
RFC1056 - PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal computers

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group M. Lambert

Request for Comments: 1056 MIT

Obsoletes: RFC-993 June 1988

PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers

Table of Contents

1. Status of this Document 1

2. IntrodUCtion 2

3. Repository architecture 4

3.1. Management of user mail state 5

3.2. Repository-to-RFC-822 name translation 7

4. Communication between repository and client: DMSP 8

4.1. DMSP commands 8

4.2. DMSP responses 8

4.3. DMSP sessions 11

4.4. General operations 11

4.5. User operations 12

4.6. Client operations 13

4.7. Mailbox operations 14

4.8. Address operations 15

4.9. Subscription operations 15

4.10. Message operations 16

5. Client Architecture 18

5.1. Multiple clients 18

5.2. Synchronization 18

5.3. Batch operation versus interactive operation 20

5.4. Message summaries 20

6. Typical interactive-style client-repository interaction 21

7. A current Pcmail implementation 25

7.1. IBM PC client code 25

7.2. UNIX client code 26

7.3. Repository code 26

8. Conclusions 26

I. DMSP Protocol Specification 28

II. Operations by name 37

III. Responses by number 38

1. Status of this Memo

This RFCis a discussion of the Pcmail workstation based distributed

mail system. It is identical to the discussion in RFC-993, save that

a new, much simpler mail transport protocol is described. The new

transport protocol is the result of continued research into ease of

protocol implementation and use issues. Distribution of this memo is


2. Introduction

Pcmail is a distributed mail system providing mail service to an

arbitrary number of users, each of whom owns one or more

workstations. Pcmail's motivation is to provide very flexible mail

service to a wide variety of different workstations, ranging in power

from small, resource-limited machines like IBM PCs to resource-rich

(where "resources" are primarily processor speed and disk space)

machines like Suns or Microvaxes. It attempts to provide limited

service to resource-limited workstations while still providing full

service to resource-rich machines. It is intended to work well with

machines only infrequently connected to a network as well as machines

permanently connected to a network. It is also designed to offer

diskless workstations full mail service.

The system is divided into two halves. The first consists of a

single entity called the "repository". The repository is a storage

center for incoming mail. Mail for a Pcmail user can arrive

externally from the Internet or internally from other repository

users. The repository also maintains a stable copy of each user's

mail state (this will hereafter be referred to as the user's "global

mail state"). The repository is therefore typically a computer with

a large amount of disk storage.

The second half of Pcmail consists of one or more "clients". Each

Pcmail user may have an arbitrary number of clients, typically

single-user workstations. The clients provide a user with a friendly

means of Accessing the user's global mail state over a network. In

order to make the interaction between the repository and a user's

clients more efficient, each client maintains a local copy of its

user's global mail state, called the "local mail state". It is

assumed that clients, possibly being small personal computers, may

not always have access to a network (and therefore to the global mail

state in the repository). This means that the local and global mail

states may not be identical all the time, making synchronization

between local and global mail states necessary.

Clients communicate with the repository via the Distributed Mail

System Protocol (DMSP); the specification for this protocol appears

in appendix A. The repository is therefore a DMSP server in addition

to a mail end-site and storage facility. DMSP provides a complete

set of mail manipulation operations ("send a message", "delete a

message", "print a message", etc.). DMSP also provides special

operations to allow easy synchronization between a user's global mail

state and his clients' local mail states. Particular attention has

been paid to the way in which DMSP operations act on a user's mail

state. All DMSP operations are failure-atomic (that is, they are

guaranteed either to succeed completely, or leave the user's mail

state unchanged ). A client can be abruptly disconnected from the

repository without leaving inconsistent or damaged mail states.

Pcmail's design has been directed by the characteristics of currently

available workstations. Some workstations are fairly portable, and

can be packed up and moved in the back seat of an automobile. A few

are truly portable--about the size of a briefcase--and battery-

powered. Some workstations have constant access to a high-speed

local-area network; pcmail should allow for "on-line" mail delivery

for these machines while at the same time providing "batch" mail

delivery for other workstations that are not always connected to a

network. Portable and semi-portable workstations tend to be

resource-poor. A typical IBM PC has a small amount (typically less

than one megabyte) of main memory and little in the way of mass

storage (floppy-disk drives that can access perhaps 360 kilobytes of

data). Pcmail must be able to provide machines like this with

adequate mail service without hampering its performance on more

resource-rich workstations. Finally, all workstations have some

common characteristics that Pcmail should take advantage of. For

instance, workstations are fairly ineXPensive compared to the various

time-shared systems that most people use for mail service. This

means that people may own more than one workstation, perhaps putting

a Microvax in an Office and an IBM PC at home.

Pcmail's design reflects the differing characteristics of the various

workstations. Since one person can own several workstations, Pcmail

allows users multiple access points to their mail state. Each Pcmail

user can have several client workstations, each of which can access

the user's mail by communicating with the repository over a network.

The clients all maintain local copies of the user's global mail

state, and synchronize the local and global states using DMSP.

It is also possible that some workstations will only infrequently be

connected to a network (and thus be able to communicate with the

repository). The Pcmail design therefore allows two modes of

communication between repository and client. "Interactive mode" is

used when the client is always connected to the network. Any changes

to the client's local mail state are immediately also made to the

repository's global mail state, and any incoming mail is immediately

transmitted from repository to client. "Batch mode" is used by

clients that have infrequent access to the repository. Users

manipulate the client's local mail state, queueing the changes

locally. When the client is next connected to the repository, the

changes are executed, and the client's local mail state is

synchronized with the repository's global mail state.

Finally, the Pcmail design minimizes the effect of using a resource-

poor workstation as a client. Mail messages are split into two

parts: a "descriptor" and a "body". The descriptor is a capsule

message summary whose length (typically about 100 bytes) is

independent of the actual message length. The body is the actual

message text, including an RFC-822 standard message header. While

the client may not have enough storage to hold a complete set of

messages, it can usually hold a complete set of descriptors, thus

providing the user with at least a summary of his mail state. For

clients with extremely limited resources, Pcmail allows the storage

of partial sets of descriptors. Although this means the user does

not have a complete local mail state, he can at least look at

summaries of some messages. In the cases where the client cannot

immediately store message bodies, it can always pull them over from

the repository as storage becomes available.

The remainder of this document is broken up into sections discussing

the following:

- The repository architecture

- DMSP, its operations, and motivation for its design

- The client architecture

- A typical DMSP session between the repository and a


- The current Pcmail implementation

- Appendices describing the DMSP protocol in detail

3. Repository architecture

A typical machine running repository code has a relatively powerful

processor and a large amount of disk storage. It must also be a

permanent network site, for two reasons. First, clients communicate

with the repository over a network, and rely on the repository's

being available at any time. Second, people sending mail to

repository users rely on the repository's being available to receive

mail at any time.

