

王朝知道·作者佚名  2009-10-04
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本人 计算机科学与技术系 学校要求写一篇《学习进步申请书》!!!

各位大虾帮帮忙 ,小弟没写过啊!!!






项目名称可否公布: □ 可 □ 否 保密期限:


□A □B □C □D □E □F □G □H □I □J

□K □L □M □N □O □P □Q □R □S □T

任务来源: □ A. 国家计划 (□A1. 国家科技攻关计划 □A2. 863计划 □A3. 973计划 □A4. 其他)

□ B. 部委计划

□ C. 省,市,自治区计划

□ D. 基金资助 (□D1. 国家自然科学基金 □D2. 其他基金)

□ E. 企业

□ F. 国际合作

□ G. 自选

□ H. 其他

项目起止时间: 起始於 年 月 日

完成於 年 月 日

二. 项目简介



三. 项目详细内容

1. 立项背景:


2. 详细技术内容:






5. 应用情况:


经济效益 (社会公益类,国家安全类项目可以不填此栏)


项目总投资额: 回收期(年):

年份 新增利润 新增税收 创收外汇(港币) 节支总额





四. 本项目曾获科技奖励情况

获奖时间 奖项名称 奖励等级 授奖部门(单位)

五. 主要证明目录

1. 知识产权证明目录:

项目名称 知识产权类别 国别 申请号 授权号

2. 技术评价证明及国家法律法规要求行业审批文件目录:


3. 应用单位目录:

使用本项目产生 提交应用单

应用单位 应用起始时间 应用单位联络人姓名及电话 的经济效益(万港元) 位证明(()

年 月

年 月

年 月

年 月

年 月

年 月

六. 主要完成人情况*

姓名: 性别: 民族:

身份证号码: 国籍:

出生地: 省(自治区,市) 市(县)

出生日期: 年 月 日 职务:


联系电话: 传真号码:




电子信箱: 手提电话:

毕业学校: 文化程度:

最高学位: 技术职称:

专业,专长: 毕业时间:


参加本项目的起止时间: 自 年 月至 年 月



年 月 日


七. 附件目录






注: 所提供的资料,将用作申请国家科学技术奖的用途

八. 呈交申请书




创新科技署 (国家科学技术奖(香港特区)秘书处)

电话: 2111 3539

传真: 2375 0715




一. 项目基本情况

《项目名称》应当简明,准确地反映出项目的技术内容和特徵,字数 (含符号) 不超过30个字.




国家标准《GB/T 4754-2002》国民经济行业分20个门类:(A) 农,林,牧,渔业;(B) 采掘业;(C) 制造业;(D) 电力,燃气及水的生产和供应业;(E) 建筑业;(F)交通运输,仓储及邮政业;(G) 信息传输,计算机服务和软件业;(H) 批发和零售业;( I ) 住宿和餐饮业;(J) 金融业;(K) 房地产业;(K) 社会服务业;(L) 租赁和商业服务业;(M) 科学研究,技术服务和地质勘查业;(N) 水利,环境和公共设施管理业;(O) 居民服务和其他服务业;(P) 教育;(Q) 卫生,社会保障和社会福利业;(R) 文化,体育和娱乐业 ;(S) 公共管理和社会组织;(T)国际组织.


A. 国家计划:指正式列入国家计划项目:国家科技攻关计划,863计划,973计划或其他计划;

B. 部委计划:指国家计划以外,国务院各部委下达的任务;

C. 省,市,自治区计划:指国家计划以外,由省,市,自治区或通过有关厅局下达的任务;

D. 基金资助:指以基金形式资助的项目:国家自然科学基金或其他基金;

E. 企业:指由企业自行出资进行的研究开发项目;

F. 国际合作:指由外国单位或个人委托或共同研究,开发的项目;

G. 自选:指本基层单位提出或批准的,占用本职工作时间研究开发的项目;

H. 其他:不能归属於上述各类的研究开发项目,如其他单位委托,非职务等项目.


二. 项目简介


三. 项目详细内容


1. 《立项背景》简明扼要地概述立项时国内外相关科学技术状况,主要技术经济指标,尚待解决的问题及立项目的.内容不超过800字.

