
Campus Story Part4

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

When I came back crest-fallen to the dormitory,all my roommates were waiting there for my good news.After learning that I had been killed even before I could pull out my sword,they all sighed a disappointment and complained of my unability.I said:”Now,you can dismiss your thinktank,I have been determined to quit this game.You know,what a matchable couple they are?no one would bear the seperation of the two once saw their being happy together.Further more,there seems to be nothing that could pull them apart now.So I am glad to have myself back to my normal life as ever before,and I beg you never talk about this to me hence forth.”After speaking these words,I was feeling a little released.Now,everyone threw himself into the bunk,soon snores of different tunes rised.Day after day,month after month I buried myself into studies and made a great progress.,one of my designs won the top award,and two of my treatises were referred as valuble works at the Annual Academic Conference.Soon I became well-known in the campus.It was the third year of my studying in the university,one day the director of our department sent for me ,he encouraged me to continue my efforts and said the department had decided to recommend me the retained student. A retained student was commonly recognized as the most excellent student in the four-- year course,who would be kept by the department to further his or her studies and had an opportunity to study abroad financed by the university.To live up to the expectation of the director of our department ,I worked harder.It was the final year of my four-year study,we’d basically finished all the course.The only task remained was the graduation design.In order to fulfill this task,I went to the library every day to look up huge amount of material.One day,I met Wenly while looking for some information,she was either looking up for something among the rows of shelves.She smiled sweetly to me and said lightly so as not to disturb other readers:”long time no see,how are you?” “not bad,and you?”I replied trying to quell the rekindled emotion on seeing her.”I am fine,and I’ve learned that you won the top award in the Annual conference,congratulations!I am very glad to know such an outstanding student as you.”Her large eyes were full of appreciation.”Thank you,by the way,I have been recommended the retained student of or department,”I said feeling very happy and tried to conceal.“Congratulations again,I have also been nominated,but not decided yet.”“It’s my turn to say congratulations,I bet my bottom dollar that no one else could edge you out,but how is your boyfriend doing?”“were there not I,the nominee would be him,but he doesn’t give up,trying to petition to the authority of the university for an extra number,so that we can stay together.If he can’t make it,I will give up this opportunity and go wherever he goes.”“Don’t worry,I believe he can make it by his talent,”I said bitterly yet squeezing a smile.Then we sat down respectively turning pages to look up.Days past,I got used to meeting her in the library,but one afternoon I found she was a little abnormal,her smile mixed with sort of sadness.Occasionally I lift my head just to find she was preoccupied over an unfolded book without turning the pages for a long time.I was worried very much,it was a torture to me to see the girl I still loved have even a slightest unhappiness.When we came out of the library I said to her:”you don’t seem to be all there today,what happened?”“He didn’t make it,there has been no precedent as to keep two students one year.He’s been so down these days,and…and it seems I have to make a choice between here and following him,”she said dimly.“Maybe there is another way out,”I consoled without actually knowing where is the way out.“As a matter of fact,I don’t care where I am to go,what’s really agonizing me is that his spirit is so down that he is becoming more and more hagard,being sick of seeing anyone including me.I’ve told him what I’m thinking,but he shouted at me that he didn’t consider I am any better than he’s,it’s just because of those blind leaders that cast him into his present situation,”her sight was distracted travelling discretly aand aimlessly to the far.I didn’t know what to say to console her but accompanying her to her dormitory.I’d been wondering what Mr.Wang was thinking,why didn’t he feel happy with such a nice girl as Miss Wenly willing to follow him no matter where he would go?Had I been in his shoes whatever else would I have craved for?was there anything else that could make you more happy than have a nice girl like Wenly accompany you?He must have something wrong with his head.I thought I should find a chance to have a talk to him for