The repository must perform several tasks. First, and most

importantly, the repository must efficiently manage a potentially

large number of users and their mail states. Mail must be reliably

stored in a manner that makes it easy for multiple clients to access

the global mail state and synchronize their local mail states with

the global state. Since a large category of electronic mail is

represented by bulletin boards (bboards), the repository should

efficiently manage bboard mail, using a minimum of storage to store

bboard messages in a manner that still allows any user subscribing to

the bboard to read the mail. Second, the repository must be able to

communicate efficiently with its clients. The protocol used to

communicate between repository and client must be reliable and must

provide operations that (1) allow typical mail manipulation, and (2)

support Pcmail's distributed nature by allowing efficient

synchronization between local and global mail states. Third, the

repository must be able to process mail from sources outside the

repository's own user community (a primary outside source is the

Internet). Internet mail will arrive with a NIC RFC-822 standard

message header; the recipient names in the message must be properly

translated from the RFC-822 namespace into the repository's


3.1. Management of user mail state

Pcmail divides the world into a community of users. Each user is

associated with a user object. A user object consists of a unique

name, a passWord (which the user's clients use to authenticate

themselves to the repository before manipulating a global mail

state), a list of "client objects" describing those clients belonging

to the user, a list of "subscription objects", and a list of "mailbox


A client object consists of a unique name and a status. A user has

one client object for every client he owns; a client cannot

communicate with the repository unless it has a corresponding client

object in a user's client list. Client objects therefore serve as a

means of identifying valid clients to the repository. Client objects

also allow the repository to manage local and global mail state

synchronization; the repository associates with every client an

"update list" of message state changes which have occurred since the

client's last synchronization.

A client's status is either "active" or "inactive". The repository

defines inactive clients as those clients which have not connected to

the repository within a set time period (one week in the current

repository implementation). When a previously-inactive client does

connect to the repository, the repository notifies the client that it

has been inactive for some time and should "reset" itself. Resetting

a client has the effect of placing every message in every mailbox

onto the client's update list. This allows the client to get a fresh

global mail state from the repository when it next synchronizes (see

synchronization discussion following). The reset is performed on the

assumption that enough global state changes occur in a week that the

client would spend too much time performing an ordinary local state-

global state synchronization.

Messages are stored in mailboxes. Users can have any number of

mailboxes, which serve both to store and to categorize messages. A

mailbox object both names a mailbox and describes its contents.

Mailboxes are identified by a unique name; their contents are

described by three numeric values. The first is the total number of

messages in the mailbox, the second is the total number of unseen

messages (messages that have never been seen by the user via any

client) in the mailbox, and the third is the mailbox's next available

message unique identifier (UID). The above information is stored in

the mailbox object to allow clients to get a summary of a mailbox's

contents without having to read all the messages within the mailbox.

Some mailboxes are special, in that other users may read the messages

stored in them. These mailboxes are called "bulletin board

mailboxes" or "bboard mailboxes". The repository uses bboard

mailboxes to store bboard mail. Bboard mailboxes differ from

ordinary mailboxes in the following ways:

- Their names are unique across the entire repository;

for instance, only one bboard mailbox named "sf-lovers"

may exist in the entire repository community. This

does not preclude other users from having an ordinary

mailbox named "sf-lovers".

- Subscribers to the bboard are granted read-only access

to the messages in the bboard mailbox. The bboard

mailbox's owner (typically the system manager) has

read/update/delete access to the mailbox.

A bboard subscriber keeps track of the messages he has looked at via

a subscription object. The subscription object contains the name of

the bboard, its owner (the user who owns the bboard mailbox where all

the messages are stored), and the UID of the first message not yet

seen by the subscriber.

Users gain read-only access to a bboard by creating a subscription to

it; they lose that access when they delete that subscription. A list

of all bboard mailboxes available for subscription can be transmitted

to the user on demand.

Associated with each mailbox are any number of message objects. Each

message is broken into two parts--a "descriptor", which contains a

summary of useful information about the message, and a "body", which

is the message text itself, including its NIC RFC-822 message header.

Each message is assigned a monotonically increasing UID based on the

owning mailbox's next available UID. Each mailbox has its own set of

UIDs which, together with the mailbox name and user name, uniquely

identify the message within the repository. A descriptor holds the

following information: the message UID, the message size in bytes

and lines, four "useful" message header fields (the "date:", "to:",

"from:", and "subject:" fields), and sixteen flags. These flags are

given identifying numbers 0 through 15. Eight of these flags have

well-known definitions and are reserved for the repository's use.

The eight repository-defined flags mark:

- (#0) whether the message has been deleted

- (#1) whether it has been seen

- (#2) whether it has been forwarded to the user

- (#3) whether it has been forwarded by the user

- (#4) whether it has been filed (written to a text file

outside the repository)

- (#5) whether it has been printed (locally or remotely)

- (#6) whether it has been replied to

- (#7) whether it has been copied to another mailbox

The remaining eight flags are availble for user use. Descriptors

serve as an efficient means for clients to get message information

without having to waste time retrieving the entire message from the


3.2. Repository-to-RFC-822 name translation

"Address objects" provide the repository with a means for translating

the RFC-822-style mail addresses in Internet messages into repository

names. The repository provides its own namespace for message

identification. Any message is uniquely identified by the triple

(user-name, mailbox-name, message-UID). Any mailbox is uniquely

identified by the pair (user-name, mailbox-name). In order to

translate between RFC-822-style mail addresses and repository names,

the repository maintains a list of address objects. Each address

object is an association between an RFC-822-style address and a

(user-name, mailbox-name) pair. When mail arrives from the Internet,

the repository can use the address object list to translate the

recipients into (user-name, mailbox-name) pairs and route the message


4. Communication between repository and client: DMSP

The Distributed Mail System Protocol (DMSP) defines and manipulates

the objects mentioned in the previous section. It has been designed

to work with Pcmail's singlerepository/multiple-client model of the

world. In addition to providing typical mail manipulation functions,

DMSP provides functions that allow easy synchronization of global and

local mail states.

DMSP has been completely re-specified in this version of Pcmail.

Formerly, DMSP was implemented on top of the USP remote-procedure-

call protocol. Since this protocol is not fully unofficially

specified (let alone officially specified) anywhere, implementation

of USP is difficult for sites wishing to implement Pcmail on

different systems. We therefore have decided to completely redesign

DMSP. It is now a very simple request/response protocol similar to

SMTP or NNTP, running directly on a reliable bidirectional byte-

stream such as TCP. The TCP contact port for DMSP has been

designated 158. Requests and responses consist of ASCII characters;

on octet-based transmission streams, each character is transmitted

rightjustified in an octet with the high-order bit cleared to zero.

