,解释刚刚说过的话,又如:

Why don''t we ask Xiao Liu to take the matter to the president? After all,

she''s worked with him for two years.


44. Appears to examine the idea.看起来好像在考虑这个建议。

He appears very excited. 他看起来好像很兴奋。

45. I''ll drive us all there in the Cadillac. 我开卡迪拉克把咱们三个一起拉去。


46. This idea appeals to her.——(She likes the idea.) 这个主意投合她之所好。

appeal to: to please, attract or interest对……有吸引力;投其所好,又如:

Dancing has never appealed to me.


Such forms of entertainment as disco and karaoke appeal only to young people.


It is almost impossible to make a TV program appeal to viewers of all ages.


appeal to sb for/to do sth.为……呼吁;要求

The public appeals to the government to take measures to protect the environment .公众呼吁政府应当采取措施来保护环境。

appeal to上诉

Both the plaintiff and the defendant have the right to appeal to the higher court.原告和被告都有权向上级法院上诉。

47. Well, it suits me.哦,这倒对我挺合适的。

suit sb.: be convenient for/acceptable to sb.对……合适;能被……接受,又如:

It''ll suit me very well if e set off at 8 in the morning.


This arrangement suits us perfectly.


48. Carole and Randy both jump into action, getting their clothes out of their respective closets.卡罗和兰蒂赶紧行动起来,从他们各自的衣橱里拿出衣服。

jump into action:赶紧行动。注意jump在下列两个短语中的意思:

jump to one''s feet一下子跳起来(原来坐着或躺着)

jump to a conclusion轻率下结论

49. Say, this suit could stand a pressing.喂,这身西服压一压才好。

1)Say ,(int.): (美)喂;哎呀。用来引起别人的注意,有时也表示惊讶。

2)stand vt.: 经受,遭受,经得起,又如:

Their friendship has stood the test of time.


A number of old people could not stand the severe cold, and returned to the south.


50. It''s going to look all right, isn''t it? I mean , our going with Muriel.——(You think it''ll look okay if we''re going to the funeral as Muriel''s family, don''t you?) 这么做合适吗?我是说我们和缪里尔一起去不失身份吧。 (兰蒂突然又感到,以自己女佣家人身份去参加这样的活动,是否有失身份。)

I mean: (见注30——2)(spoken) used to explain or correct what you have just said

He''s impolite-I mean, he never greets his colleagues.


We''ll have an exam on Tuesday, I mean, Thursday.


51. ……we have a duty to Muriel, our cook.

……We have to look after Muriel, our cook. (We''ve got to bring her back home from the house.)

have a duty to do: to have to do sth. because it is morally or legally right

We have a duty to our aged parents.


We all have a duty to protect the environment.


52.Scotty practically raised her. And we feel that we should take her with us, and then, of course, we''ll have to go to the home afterwards. Just family and a few of his very closest friends. We can''t get out of it…


get out of (doing) sth.: avoid a responsibility or duty推卸责任,又如:

The couple decided to spend the weekend in a hotel, just to get out of housework.


If you go on trying to get out of paying taxes, you''ll sooner or later get into trouble.


53. (To himself, while dressing.) I guess it''ll look all right. After all, funerals are very democratic affairs.(边穿衣服边自言自语)我觉得这件事没有什么不妥之处,葬礼毕竟是件不注重阶级区别的社交活动。 (兰蒂始终感到以佣人家属的身份去参加引人注目的葬礼有占领失身份,他最后自嘲地找到了一个理由。)

1)After all(见注25——1,注43——3)

2)democratic: paying no or little attention to class divisions based on birth or wealth不注重或几乎不注重因出身和财产多少而产生的阶级差别。

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