2. 《详细技术内容》是考核,评价该项目是否符合授奖条件的主要依据,因此,凡涉及该项科学技术实质内容的说明,论证及实验结果等,均应直接叙述,必要的图示须就近插入相应的正文中,不宜另附.应对项目的总体思路,技术方案,实施效果等进行全面阐述,纸面不敷,可另增页.

(1) 总体思路.应简要阐述针对立项目的,利用什麼新思想,新技术,新方法,来解决什麼样的技术问题,创造出什麼样的新成果.

(2) 技术方案.应详细阐述具体技术方案和实施步骤,应用了哪些理论,技术和方法,在技术开发,推广及产业化过程中,攻克了哪些关键技术,在技术上有哪些创新,取得了哪些创新成果.

(3) 实施效果.应简要阐述该项技术的转化程度,应用范围及推广情况.




3. 《主要技术创新点》的填写,是申请项目和申请书的核心部分,也是审查项目,处理争议的关键依据."主要技术创新点"包括在技术思路,关键技术及系统集成上的创新,是项目详细技术内容在创新性方面的归纳与提练,应简明,扼要地阐述.内容不超过800字.

4. 《与当前国内外同类技术主要参数,效益,市场竞争力的比较》,应就申请项目的总体科学技术水平,主要技术经济指标同当前的国内外最先进的同类研究和同类技术用数据或图表方式进行全面比较,加以综合叙述,并指出存在的问题及改进措施.内容不超过两页.

5. 《应用情况》应就申请项目的生产,应用,推广情况及预期应用前景进行阐述.内容不超过800字.

6. 《经济效益》栏中填写的数字应以主要生产,应用单位财务部门核准的数额为基本依据,只填写已取得的新增直接效益.社会公益类和国家安全类可以不填此栏.


7. 《社会效益》是指申请项目在推动科学技术进步,保护自然资源或生态环境;保障国家和社会安全;改善人民物质,文化,生活及健康水平等方面所起的作用,应扼要地做出说明.内容不超过200字.

四. 本项目曾获科技奖励情况


五. 主要证明目录

1. 《知识产权目录》指申请项目在附件中提交的已授权或正在申请的知识产权证明的目录,应将已授权或正在申请的内容分别列出.如实填写下列内容,其中关於知识产权类别包括:1.发明专利权; 2.计算机软件著作权;3.集成电路布图设计权;4.植物新品种权;5.其他.国别包括:1.中国;2.美国;3.欧洲;4.日本;5.香港;6.台湾;7.其他.应将其编号及名称填入表中.

2. 《技术评价证明及国家法律法规要求行业审批文件目录》指申请项目在附件中提交的技术鉴定证书,验收报告,权威部门的检测证明及国家对相关行业有审批要求的批准文件等证明材料的目录.内容不超过800字.

3. 《应用单位目录》指申请项目提供生产证明,效益证明,技术转让合同,使用证明等应用证明的应用单位目录,要求如实填写各栏目内容,对已提交应用证明的应用单位,在"提交应用证明"栏用""号标出.

六. 主要完成人情况



七. 附件


1. 《知识产权证明》指发明专利权,计算机软件著作权,集成电路布图设计权,植物新品种权的授权证书和权利要求说明书等证明的复印件.该附件是申请国家技术发明奖项目的必备材料,对於专利法中规定不授予专利权的公益类成果需提交指定单位规范的查新报告或者相应的知识产权证明.

2. 《技术评价证明及国家法律法规要求行业审批文件》指申请项目在附件中提交的技术鉴定证书,验收报告,权威部门的检测证明及国家对相关行业有审批要求的批准文件等证明材料.对於申请项目涉及有审批要求的,如:新药,医疗器械,动植物新品种,农药,化肥,兽药,食品,通讯设备,压力容器,标准等项目,必须提交相应的批准证明材料,否则不能提交评审.

3. 《应用证明》指由相关单位出具的生产证明,效益证明,技术转让合同,使用证明等证明文件,其内容应包括应用项目的名称,应用单位通讯地址及邮编,应用单位负责人及联络电话,应用起始时间,应用的具体情况及产生的经济,社会效益等,原则上应证明该项目已正式应用一年以上,并应由出具应用证明的单位加盖公章.

4. 《其他证明》指有助评价申请项目的其他证明材料.