4.1. DMSP commands

DMSP operations consist of an operation name, followed by zero or

more tab or space characters, followed by zero or more arguments,

each of which is separated from the operation name and other

arguments by one or more space or tab characters. All operation

requests, as well as all responses, must be terminated with a

carriage-return plus line-feed (CR-LF) pair. All operation names and

arguments must be taken from the set of alphanumeric characters plus

the characters dash ("-"), underscore ("_"), and period (".").

DMSP operation names are case-insensitive; they may be transmitted in

any combination of upper and lower case. DMSP arguments are case-

insensitive but case-preserving; in other words a mailbox named

"MarkL" may be referred to by an operation argument "markl", but will

always be stored, and transmitted in a repository response, as

"MarkL"; furthermore, any attempt to create a new mailbox "MaRkL"

will not be permitted.

Each operation argument may contain no more than 64 characters. No

single request or response line may contain more than 512 characters,

including all white space and the terminating CR-LF.

4.2. DMSP responses

A DMSP operation always results in a response, which may be followed

in turn by a list, consisting of zero or more lines of CR-LF-

terminated text terminated by a single period (".") plus a CR-LF. A

response is always prefaced by a three-digit reply code; possible

text following the response code can be in any format. The response

code is sufficient to determine whether the operation succeeded or

failed, or whether more text is forthcoming following the response

line. Any text following the response code is for information only,

and need not follow any particular format.

The first digit indicates whether the operation succeeded or failed,

and if it succeeded whether or not more text should be presented to

the repository. Definitions of the first digit are similar to those

of NNTP:

1XX Informative message

2XX Operation completed successfully

3XX Operation completed successfully, present

remainder of text and terminate with a single

period plus CR-LF pair.

4XX Operation was performed and failed for some


5XX Operation could not be performed because of a

protocol syntax error of some sort.

The second digit indicates the type of object referred to by the


X0X Miscellaneous

X1X User operation

X2X Client operation

X3X Mailbox operation

X4X Subscription operation

X5X Message operation

X6X Address operation

In an error response, the final digit can describe the type of error

that occurred. Otherwise, it simply gives a response a unique

number. Numbers 0 through 3 are significant in 4XX-class (error)

responses only. Numbers 0-9 in all other responses serve only to

differentiate responses dealing with the same type of object under

different circumstances.

4X0 Operation failed because object exists

4X1 Operation failed because object does not exist

4X2 Operation failed because of an internal error

4X3 Operation failed because of an argument syntax


Each operation generates one of a set of responses, detailed in the

protocol specification appendix.

List termination is determined solely by a well-known character

sequence (CR-LF, period, CR-LF). Since application data could well

accidentally contain this termination sequence, the transmitting

protocol module must modify application data so it contains no

termination sequences. The receiving module must similarly undo the

modification before presenting the data to the application at the

receiving end.

The transmitting module modifies application data as follows: If a

line of application data begins with a period, that period is

duplicated. Since the termination sequence is a single period,

accidental termination has now been prevented.

The receiving protocol checks incoming all incoming data lines for a

leading period. A single period is a list terminator; a period

followed by other text is removed before being presented to the

receiving application.

4.3. DMSP sessions

A DMSP session proceeds as follows: a client begins the session with

the repository by opening a connection to the repository's machine.

The client then authenticates both itself and its user to the

repository with a "login" operation. If the authentication is

successful, the user performs an arbitrary number of DMSP operations

before ending the session with a "logout" operation, at which time

the connection is closed by the repository.

Because DMSP can manipulate a pair of mail states (local and global)

at once, it is extremely important that all DMSP operations are

failure-atomic. Failure of any DMSP operation must leave both states

in a consistent, known state. For this reason, a DMSP operation is

defined to have failed unless an explicit acknowledgement is received

by the operation initiator. This acknowledgement consists of a

response code possibly followed by information, as described above.

Following is a general discussion of all the DMSP operations. The

operations are broken down by type: general operations, user

operations, client operations, mailbox operations, address

operations, subscription operations, and message operations.

Detailed operation specifications appear at the end of this document.

4.4. General operations

The first group of DMSP operations perform general functions that

operate on no one particular class of object. DMSP has three general

operations which provide the following services:

In order to prevent protocol version skew between clients and the

repository, DMSP provides a "send-version" operation. The client

supplies its DMSP version number as an argument; the operation

succeeds if the supplied version number matches the repository's DMSP

version number. It fails if the two version numbers do not match.

The version number is a natural number like "100", "101", "200". The

"send-version" operation should be the first that a client sends to

the repository, since no other operation may work correctly if the

client and repository are using different versions of DMSP.

Users can send mail to other users via the "send-message" operation.

The message must have an Internet-style header as defined by NIC

RFC-822. The repository takes the message and distributes it to the

mailboxes specified by the message header's destination fields. If

one or more of the mailboxes exists outside the repository's user

community, the repository is responsible for handing the message to a

local SMTP server. The message envelope is generated by the

repository from the message contents since it may be difficult for

some clients to perform envelope-generation functions such as address

verification and syntax checking.

A success acknowledgement is sent from the repository only if (1) the

entire message was successfully transmitted from client to

repository, and (2) the message header was properly formatted. Once

the repository has successfully received the message from the client,

any subsequent errors in queueing or delivery must be noted via

return mail to the user.

The last general operation is the "help" operation. The repository

responds to "help" by printing an acknowledgement followed by a list

of supported commands, terminated with a period plus CR-LF. The

information is intended for display and can be in any format as long

as the individual lines of text returned by the repository are CR-


4.5. User operations

The next series of DMSP operations manipulates user objects. The

most common of these operations are "login" and "logout". A client

must perform a login operation before being able to access a user's

mail state. A DMSP login operation takes five arguments: (1) the

user's name, (2) the user's password, (3) the name of the client

performing the login, (4) a flag set to 1 if the repository should

create a client object for the client if one does not exist (0 else),

and (5) a flag set to 1 if the client wishes to operate in "batch

mode" and 0 if the client wishes to operate in "interactive" mode.

The last flag value allows the repository to tune internal parameters

for either mode of operation.

The repository can make one of three responses. First, it can make a

success response, indicating successful authentication. Second, it

can make one of several failure responses, indicating failed

authentication. Finally, it can make a special response indicating

that authentication was successful, but that the client has not been

used in over a week. This last response serves as a hint that the

client should consider erasing its local mail state and pulling over

a complete version of the repository's mail state. This is done on

the assumption that so many mail state changes have been made in a

week that it would be inefficient to perform a normal


When a client has completed a session with the repository, it

performs a logout operation. This allows the repository to perform

any necessary cleanup before closing the network connection.

A user can change his password via the "set-password" operation. The

operation works much the same as the UNIX change-password operation,

taking as arguments the user's current password and a desired new

password. If the current password given matches the user's current

password, the user's current password is changed to the new password

given. Because encryption can be difficult to perform on some

resource-poor clients, passwords are transmitted in clear text.

