Huaiyang Cuisine
Two guest chefs will join the culinary team at The Horizon Chinese Restaurant to showcase the beauty of Huaiyang cuisine.
Famed as one of the Four Chinese Cuisines, Huaiyang cuisine is popular in the lower reach of Yangtze River featuring light flavours and freshness in its ingredients.
Some signatures on our special promotion menu include: bird's nest topped on winter melon and Jinhua ham garnished with sweetened lotus seeds; live Australian lobster sautéed with egg white; sautéed shredded mandarin fish fillet garnished with shredded egg sheet and black mushroom; and shredded bean curd soup braised with shrimp, Jinhua ham, egg and vegetable.
The offer is valid from 20 November to 1 December 2006.
For reservations, please call *********** ext.41.
淮扬菜,是世界知名的中国四大菜系之一,以其独具的风味特色倾倒了海内外无数食客。淮扬菜是长江中下游(扬子江), 淮扬中下游的代表风味, 扬州是淮扬菜的中心和发源地。淮扬菜注重刀工,刀法细腻,口味清淡,创新菜点层出不穷,创新宴如红楼宴,满汉全席,板桥宴,梅兰宴等也接踵而至,并且引起海内外的广泛兴趣。
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