八. 其他


Application Form for

the 2006 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award

1. General Description of the Project

Project Title:

Principal Persons Who Complete the Project:

(Names of principal persons should be listed from left to right in a proper sequence according to the extent of their respective contributions)

Can the Project's Title be Disclosed: □Yes □No

Duration of Confidentiality:

Please see "General Description of the Project" of this application form on page 30 for the National Economy Industry Sector that the Project belongs to:

□A □B □C □D □E □F □G □H □I □J

□K □L □M □N □O □P □Q □R □S □T

Source of Task: A. State Plans ( A1. State's key technologies R&D program A2. 863 program

A3. 973 program A4. Rests)

B. Plans of Ministries or Commissions

C. Plans of Provinces, Municipalities, Cities or Autonomous Regions

D. Foundation ( D1. National Natural Science Foundation D2. Rests)

E. Enterprises

F. International Cooperation

G. Self-Chosen

H. Others

Project Commencement and Completion Dates: Started from (day) (month) (year)

Completed by (day) (month) (year)

II. Brief Introduction of the Project

The scientific and technological area to which the project belongs, the main technological content, technological economic indicator, facilitation to technological progress of the industries, as well as dissemination of the project's application:

(No more than 400 words)

III. Detailed Information of the Project

1. Background of Setting up the Project:

(No more than 400 words)

2. Technological Details:

(Additional sheets may be attached if space is insufficient)

3. Major Technological Innovations:

(No more than 400 words)

4. Comparison with the Major Technological Elements, Efficiency and Market Competitiveness of Similar Technologies Prevailing in the Mainland and Abroad:

(One more sheet may be attached if space is insufficient)

5. Application

(No more than 400 words)

6. Economic Benefits (This part is not required for social public welfare and national security projects)

Unit: in ten thousand (HKD)

Total Investment Amount of the Project: Yield (Years)

Year Newly Created Profits Newly Created Tax Foreign Exchange Earned (HKD) Total Expenses being Cut Down

The Basis which Item in Each Column is Calculated

(No more than 100 words)

7. Social Benefits:

(No more than 100 words)

IV. Information on Science and Technology Awards Given to This Project

Dates of Award Presentation Names of Awards Grades of Awards Departments (Units) which Conferred Awards

V. List of Major Proving Documents

1. Proof on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Project Title Categories of IPR Country Application No. Patent No.

Proof on technological assessment and approving documents on the industries required by the State's laws and regulations

(No more than 400 words)

List of Organizations which applies the Project

Time of commencing Name and phone no. Economic benefits Proof on

application of of the contact person achieved by applying the the applying

Organizations the project(mm/yy) of the applying organization project (ten thousand HKD) Organization(()

VI. Information on Principal Person Who Completes the Project*

Name: Sex: Ethnic Group:

ID Card No.: Nationality:

Place of Birth: Municipality (County) of Province (Autonomous Region or Municipality)

Date of Birth: (year) (month) (day) Occupation:

Unit in which Principal Person Works:

Contact Phone No.: Fax No.:

Correspondence Address and Postal Code:

Residential Address:

Phone No. (Home):

E-mail Address: Mobile No.:

School Graduated: Educational Level:

Academic Degree: Technical Title:

Professional Field or Specialty: Date of Graduation:

Awards and Honorary Titles Received:

Commencement and Completion Dates of Project Participation: From (month) (year) To (month) (year)

Significant Technological Contributions to the Project:

Signature of Principal Person

(day) (month) (year)

* Referring to "Principal Persons who complete the project" on page 1, if more than 1 person complete the project,

each of the persons involved has to fill in a form. This page can be photocopied if necessary.

VII. Table of Contents of Appendixes

1. Proof documents of technological evaluation and Approving Documents on the Industries required by the State's laws and regulations (duplicate copies)

2. Proof documents of application

3. Proof documents of Intellectual Property Rights

4. Copy of the identity documents of all applicants (e.g. Hong Kong Identity Card, PRC Passport, etc.)

5. Other proving documents

Note: The information provided will be used for processing the entries.

VIII. Submission of Application

Application forms and attachments should be completed in both Chinese and English. Please forward a softcopy and 6 hardcopies of the application form and the attachment to the following address in person or by post:

Innovation and Technology Commission

(Secretariat of State Science and Technology Awards Nomination (HKSAR))

20/F Wu Chung House

213 Queen's Road East


Hong Kong

Tel : (852) 2111 3539

Fax : (852) 2375 0715


Notes on How to Complete the Application Form

for the 2006 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award

This Application Form is for the nomination of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The Form serves as the basic technological document in the evaluation of the State Science and Technology Awards as well as the primary basis on which such evaluation is to be conducted by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region and Judging Panel. It is required to fill in accurate and full information strictly in accordance with the prescribed formats, columns and headings.