Clearly this is not an acceptable long-term solution, and

alternatives are welcomed.

4.6. Client operations

DMSP provides four operations to manipulate client objects. The

first, "list-clients", tells the repository to send the user's client

list to the requesting client. The list is a series of lines, one

per client, containing the client's name, followed by whitespace,

followed by a status string. The status is either "inactive" or

"active". As with all text responses, the list is terminated with a

period plus CR-LF.

The "create-client" operation allows a user to add a client object to

his list of client objects. Although the login operation duplicates

this functionality via the "create-this- client?" flag, the create-

client operation is a useful means of creating a number of new client

objects while logged into the repository via an existing client. The

create-client operation requires as an argument the name of the

client to create.

The "delete-client" operation removes an existing client object from

a user's client list. The client being removed cannot be in use by

anyone at the time. Delete-client also requires as an argument the

name of the client to delete.

The last client operation, "reset-client", causes the repository to

place all of the messages in all mailboxes onto the named client's

update list. When a client next synchronizes with the repository, it

will end up receiving a list of all descriptors when it requests a

list of changed message descriptors for a particular mailbox. This

is useful for two reasons. First, a client's local mail state could

easily become lost or damaged, especially if it is stored on a floppy

disk. Second, if a client has been marked as inactive by the

repository, the reset-client operation provides a fast way of

resynchronizing with the repository, assuming that so many

differences exist between the local and global mail states that a

normal synchronization would take far too much time.

4.7. Mailbox operations

DMSP supports seven operations that manipulate mailbox objects.

First, "list-mailboxes" has the repository send to the requesting

client information on each mailbox. The repository transmits one

line of information per mailbox, terminating the list with a period

plus CR-LF. Each line contains, in order and separated by

whitespace, the mailbox name, "next available UID", total message

count, and unseen message count. This operation is useful in

synchronizing local and global mail states, since it allows a client

to compare the user's global mailbox list with a client's local

mailbox list. The list of mailboxes also provides a quick summary of

each mailbox's contents without having the contents present.

The "create-mailbox" has the repository create a new mailbox and

attach it to the user's list of mailboxes. It takes as an argument

the name of the mailbox to create.

"Delete-mailbox" removes a mailbox from the user's list of mailboxes.

All messages within the mailbox are also deleted and permanently

removed from the system. Any address objects binding the mailbox

name to RFC-822-style mailbox addresses are also removed from the

system. Delete-mailbox takes as an argument the name of the mailbox

to delete.

"Create-bboard-mailbox" allows a user to create a bboard mailbox.

The name given as an argument must be unique across the entire

repository user community. Once the bboard mailbox has been created,

other users may subscribe to it, using subscription objects to keep

track of which messages they have read on which bboard mailboxes.

"Delete-bboard-mailbox" allows a bboard's owner to delete a bboard

mailbox. Subscribers who attempt to read from a bboard mailbox after

it has been deleted are told that the bboard no longer exists.

Again, the operation's argument is the name of the bboard mailbox to


"Reset-mailbox" causes the repository to place all of the messages in

a named mailbox onto the current client's update list. When the

client next requests a list of changed message descriptors for this

mailbox, it will receive a list of all message descriptors in the

mailbox. This operation is merely a more specific version of the

reset-client operation (which allows the client to pull over a

complete copy of the user's global mail state). Its primary use is

for mailboxes whose contents have accidentally been destroyed


Finally, DMSP has an "expunge-mailbox" operation. Any message can be

deleted and "undeleted" at will, since this simply changes the value

of a flag attached to the message. Deletions are made permanent by

performing an expunge-mailbox operation. The expunge operation

causes the repository to look through a named mailbox, removing from

the system any messages marked "deleted". Expunge-mailbox takes as

an argument the name of the mailbox to expunge.

4.8. Address operations

DMSP provides three operations that allow users to manipulate address

objects. First, the "list-address" operation returns a list of

address objects associated with a particular mailbox. Each address

is transmitted on a separate line terminated by a CR-LF; the list is

terminated with a period plus CR-LF.

The "create-address" operation adds a new address object that

associates a (user-name, mailbox-name) pair with a given RFC-822-

style mailbox address. It takes as arguments the mailbox name and

the address name.

Finally, the "delete-address" operation destroys the address object

binding the given RFC-822-style mail address and the given (user-

name, mailbox-name) pair. Arguments are the address to delete and

the mailbox it belongs to.

4.9. Subscription operations

DMSP provides five subscription operations. The first, "list-

subscriptions", gives the user a list of the bboards he is currently

subscribing to. The list consists of one line of information per

subscription. Each entry contains the following information, in


- The bulletin board's name

- The UID of the first message the subscriber has not yet


- The number of messages the subscriber has not yet seen

- The highest message UID in the bulletin board

"List-available-subscriptions" gives the user a list of all bboards

he can subscribe to. The list consists of bboard names, one per

line, terminated by a period plus CR-LF. "Createsubscription" adds a

subscription to the user's list of subscriptions; it takes as an

argument the name of the bboard to subscribe to. "Delete-

subscription" removes a subscription from the list, and takes as an

argument the name of the subscription to remove. Note that this does

not delete the associated bboard mailbox (obviously only the bboard's

owner can do that). It merely removes the user from the list of the

bboard's subscribers. Finally DMSP allows the user to tell the

repository which messages in a bboard he has seen. Every

subscription object contains the UID of the first message the user

has not yet seen; the "reset-subscription" operation updates that

number, insuring that the user sees a given bboard message only once.

Reset-subscription takes as arguments the name of the subscription

and the new UID value.

4.10. Message operations

The most commonly-manipulated Pcmail objects are messages; DMSP

therefore provides special message operations to allow efficient

synchronization, as well as a set of operations to perform standard

message-manipulation functions.

A user may request a series of descriptors with the "fetch-

descriptors" operation. The series is identified by a pair of

message UIDs, representing the lower and upper bounds of the list.

Since UIDs are defined to be monotonically increasing numbers, a pair

of UIDs is sufficient to completely identify the series of

descriptors. If the lower bound UID does not exist, the repository

starts the series with the first message with UID greater than the

lower bound. Similarly, if the upper bound does not exist, the

repository ends the series with the last message with UID less than

the upper bound. If certain UIDs within the series no longer exist,

the repository obviously does not send them. The repository returns

the descriptors in a list with the following format:

If a descriptor has been expunged, the repository transmits two

consecutive lines of information: the word "expunged" on one line,

followed by the message UID on the next line. "Expunged"

notifications are only transmitted in response to a "fetch-changed-

descriptors" command; they are an indication to the client that

someone else has expunged the mailbox and that the client should

remove the local copy of the expunged message.

