MrJoeZee's twitter
Elle的创意总监Joe Zee,是时尚圈赫赫有名的权贵人士(甚至在纽约城内有人称他为“时尚之父”,多半还是因为Anna Wintour不是男的……)。现在twitterer这么多,Joe Zee先生如何从他们之中胜出?源于老爷子内心深处的八卦精神,他会八卦各大时装发布会前排的“丑闻”,此外,作为给“子民”的嘉赏,Zee先生还会回答粉丝们的提问,快加入进来吧。
Joe Zee爱好八卦时装周前排的各种“丑闻”
【我迟到了!】"Arrived to Louis Vuitton show at 2:31 for a 2:30 and it was already in progress! Punctuality is apparently the new black."
【我的地盘?设计师做主!】"Hurray to Celine and Dries. Gorgeous show space RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO THE HOTEL! HOW DO WE ENFORCE THIS FOR OTHER DESIGNERS?"