General Description of the Project

"Project Title" requires information to reflect precisely and accurately the technological content and characteristics of the project. English translation of the "Project Title" should not be more than 200 characters (including symbols).

"Principal Persons Who Complete the Project" refers to candidates for nomination by the HKSAR Government who must be either residents of the HKSAR with Chinese nationality (including permanent residents and those who have obtained the right of abode but have not yet acquired the status of permanent residents) who produce outstanding creative contributions in the areas of scientific discovery and technological development, and who promote the progress of science and technology; or persons of Chinese nationality who are engaged in scientific research and technology development in the HKSAR. The candidate's major research and development work should be conducted and completed in the HKSAR. In case the candidate cooperates with researchers outside the HKSAR, the candidate should be the principal person to complete the project.

"Can the Project's Title be Disclosed" and "Duration of Confidentiality": To put a tick " " against either "Yes" or "No" and state the requested duration of confidentiality.

"The National Economy Industry Sector that the Project belongs to": To put a "" to the appropriate alphabet which corresponds to the kind of industry that the project under application belongs to.

State Standard (GB/T4754-2002) Industries under National Economy are divided into 20 categories: (A) Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery; (B) Excavation; (C) Manufacturing Industry; (D) Electric Power, Gas and Hydraulic Production and Supply Industries; (E) Construction Industry; (F) Traffic and Transportation, Warehouses and Postage Industries; (G) Information Transmission, computer Services and Software Industries; (H) Wholesale and Retail Industries; (I) Housing and Catering; (J) Finance; (K) Real Estate; (L) Rental and Trading Services; (M) Scientific Research, Technological Services and Geological Prospecting; (N) Hydraulic, Environment and Public Facilities; (O) Habitant and other Services Management; (P) Education; (Q) Health, Social Security and Social Welfare; (R) Culture, Sports and Entertainment Industries; (S) Public Management and State Organizations; and (T) International Organizations.

"Source of Task": To put a " " to the appropriate alphabet.

State Plans: Refer to projects that are officially listed under State Plans : State's key technologies R&D program; 863 program; 973 program; or other programs;

Plans of Ministries and Commissions: Refer to tasks that are assigned by various ministries and commissions of the State Council, excluding those which are listed under State Plans;

Plans of Provinces, Municipalities or Autonomous Regions: Refer to tasks that are assigned by provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions or assigned through relevant departments or bureaux, excluding those which are listed under State Plans;

Foundation: Refers to projects that are financed by foundations: National Natural Science Foundation or others;

Enterprises: Refers to the R&D projects that are initiated and funded by enterprises;

International Cooperation: Refers to projects that are appointed by foreign units or individuals to be studied and developed, or projects that are jointly studied and developed with foreign units or individuals;

Self-Chosen: Refers to projects that are put forward or approved by the basic-level unit itself. Such projects are studied and developed during office hours; and

Others: The research and development of projects that does not belong to any of the above categories, like projects appointed by other units, or not within one's own job responsibilities.

"Project Commencement and Completion Dates": Commencement Date means the date when the project is set up for research and when development of such project has started, whereas Completion Date means the date when the project has successfully undergone inspection and verification, or the date when the project has been put into service.

II. Brief Introduction of the Project

"Brief Introduction of the Project": Information based on which the project should be released and made public. It is required to follow the requirements in the column to introduce the science and technology aspects of the project, its major technological content, its technological economic indicator, its facilitation to technological progress of the industries and application situation, which should be brief and to the point. Meanwhile, the core technology of the project should not be disclosed. Content with no more than 400 words.

III. Detailed Information of the Project

"Detailed Information of the Project": In accordance with each respective column listed in the Form and the requirements of these Notes, it is required

小贴士:① 若网友所发内容与教科书相悖,请以教科书为准;② 若网友所发内容与科学常识、官方权威机构相悖,请以后者为准;③ 若网友所发内容不正确或者违背公序良俗,右下举报/纠错。
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