If a descriptor has not been expunged, it is presented as six

consecutive lines of information: the word "descriptor" on the first

line, followed by a second line containing the message UID, flag

states (see examples following), message length in bytes, and message

length in lines, followed by four lines containing in order the

message "from:" field, "to:" field, "date:" field, and "subject:"

field. The entire list of descriptors is terminated by a period plus

CR-LF; individual descriptors are not specially terminated since the

first line ("expunged" or "descriptor") of a list entry determines

the exact length of the entry (two lines or six lines).

The "fetch-changed-descriptors" operation is intended for use during

state synchronization. Whenever a descriptor changes state (one of

its flags is cleared, for example), the repository notes those

clients which have not yet recorded the change locally. Fetch-

changed-descriptors has the repository send to the client a maximum

of the first N descriptors which have changed since the client's last

synchronization, where N is a number sent by the client. The list

sent begins with the descriptor with lowest UID. Note that the list

of descriptors is only guaranteed to be monotonically increasing for

a given call to "fetch-changed-descriptors"; messages with lower UIDs

may be changed by other clients in between calls to "fetch-

changeddescriptors". "Fetch-changed-descriptors" takes two

arguments: the name of the mailbox to search, and the maximum number

of descriptors for the repository to return.

Once the changed descriptors have been looked at, a user will want to

inform the repository that the current client has recorded the change

locally. The "reset-descriptors" command causes the repository to

mark as "recorded by current client" a given series of descriptors.

The series is identified by a low UID and a high UID. UIDs within

the series that no longer exist are ignored. Arguments are: mailbox

name, low UID in range, and high UID in range.

Whole messages are transmitted from repository to user with the

"fetch-message" operation. The separation of "fetchdescriptors" and

"fetch-message" operations allows clients with small amounts of disk

storage to oBTain a small message summary (via "fetch-descriptors" or

"fetch-changed-descriptors") without having to pull over the entire

message. Arguments are mailbox name, followed by message UID.

Frequently, a message may be too large for some clients to store

locally. Users can still look at the message contents via the

"print-message" operation. This operation has the repository send a

copy of the message to a named printer. The printer name need only

have meaning to the particular repository implementation; DMSP

transmits the name only as a means of identification. Arguments are:

mailbox name, followed by message UID, followed by printer


Copying of one message into another mailbox is accomplished via the

"copy-message" operation. A descriptor list of length one,

containing a descriptor for the copied message, is returned if the

copy operation is successful. This descriptor is required because

the copied message acquires a UID different from the original

message. The client cannot be expected to know which UID has been

assigned the copy, hence the repository's sending a descriptor

containing the UID. Arguments to copy-message are: source mailbox

name, target mailbox name, and source message UID.

Each message has associated with it sixteen flags, as described

earlier. These flags can be set and cleared using the "set-message-

flag" operation. The first eight flags have special meaning to the

repository as described above; the remaining eight are for user use.

Set-message-flag takes four arguments: mailbox name, message UID,

flag number (0 through 15), and desired flag state (0 or 1).

5. Client Architecture

Clients can be any of a number of different workstations; Pcmail's

architecture must therefore take into account the range of

characteristics of these workstations. First, most workstations are

much more affordable than the large computers currently used for mail

service. It is therefore possible that a user may well have more

than one. Second, some workstations are portable and they are not

expected to be constantly tied into a network. Finally, many of the

smaller workstations resource-poor, so they are not expected to be

able to store a significant amount of state information locally. The

following subsections describe the particular parts of Pcmail's

client architecture that address these different characteristics.

5.1. Multiple clients

The fact that Pcmail users may own more than one workstation forms

the rationale for the multiple client model that Pcmail uses. A

Pcmail user may have one client at home, another at an office, and

maybe even a third portable client. Each client maintains a separate

copy of the user's mail state, hence Pcmail's distributed nature.

The notion of separate clients allows Pcmail users to access mail

state from several different locations. Pcmail places no

restrictions on a user's ability to communicate with the repository

from several clients at the same time. Instead, the decision to

allow several clients concurrent access to a user's mail state is

made by the repository implementation.

5.2. Synchronization

Some workstations tend to be small and fairly portable; the

likelihood of their always being connected to a network is relatively

small. This is another reason for each client's maintaining a local

copy of a user's mail state. The user can then manipulate the local

mail state while not connected to the network (and the repository).

This immediately brings up the problem of synchronization between

local and global mail states. The repository is continually in a

position to receive global mail state updates, either in the form of

incoming mail, or in the form of changes from other clients. A

client that is not always connected to the net cannot immediately

receive the global changes. In addition, the client's user can make

his own changes on the local mail state.

Pcmail's architecture allows fast synchronization between client

local mail states and the repository's global mail state. Each

client is identified in the repository by a client object attached to

the user. This object forms the basis for synchronization between

local and global mail states. Some of the less common state changes

include the adding and deleting of user mailboxes and the adding and

deleting of address objects. Synchronization of these changes is

performed via DMSP list operations, which allow clients to compare

their local versions of mailbox and address object lists with the

repository's global version and make any appropriate changes. The

majority of possible changes to a user's mail state are in the form

of changed descriptors. Since most users will have a large number of

messages, and message states will change relatively often, special

attention needs to be paid to message synchronization.

An existing descriptor can be changed in one of three ways: first,

one of its sixteen flag values can be changed (this encompasses the

user's reading an unseen message, deleting a message, printing a

message, etc). Second, a descriptor can be created, either by the

delivery of a new message or by the copying of a message from one

mailbox to another. Finally, a descriptor can be destroyed, via an

"expunge-mailbox" operation.

In the above cases, synchronization is required between the

repository and every client that has not previously noted the change.

To keep track of which clients have noticed a global mail state

change and changed their local states accordingly, each mailbox has

associated with it a list of active clients. Each client has a

(potentially empty) "update list" of messages which have changed

since that client last synchronized.

When a client connects to the repository, it executes a DMSP "fetch-

changed-descriptors" operation. This causes the repository to return

a list of all descriptors on that client's update list. When the

client receives the changed descriptors, it may do one of two things:

if the descriptor is marked "expunged", it can remove the

corresponding message from the local mailbox. If the descriptor is

not expunged, the client can store the descriptor, thus updating the

local mail state. After a changed descriptor has been recorded, the

client uses the DMSP "reset-descriptors" operation to remove

descriptors from its update list. Those descriptors will now not be

sent to the client unless (1) it is explicitly requested via a

"fetch-descriptors" operation, or (2) it changes again.

In this manner, a client can run through its user's mailboxes,

getting all changes, incorporating them into the local mail state,

and marking the changes as recorded.

5.3. Batch operation versus interactive operation

Because of the portable nature of some workstations, they may not

always be connected to a network (and able to communicate with the

repository). Since each client maintains a local mail state, Pcmail

users can manipulate the local state while not connected to the

repository. This is known as "batch" operation, since all changes

are recorded by the client and made to the repository's global state

in a batch, when the client next connects to the repository.

