中文名: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010新特征视频教程
英文名: Lynda.com Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 New Features
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2010年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
微软的下一代办公软件Office 2010中出现了大量的功能改进和完善,具体到每一个组件来说,PowerPoint就在很多图像功能方面进行了革新,PowerPoint团队表示,新一代的PowerPoint将为用户提供一个形象化自己想法、具体化自己创意的更好平台。
在PowerPoint 2010中,Slide Show幻灯片演示功能进行了十年来最大的改进,PowerPoint的图形引擎使用DirectX进行了重建,幻灯片中的所有内容(文字、图像、动画等等)也将利用计算机的显卡进行全3D渲染。
-Animation Painter(在对象间复制动画);
: Lynda.com - PowerPoint 2010 New Features
In PowerPoint 2010 New Features, David Diskin explores the latest
version of Microsoft's presentation software. This course covers
themes and transitions, the ability to add equations and over forty
new SmartArt diagrams to presentations, new photo retouching and video
editing features, and new ways to collaborate and share presentations
across the Internet.
Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Customizing the Ribbon interface
* Using the new Backstage View
* Saving time with the Animation Painter
* Styling a presentation with themes and transitions
* Introducing new ways to work with video
* Using the enhanced photo editing features such as cropping, removing backgrounds, and artistic effects
* Broadcasting a presentation on the Web
* Merging, comparing, and collaborating on presentations