Wenly’s sake.In the next afternoon,I didn’t meet Wenly in the library,so I was preoccupied the whole afternoon.After supper I decided to go to have a talk to that guy.I went to his dormitory which is two buildings next to ours,but he was said to have gone to the Televised Building.I had to go there,but I searched the classrooms one by one from bottom to top,just couldn’t catch a shaddow of him.Then I had to give up my plan and reschedule that evening.Unconsciously I was walking along the narrow pavement running through a plot of grave.It was already very dark at that moment,occasionally there was a thread of light from the windows of the classrooms penetrating the lush trees,glittering.It was so quiet around that only the bleating cars in the street outside the fence of a row of iron spears could be heard fading away.The grove is on the brink of the large campus far away from the noisy area,fo people seldom came here except few coming here to practise Chinese Qigong in the early morning.I was feeling a little lonely when a gust of wind swept over the tips of trees,then it fell into so deadly quiet again that I was feeling a little ominous.Just at this moment I heard someone weeping,I was terrified and stopped there,pricking up my ears trying to listen clearly.Now,a man’s woice was heard:”Don’t cry any more,ok?”he was trying to control his voice in case some passer-by might overhear ,he continued:”I don’t mean what I said,you know,I was only in bad mood,I hate to talk to anyone.”the man’s voice was sounding very familiar to me.I stepped a few paces into the grove and hided behind a large tree.Tracing the woice I looked through the twilight,to my surprise they were Miss Wenly and Mr.Wang.The girl said while weeping:”How could you say I got the number by my beauty rather than good studies?what did I do?who saw I made eyes to the professor?you’re smiting with your tongue.”she panted after the string of interrogations.“lower your tongue please,someone may overhear this.”“I don’t care,I have told you that I don’t care wherever to go after graduation.I tell you ,to get the number of the retained student does matter nothing to me.Need I have sold the so-called beauty?In fact,I have no beauty to sell,I am only a plain Jane.”she said indignantly.“Now ,let’s show down,I am tired of being with you,what I want is a girl to assist me,to support me,not to put me in the shade.you’re so conspicuous that whenever we go pairs and pairs of obscene eyes will be fixed on you.I can’t tolerate this any more,”his tongue became stern.“As a matter of fact,what you really want is a girl to decorate yourself,a girl to be your vase.I have never recognized you’re such a narrow-minded man as not to tolerate a girl any better than you.You are the first boy to whom I have given my heart.You know,it’s not easy for me to give my debut love to someone,and once I gave ,nor it’s easy for me to give up,but now ,you’re forcing me to give up by talking so malicious language as to hurt my dignity of mankind,”the girl finished her long attack in one breath and panted vehemently.“Now,this is your say,”the man exhaled a cold smile and continued,”so don’t impose the fault up me for my cession.I know some rascal of Machinary department is seducing you away rather than that I am forcing you to give up.I’ve found you two talking passionately in the library,don’t fancy I know nothing,I know everything.”“You…you…,”the girl was too indignant for being insulted to speak out,her tearful eyes were glistening against the twilight.Suddenly she stumbled away with two hands covering her face.I oversaw all happened,had already fumed especially when he mentioned my talking to Wenly in the library.I admit my love for her had not been extinguished,but I had no attempt to grab her away from her lover.Now his utterance was a profanity to our normal friendship.On seeing Wenly merged into the darkness,I couldn’t help jumping out from behind the tree.Wangjun was taken aback by my sudden appearance.“who…are…you?what… are you..gonna do?”he stuttered.“you coward,you bastard,how Wenly loves you?she will sacrifice everything for you,but how did you treat her?now let me teach you a lesson,”by saying that I give him a boxing combination by laying rain drops-like punches on his face.He was too intimidated to counteract but wrapped his head with hands and arms lurching backward.When I stopped I found he was pushed to a tree.I said to him pantingly:”if you bully Wenly any more I would save no punch and won’t let you go scot free.”He was shocked by my morality when he recognized me.I stared at him for a while,then turned around and went away,leaving him dumfounded there,with his back against the tree his two straddling legs supporting him.

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