Interactive operation occurs when a client is always connected to the

repository. In interactive mode, changes made to the local mail

state are also immediately made to the global state via DMSP


In batch mode, interaction between client and repository takes the

following form: the client connects to the repository and sends over

all the changes made by the user to the local mail state. The

repository changes its global mail state accordingly. When all

changes have been processed, the client begins synchronization; this

incorporates newly-arrived mail, as well as mail state changes by

other clients, into the local state.

In interactive mode, since local changes are immediately propagated

to the repository, the first part of batch-type operation is

eliminated. The synchronization process also changes; although one

synchronization is required when the client first opens a connection

to the repository, subsequent synchronizations can be performed

either at the user's request or automatically every so often by the


5.4. Message summaries

Smaller workstations may have little in the way of disk storage.

Clients running on these workstations may never have enough room for

a complete local copy of a user's global mail state. This means that

Pcmail's client architecture must allow user's to obtain a clear

picture of their mail state without having all their messages


Descriptors provide message information without taking up large

amounts of storage. Each descriptor contains a summary of

information on a message. This information includes the message UID,

its length in bytes and lines, its status (contained in the eight

system-defined and eight user-defined flags), and portions of its

RFC-822 header (the "from:", "to:", "date:" and "subject:" fields).

All of this information can be encoded in a small (around 100 bytes)

data structure whose length is independent of the size of the message

it describes.

Most clients should be able to store a complete list of message

descriptors with little problem. This allows a user to get a

complete picture of his mail state without having all his messages

present locally. If a client has extremely limited amounts of disk

storage, it is also possible to get a subset of the descriptors from

the repository. Short messages can reside on the client, along with

the descriptors, and long messages can either be printed via the DMSP

print-message operation, or specially pulled over via the fetch-

message operation.

6. Typical interactive-style client-repository interaction

The following example describes a typical communication session

between the repository and a client mail reader. The client is one

of three belonging to user "Fred". Its name is "office-client", and

since Fred has used the client within the last week, it is marked as

"active". Fred has two mailboxes: "fred" is where all of his

current mail is stored; "archive" is where messages of lasting

importance are kept. The example will run through a simple

synchronization operation. Typically, the synchronization will be

performed by a mail reader as part of a "get new mail" operation.

First Fred's mail reader connects to the repository and receives the

following banner:

200 Pcmail repository version 3.0.0 ready

In order to access his global mail state, the mail reader must

authenticate Fred to the repository; this is done via the DMSP login


login fred fred-password office-client 0 0

This tells the repository that Fred is logging in via "office-

client", and that "office-client" is identified by an existing client

object in Fred's mail state. The first argument to the login

operation is Fred's repository user name. The second argument is

Fred's password. The third argument is the name of the client

communicating with the repository. The fourth argument tells the

repository not to create "office-client" even if it cannot find its

client object. The final argument tells the repository that Fred's

client is not operating in batch mode but rather in interactive mode.

Fred's authentication checks out, so the repository logs him in.

200 command OK

Now that Fred is logged in, the mail reader performs an initial

synchronization. This process starts with the mail reader's aSKINg

for an up-to-date list of mailboxes:


The repository replies with:

230 mailbox list follows:

fred 2313 10 1

archive 101 100 0


This tells the mail reader that there are two mailboxes, "fred" and

"archive". "Fred" has 10 messages, one of which is unseen. The next

incoming message will be assigned a UID of 2313. "Archive", on the

other hand, has 100 messages, none of which are unseen. The next

message sent to "archive" will be assigned the UID 101. There are no

new mailboxes in the list (if there were, the mail reader would

create them. On the other hand, if some mailboxes in the mail

reader's local list were not in the repository's list, the program

would assume them deleted by another client and delete them locally

as well).

To synchronize, the mail reader need only look at each mailbox's

contents to see if (1) any new mail has arrived, or (2) if Fred

changed any messages on one of his other two clients subsequent to

"office-client"'s last connection to the repository.

The mail reader asks for any changed descriptors via the "fetch-

changed-descriptors" operation. It requests at most ten changed

descriptors since storage is very limited on Fred's workstation.

fetch-changed-descriptors fred 10

The repository responds with:

250 descriptor list follows:






2107 1100011100000010 1400 30

foo@bar.edu (Foo Jones)


Wed, 9 Dec 87 10:43:52 EST

A typical subject line


2312 0000000000000000 12232 320



Thu, 17 Dec 87 18:24:09 PST

Another typical subject line


If a descriptor changed because it was expunged, it is transmitted as

two lines: the word "expunged" on one line, followed by the message

UID on the next line. If one of its flags changed state, or it is a

new message, it is transmitted as six lines: the word "descriptor" on

one line, followed by a line containing the message UID, flags, and

length in bytes and lines, followed by the to, from, date, and

subject fields, each on one line. The flags are transmitted as a

single string of ones and zeroes, a one if the flag is on and a zero

if the flag is off. All 16 flags are always transmitted. Flag

zero's state is the first character in the flag string; flag

fifteen's is the last character in the flag string.

The first two descriptors in the list have been expunged, presumably

by Fred's expunging his mailbox on another client. The mail reader

removes messages 2101 and 2104 from its local copy of mailbox "fred".

The next descriptor in the list is one which Fred marked for deletion

on another client yesterday. The mail reader marks the local version

of the message as deleted. The last descriptor in the list is a new

one. The mail reader adds the descriptor to its local list. Since

all changes to mailbox "fred" have now been recorded locally, the

update list can be reset:

reset-descriptors fred 1 2312

The repository responds with:

200 command OK

indicating that it has removed from "office-client"'s update list all

messages in mailbox "fred" with UIDs between 1 and 2312 inclusive (in

this case just two messages). "Fred" has now been synchronized. The

mail reader now turns to Fred's "archive" mailbox and asks for the

first ten changed descriptors.

fetch-changed-descriptors archive 10

The repository responds with:

250 descriptor list follows:


The zero-length list tells the mail reader that no descriptors have

been changed in "archive" since its last synchronization. No new

synchronization needs to be performed.

Fred's mail reader is now ready to pull over the new message. The

message is 320 lines long; there might not be sufficient storage on

"office-client" to hold the new message. The mail reader tries


fetch-message fred 2312

The repository begins transmitting the message:

251 message follows:

UID: 2312

From: joe@bar.mit.edu


Date: Thu, 17 Dec 87 18:24:09 PST

Subject: Another typical subject line



Halfway through the message transmission, Fred's workstation runs out

of disk space. Because all DMSP operations are defined to be

failure-atomic, the portion of the message already transmitted is

destroyed locally and the operation fails. The mail reader informs

Fred that the message cannot be pulled over because of a lack of disk

space. The synchronization process is now finished and Fred can

start reading his mail. The new message that was too big to fit on

"office-client" will be marked "off line"; Fred can use the mail

reader to either remote-print it or delete and expunge other messages

until he has enough space to store the new message.

