
Campus Story Part3

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

The second conference of the plenary session of the thinktank was held that night,after I had narrated the sob story,the fifth brother made a self-critizing,he said he was to blame for his ignorance of the unexpected appearing of the unidentified man,who was probably a potential rival.To punish the detective for his carelessness,the other members unanimously obliged him to make further investigation to that man’s background.No need to say,another insomnia was torturing me till midnight.Next evening,the detective’s supplementary report was made,he said in an official tongue:”Under the obligation of the thinktank,I made a full investigation to that man,his name is Wanjun,one of the girl’s classmates,about 185cm tall,very cool(as you have seen),likes to play so noble sports as tennis and bowling,a well-known lady killer who is always the object chased after by many girls.Sorry,I’m talking my mouth dry, please allow me to drink some water to wet my throat,doesn’t my report deserve a cup of water?”He cleared his throat after drinking the water I poured for him and continued,”in addition,from the horse’s mouth I know he is chasing after Miss Wenly,the same girl that makes our fourth brother ecstatic.The man was born in a scholarly family whose father is a professor in a famous university,mother is a highly rated teacher in senior middle school attached to his father’s university.As far as I know Miss Wenly hasn’t yet declared to be his girl friend for his notoriety of having so many chicks around him.But from grapevine,the girl has gone to parties with that guy several times at his invitations.It’s said that to get her fondness Mr.Wang has been keeping other girls at arm’s length.I am afraid that our dear brother could have no way to win the game.”“never add your own prejustice to it,just state the fact,”the commander took over the speech,”though the opponent before us is very tough,we mustn’t throw in the towel and lose our good reputation.”“but what can we do?”asked the other brothers.“I think we must teach that megalomania a lesson to pull him down his high horse.”suggested one of the brothers indignantly.The commander said:”but how can we tarnish him with our rough-man’s sports like football and boxing at which he even doesn’t give a glance?none of us could hold the racket steadily,let alone outmatch him on the tennis court,you know he’s a hotshot in this game.”“Thanks for what you’ve done for me,”I finally took my words,”don’t worry about me,I am not a soft touch,I do have many specialities such as English,swimming,I am sure I can find a chance to show her my talent and win her over.”Then the whole room settled down.In the next days,I had been trying to concentrate on studies and exhausting myself by playing football long hours every afternoon so as to divert my painful hankering for her.One day,our fifth brother brought me a piece of news that in the evening there would be an English party in the Students’ Activities Center organized by the International Department of the university in order to promote communication between Chinese students and foreign studnets,where no Chinese would be said. He also said that Wangjun and Wenly would go to the party together,so,he thought it a gold opportunity for me to show her my excellent English meanwhile putting that guy in the shade.So did I think.After supper I was all dressed up,and asked my thinktank to accompany ,but none of them would like to go with me for fearing their poor English might make them lose faces,so I had to go there singly.The door of the Center was decorated with red strips of welcome tokens.Students streamed in with two or more in companions,rarely singly like me.Now and then there was a foreign-looking one God knows whether was student or teacher,talking to boys and grils around while flowing in.I entered the hall,which was already warmed up.a big straw-berry-shaped lamp attached to the central point of the roof,giving out golden,soft light,the overhead was girt with strings of electric lights of various colors.People were standing or sitting in groups while talking and laughing.Those in uniforms who were probably students in service were busy preparing drinks and other trivial food.The band was tuning their musical instruments,giving out unharmonious noise.The whole hall was in a clamour.I said hello to some acquaintence while searching among the crowd.Suddenly I heard a giggle as crisp and tuneful as silver-bell.How familiar the sound was?I traced the direction of the sound and came to my eyes was no one but the girl who had been fascinating me.She was similing and talking whole-heartedly to a tall handsome man who was no doubt Mr.Wangjun.From the expression on her face I painfully sensed that the girl had been captured by this guy completely.At this moment,a gentle man,possibly a leader of the university,announced through the microphone the beginning of the party.The whole hall suddenly fell into silence.Then the gentle man delivered a short speech in his half-done English to address the guests.Next was a Chinese student and a foreign one who made a speech respectively to which I was in no mood of listening.Following was stories told by some bold students,with each one winning a warm applause.At this moment,a tall handsome young man in perfect suit wearing a scarlet tie,looking very outstanding,paraded into under spotlight,he was Wangjun.He said hello to the guests as nochalantly as a famous singer star was addressing his audience.There went his story,which was about the love between him and Wenly,he discribed his girlfriend's beauty and brightness with luxury phrases,stated his loving history with her in a swearing tongue,and he also said that it was his talent that won her love,it was their common interests and decent pursuit that bound them together.His fluent English was nearly perfect,with crisp American flavor which made his story more effective and won plaudits and plaudits from the guests.I had to admit that his English was far above my notch.When he finished his wonderful speech,some curiosity-driven guests yelled bloody murder to have a look at the beautiful girl. After a minute of hesitation,Mr.Wang stretched out his hand to ask Miss Wenly to come to the stage.Miss Wenly was shy and wriggled a reclination while girls around her were trying to push her out.The guests began laughing and clapping after finding the object.Mr.Wang had to walk over to pull her out of the audience by one of her hands.The girl was too shy to lift her head,her face tinged with pink which made her more beautiful.The guests could see her large battering eyes even when she was bending her head to the breast.The hall fell into silence ,tens of pairs of eyes were fixed on her.Suddenly the hall exploded with applause,the party reached a culmination.After thanking the guests the two went back to their seats,the girl was so proud of the guy that she was looking at him with passionate eyes.The guy was also proud of his girl who made him the spotlight of the party.Seeing all this I was feeling a little sour and bitter.After a few more speeches by the students,there came the dancing,pairs of boys and girls were whirling in the pool in steps of Waltz.Mr.Wang and Miss Wenly were dancing with flying colour.I was too enfeebled to stay any longer and went away quickly.

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