专辑英文名: l'Enfant et les Sortileges & l'Heure espagnole etc
专辑中文名: 孩子与魔法、西班牙时刻等
艺术家: Lorin Maazel 马泽尔
古典类型: 歌剧
资源格式: APE
版本: the originals
发行时间: 1997年
地区: 德国
语言: 法语

作曲:Ravel, Rimsk, Stravinsky
指挥:Lorin Maazel
CD编号:449 769-2
这张专辑收录了拉威尔仅有的两部歌剧《孩子与魔法》《西班牙时刻》,还有斯特拉文斯基的《夜莺之歌》(Le Chant du rossignol)以及里姆斯基·科萨柯夫的《西班牙随想曲》(Capriccio espagnol)。四部作品的指挥全都是美国指挥大师洛林·马泽尔,马泽尔的指挥不仅激情四射,而且也具有深刻的哲理。关于指挥家与作曲家的介绍网上有很多,我就不粘贴到这了,如果需要了解请自行查阅。其中两部歌剧的演唱者如下:
Concepcion, femme de Torquemada………………………Jane Berbie
Torquemada, horloger………………………………………Jean Giraudeau
Ramiro, muletier………………………………………………Gabriel Bacquier
Don Inigo Gomez, banquier…………………………………Jose Van Dam
Gonzalve, bachelier……………………………………………Michel Senechal
L'Enfant……………………………………………………………Francoise Ogeas
Maman & La Tasse chinoise & La Libellule……………………Jeanine Collard
La Bergere & La Chatte & L'Ecureuil & Un Patre……………Jane Berbie
Le Feu & La Princesse & Le Rossignol…………………………Sylvaine Gilma
La Chauve-Souris & La Chouette & Une Pastourelle………Colette Herzog
Le Fauteuil & Un Arbre…………………………………………Heinz Rehfuss
L'Horloge contoise & Le Chat…………………………………Camille Maurane
La Theiete & Le Petit Vieillard & La Rainette………………Michel Senechal
"So often, even in the best opera recordings, there has to be a reservation over some detail or some less than perfect casting; but this [L'Enfant et les sortilèges] is one of those flawless productions entitled to a permanent place among the classics of the catalogue.... Lorin Maazel conducts as if he loved every note of the score - as well he might."
Gramophone (1989)
"Splendidly stylish. Neo-classical crispness of articulation goes with refined textures that convey the tender poetry of the one piece [L'Enfant et les sortilèges], the ripe humour of the other [L'Heure espagnole]. The CD remastering has been very successful and both performances are given striking presence."
Penguin Guide (1994)