Since Fred is running in interactive mode, changes he makes to any

messages will immediately be transmitted into DMSP operations and

sent to the repository. Depending on the mail reader implementation,

Fred will either have to execute a "synchronize" command periodically

or the client will synchronize for him automatically every so often.

7. A current Pcmail implementation

The following section briefly describes a current Pcmail system that

services a small community of users. The Pcmail repository runs

under UNIX on a DEC Microvax-II connected to the Internet. The

clients run on IBM PCs, XTs, and ATs, as well as Sun workstations,

Microvaxes, and VAX-750s.

7.1. IBM PC client code

Client code for the IBM machines operates only in batch mode. Users

make local state changes in a mail reader; the changes are queued

until the user runs a network client program. The program connects

to the repository, performs the queued changes, and synchronizes

local and global mail states. The network client program then

disconnects from the repository.

The IBM PC client code has gone through several revisions since the

first Pcmail RFCwas published. What was once a fairly primitive and

cumbersome system has evolved into a system that makes Excellent use

of the PC's limited resources and provides a fairly powerful, easy-

to-use mail reader.

Users access and modify their local mail state via a mail reader

written in the Epsilon text editor's EEL extension language. Users

are given a variety of commands to operate on individual messages and

mailboxes, as well as to compose outgoing mail.

Synchronization and the processing of queued changes is performed by

a separate program, which the user runs as desired. The program

takes any actions queued while operating the mail reader, and

converts them into DMSP operations. All queued changes are made

before any synchronization is performed. The program can be invoked

directly from the mail reader, without having to exit and restart.

The limitation of IBM PC client operation to batch mode was made

because of development environment limitations. The mail reader

cannot work with the network code inside it because of the network

program architecture. The only solution was to provide a two-part

client, one part of which read the mail and one part of which

interacted with the repository. Although slightly cumbersome, the

two-program setup works quite well.

7.2. UNIX client code

Client code for the Suns, Microvaxes, and VAX-750s runs on 4.2/4.3BSD

UNIX. It is fully interactive, with a powerful mail reader inside

Richard Stallman's GNU-EMACS editor. Since UNIX-based workstations

have a good deal of main memory and disk storage, no effort was made

to lower local mail state size by keeping message descriptors rather

than message text.

The local mail state consists of a number of BABYL-format mailboxes.

The interface is very similar to the RMAIL mail reader already

present in GNU-EMACS.

The mail reader communicates with the repository through network code

implemented in EMACS-LISP. Changes to the local mail state are

immediately made on the repository; although the repository is fast,

there is a small noticeable delay in performing operations over the


There is no provision for automatic synchronization whenever new mail

arrives or old mail is changed by another client. Instead, users

must get any new mail explicitly. A simple "notification" program

runs in the background and wakes up every minute to check for new

mail; when mail arrives, the user executes a command to get the new

mail, synchronizing the mailbox at the same time.

7.3. Repository code

The repository is implemented in C on 4.2/4.3BSD UNIX. Currently it

runs on DEC VAX-750s and Microvaxes, although other repositories will

soon be running on IBM RT machines and Sun workstations. The

repository code is designed to allow several clients belonging to a

particular user to "concurrently" modify the user's state. A locking

scheme prevents one client from modifying mail state while another

client is modifying the same state.

8. Conclusions

Pcmail is now used by a small community of people at the MIT

Laboratory for Computer Science. The repository design works well,

providing an efficient means of storing and maintaining mail state

for several users. Its performance is quite good when up to ten

users are connected; it remains to be seen whether or not the

repository will be efficient at managing the state of ten or a

hundred times that many users. Given sufficient disk storage, it

should be able to, since communication between different users'

clients and the repository is likely to be very asynchronous and

likely to occur in short bursts with long "quiet intervals" in

between as users are busy doing other things.

Members of another research group at LCS are currently working on a

replicated, scalable version of the repository designed to support a

very large community of users with high availability. This

repository also uses DMSP and has successfully communicated with

clients that use the current repository implementation. DMSP

therefore seems to be usable over several flavors of repository


The IBM PC clients are very limited in the way of resources. The

mail reader/editor combination is quite powerful, making local mail

state manipulation fairly easy. Obviously a big performance

enhancement would be to provide a fully interactive client. As it

is, batch-style synchronization is relatively time consuming due to

the low performance of the PCs. The "batch-mode" that the PCs use

tends to be good for those PCs that spend a large percentage of their

time unplugged and away from a network. It is somewhat inconvenient

for those PCs that are always connected to a network and could make

good use of an "interactive-mode" state manipulation.

The UNIX-based clients are more powerful and easier to use than their

PC counterparts. Synchronization is much faster, and there is far

more functionality in the mail reader (having an interface that runs

within GNU-EMACS helps a lot in this respect). Most of those people

using the Pcmail system use the UNIX-based client code.

I. DMSP Protocol Specification

Following are a list of DMSP operations by object type, together with

syntax, and possible responses. Some responses may be followed by

zero or more lines of text, terminated by a single period plus CR-LF

pair. Only success responses and common error responses are listed;

a complete list of possible responses follows this appendix.

Expressions in angle brackets (i.e. <mailbox-name>) are

metalinguistic variables indicating a general request or response

form. Operations with arguments have a sample invocation following

the operation syntax and response.

General operations:


100 Repository version xxx. Following are supported:










SEND-VERSION <version-number>

200 Command OK

500 version skew!



350 enter message; end with "."

To: markl

From: markl

Subject: a test message

this is a test message


Repository responds:

200 Command OK

403 message syntax error

User operations:

LOGIN <user> <password> <client> <create-p> <batch-p>

200 Command OK

221 Client out of date by > 1 week

404 Bad password

405 Client <client-name> is locked

411 No user named <user-name>

421 Client <client-name> not found

i.e. LOGIN markl foo random-client-name 1 0


200 Command OK

SET-PASSWORD <old-password> <new-password>

200 Command OK

404 Incorrect old password

i.e. SET-PASSWORD foo bar

Client operations:


220 Client list <name> <status> follows:

client-1 active

client-2 inactive

client-3 active


client-Foobar active


Each line of the list contains a client name, followed by

whitespace, followed by the word "active" or the word "inactive",

indicating whether or not the client has connected to the repository

within the last week.

