Three Nights of celebration for three years of distinction- CENTRO proudly presents an elegantly seductive event. From November 9th to 11th the award winning signature bar and lounge of Shangri-La's Kerry Centre Hotel celebrates its 3rd year anniversary. The unique collaboration with Moet & Chandon Champagne, Italian fashion brand Fornarina and the internationally famous Steiff Bear promises to stimulate the senses by offering a tantalizing evening of entertainment and enticing cocktails.
The evening of the 9th is the warm up for the celebration with salsa dancers initiating a great start. The following evening highlighted by Fornarina's "Urban Beauty" fashion show and a special Moet & Chandon presentation. Finally the 11th is the closing evening with a most unique assemble - a winter apparel show by high-end Italian fashion designer, dazzling jewelry displays and a grand appearance from the world famous 125 karat Steiff teddy bear valued at RMB500, 000.
2006年11月9日至11日, 北京时尚地标-北京嘉里中心饭店炫酷酒吧携手酩悦香槟、意大利著名时装品牌Fornarina 及百年泰迪熊俱乐部举办为期三日的大型时尚派对,庆贺炫酷开业三周年。
三晚精彩迭出的时尚盛宴伴随炫酷三周年生日庆典。11月9日晚在炫酷展出的世界巨瓶酩悦香槟是在中国的首次亮相,玫瑰香槟及其它种类香槟均特价奉献,八款全新炫酷拉美风格鸡尾酒及拉丁风情乐队"Joy Moda"前卫性感的曲风和萨尔萨舞者的奔放舞姿,将炫酷的热辣氛围推向极致;10日晚,意大利Fornarina"都市丽影"时装秀及酩悦香槟展示再掀时尚风潮;11日晚,"冬日华彩"意大利皮草主题秀,炫目珠宝展及在世界上极具收藏价值、镶有黄金及1克拉钻石、身价逾人民币50万元之百年纪念版史戴夫(Steiff)泰迪熊的隆重"出场",使当晚的炫酷更加光芒四射。
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