中文名: VTC教程 水晶报表XI:入门新手
英文名: VTC Crystal Reports XI: Beginner
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2009年2月10日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文

翻译 by gaodeji71@TLF
VTC出品的教程: 水晶报表XI:入门新手(Crystal Reports XI: Beginner)
主讲:Kurt Dunlap
Crystal 是一个用户友好的数据库报表工具,它允许用户能够可视化创建报告,并转换成大部分能想象到的任意格式。用户没有或只有很少的SQL或数据库的知识也能快速的从任意数据源进行创建,分发和分析报告。此外,多种输出格式可以确保你的数据能够以任意所需的格式从A点传送到B点。在这套基础教程中,Kurt Dunlap将讲授使用Crystal XI开始创建报表所需要的基础知识。
Crystal is a user-friendly database reporting tool that allows users to visually create reports and change them to virtually any format imaginable. This allows users with little to no knowlege of SQL or databases to quickly create, distribute, and analyze reports from virtually any data source. In addition, the multiple export formats can ensure that your data can get from point A to point B in almost any format needed. This hands-on Crystal Reports XI: Beginner course by expert instructor Kurt Dunlap will teach you what is needed to start creating reports in Crystal XI right away. The source reports and test database are also provided so that users can follow along with ease. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
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: VTC - Crystal Reports XI: Beginner
Crystal is a user-friendly database reporting tool that allows users
to visually create reports and change them to virtually any format
imaginable. This allows users with little to no knowlege of SQL or
databases to quickly create, distribute, and analyze reports from
virtually any data source. In addition, the multiple export formats
can ensure that your data can get from point A to point B in almost
any format needed. This hands-on Crystal Reports XI: Beginner course
by expert instructor Kurt Dunlap will teach you what is needed to
start creating reports in Crystal XI right away. The source reports
and test database are also provided so that users can follow along
with ease.
: http://www.vtc.com/products/Crystal-Reports-XI-Beginner-Tutorials.htm
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