CREATE-CLIENT <client-name>

200 Command OK

403 <client-name> is an illegal name

420 Client <client-name> exists

i.e. CREATE-CLIENT new-client

DELETE-CLIENT <client-name>

200 Command OK

421 Client <client-name> not found

405 Client <client-name> is locked

i.e. DELETE-CLIENT old-client

RESET-CLIENT <client-name>

200 Command OK

421 Client <client-name> not found

405 Client <client-name> is locked

i.e. RESET-CLIENT any-old-client

Mailbox operations:


230 Mbox list <name> <high-UID> <#msgs> <#new> follows:

mailbox-1 2338 8 1

mailbox-2 59 44 0


mailbox-foobar 19 9 0


Each line of the list contains a mailbox name, followed by the

mailbox's next available unique identifier, followed by the number of

messages in the mailbox, followed finally by the number of unseen

messages in the mailbox. Unseen messages are those whose descriptors

have flag #1 ("message has been seen") set to zero.

CREATE-MAILBOX <mailbox-name>

200 Command OK

403 <mailbox-name> is an illegal name

430 <mailbox-name> already exists

440 <mailbox-name> exists as a bboard subscription

i.e. CREATE-MAILBOX current-events

DELETE-MAILBOX <mailbox-name>

200 Command OK

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

440 <mailbox-name> is a bboard; use delete-bboard-mailbox

i.e. DELETE-MAILBOX income-tax-information


200 Command OK

430 a mailbox named <mailbox-name> already exists.

430 a bboard mailbox named <mailbox-name> already exists.

403 <mailbox-name> is an illegal name



200 Command OK

404 not owner of <mailbox-name>

431 no bboard mailbox named <mailbox-name>


RESET-MAILBOX <mailbox-name>

200 Command OK

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

i.e. RESET-MAILBOX british-cars

EXPUNGE-MAILBOX <mailbox-name>

200 Command OK

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

EXPUNGE-MAILBOX british-cars

Address operations:

LIST-ADDRESSES <mailbox-name>

260 Address list for <mailbox-name> follows:







431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

i.e. LIST-ADDRESSES archive

Each line of the list consists solely of one address.

CREATE-ADDRESS <mailbox-name> <address-name>

200 Command OK

403 <mailbox-name> is an illegal name

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

460 <address-name> already exists

i.e. CREATE-ADDRESS markl markl-bug-pcmail

DELETE-ADDRESS <mailbox-name> <address-name>

200 Command OK

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

461 address <address-name> not found

i.e. DELETE-ADDRESS markl markl-info-cobol

Subscription operations:


240 subscription list follows:

bboard-1 2573 33 2606

bboard-2 541 4 545


bboard-6 1530 43 1573


Each line of the list consists of a bulletin-board name, followed by

the UID of the first message which the user has not yet looked at,

followed by the number of messages in the bulletin-board that the

user has not yet looked at, followed by the bulletin-board's next

available unique message identifier.


200 Command OK

403 <bboard-name> is an illegal name

430 A mailbox named <bboard-name> already exists

431 Bboard mailbox <bboard-name> not found

440 Already subscribing to <bboard-name>



200 Command OK

441 Subscription <bboard-name> not found


RESET-SUBSCRIPTION <bboard-name> <new-UID>

200 Command OK

441 Subscription <bboard-name> not found

i.e. RESET-SUBSCRIPTION rec.music.gdead 1210


241 All available bboards follow:








Each line of the list consists solely of one bulletin-board


Message operations:

FETCH-CHANGED-DESCRIPTORS <mailbox-name> <max-to-send>

250 Descriptor list follows:






2337 0001000001110000 481 14



Tue, 19 Jan 88 11:10:03 EST

a typical subject line


2339 0000000000000000 1457 40



Mon, 18 Jan 88 13:08:17 +0000

another typical subject line





431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found


Each element of the descriptor list is either two or six lines long.

Descriptors which have been expunged are transmitted as two lines:

the word "expunged" on one line, followed by the message unique

identifier on the next line. Descriptors which still exist are

transmitted as six lines: the word "descriptor" on one line, followed

by a line containing the message unique identifier, flag states

(sixteen characters either one or zero depending on the associated

flag value), followed by the message length in characters, followed

by the message length in lines. The next four lines contain the

message's "from:", "to:", "date:", and "subject:" fields,

respectively. Flag zero's state is the first character in the flag

string; flag fifteen's is the last character in the flag string.

FETCH-DESCRIPTORS <mailbox-name> <low-uid> <high-uid>

250 Descriptor list follows:


2337 0001000001110000 481 14



Tue, 19 Jan 88 11:10:03 EST

a typical subject line


2339 0000000000000000 1457 40



Mon, 18 Jan 88 13:08:17 +0000

another typical subject line



431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

i.e. FETCH-DESCRIPTORS british-cars 12 31

COPY-MESSAGE <src-mailbox> <target-mailbox> <source-UID>

250 Descriptor list follows:


2339 0000000000000000 1457 40



Mon, 18 Jan 88 13:08:17 +0000

another typical subject line



400 cannot copy message onto itself

431 target mailbox <target-mailbox> not found

431 source mailbox <source-mailbox> not found

451 message <source-UID> not found

i.e. COPY-MESSAGE markl british-cars 2338

RESET-DESCRIPTORS <mailbox-name> <low-UID> <high-UID>

200 Command OK

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

i.e. RESET-DESCRIPTORS markl 1 10000

PRINT-MESSAGE <mailbox-name> <UID> <printer-ID>

200 Command OK

401 printer <printer-name> not found

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

451 message <UID> not found

i.e. PRINT-MESSAGE markl 2433 pravda

SET-MESSAGE-FLAG <mailbox-name> <UID> <flagnum> <state>

200 Command OK

431 mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

451 message <UID> not found

500 flag number <flag-number> out of range

i.e. SET-MESSAGE-FLAG british-cars 23 0 1

FETCH-MESSAGE <mailbox-name> <UID>

251 message follows:

From: markl@ptt.lcs.mit.edu

To: markl@ptt.lcs.mit.edu

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 88 11:11:11 EST

Subject: anything

this is a sample of some

message text



431 Mailbox <mailbox-name> not found

451 message <UID> not found

i.e. FETCH-MESSAGE current-events 495

II. Operations by name

































III. Responses by number

100 Pcmail repository version XXX; following are supported

200 Command OK

220 Client list <name> <status> follows:

221 Client out of date by > 1 week

230 Mailbox list <name> <high UID> <#msgs> <#new> follows:

240 Subscription list follows:

250 Descriptor list follows:

251 Message follows:

260 Address list follows:

350 enter message; end with "."

400 cannot copy message onto itself

410 already logged in

420 client <name> already exists

430 mailbox <name> already exists

430 bboard mailbox <name> already exists

440 subscription <name> already exists

460 address <name> already exists

411 no user named <name>

421 client <name> not found

431 mailbox <name> not found

441 subscription <name> not found

451 message <UID> not found

461 address <name> not found

402 internal error message

403 syntax error in outbound message

404 bad password or permission denied

405 mail state is temporarily in use by another client

406 please log in

500 operation syntax error or illegal argument

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