
Right here waiting

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

"If you were not younger than me, I must had fallen in love with you." I pretended to say these words emotionlessly, but I dare not to fix my eyes on his face, I heard my heart beat violently at that time. "There must be something with you." I cursed myself deep in heart. Holding his arm, I decided to invite him to dinner, as the final exam was approaching. I wanted to encourage him to work very hard and be best prepared for it, but during the dinnertime, we kept silent all the time.

I knew something unusual had taken place between us after that, but I simply had no idea what it was and how it had happened.

He used to leave my home at 12 o'clock, but that day, he was inpatient and left 2 hours earlier in a hurry .He called me up at half past 11:" Sister, I'm now downstairs. I don't want to go up, please go down to come here, okey?" what are you going to do? I felt very surprised, but still went down rapidly. He stood there by the side of the road at the distance. In the lights of the lamp, his 1.85-meter-high figure looked perfect. His hair was blown to fly in the cool breeze, and his eyes were as bright as the stars. Suddenly, I felt puzzled, was he the little brother I've ever known? I didn't know why I got upset at once; I was confessed by a kind of dreamy and strange feeling.

He ran to me the moment he saw me, and then passed a bottle of tablets to me, "This is what I got from home, and it can cure your coldness. Why not have a try, it's very effective."

"Cold? Who told you I got a cold?" I denied.

"Look, you have a runny nose now." He smiled, and I touched my nose unconsciously, only to find I was cheated.

He burst into laughter, I got a bit angry," cunning fox!"

He grinned at me happily, "I'm no longer your obedient student. Look, you are not tall enough to touch and beat me."

My rage grew, what on earth dared he play such a joke on me? At that moment, he took his one of his hands to me, and helped me to put the hair in the forehead to the back of the ear, then said in a gentle tongue: "It's cold, go upstairs, don’t stay here quite long."

I was really shocked, he was only a little child in my eyes all the time, but at that moment I strongly felt that he had grown up as a real man. I didn't know what's wrong, but my face was burning like fire. I thought I must be furious, so I turned back and hurried away without even a single word.

He is the son of one friend of my mother's. I had become his "family tutor" since I was in the last year of senior high school. He came to my house twice or three times every week, and after that he wouldn't leave until 12 o'clock. In fact, most of the time we chatted freely rather than study. He always told me something odd but very interesting. Every time, he laughed at me, as I could hardly respond to him rapidly; occasionally, he fought against others, and then went my home to ask me to help him conceal this fact from his parents; most of the time, he saved the money for lunch in order to buy a toy or a tape for me as the reward for my work. At first, I didn't realized he got thinner and thinner until he told me he had to eat less during lunch because his mother didn't give him pocket money at all in case he would abuse it.

He was only a kid in my eyes all the time, every time when he read the love letter the girl written to him, I would certainly criticized him like this: "Listen, you are still young, you shouldn't be involved in love so early, instead you should work hard..."He always interrupted me by the same words in a funny tone: "and contribute to the modern construction of our country, right?" Of course, I was disappointed at his attitude, but I could do nothing to truly persuade him.

Once I was filled with the inspiration of learning some English songs. He bought me a tape of this sort. I was impressed by one of the songs named "right here waiting". I listened to it over and over again. Having known this, he recorded merely this song over and over again in another tape for me.

So in that winter, my little house resounded with this beautiful song all day long. We always sit face to face and listened to it quietly, and then we lost ourselves completely in the romantic atmosphere it had brought.

" --Wherever you go ,whatever you do ,I will be right her waiting for you.-- "Every time hearing of this, my eyes got wet.

Life in the last year at middle school is extremely busy but full, we didn't study all the time, on the contrary, we went out to movies, skating, picnic, just as the popular saying among we younger students, "once there's pressure, there'll certainly exists resistance as well". Indeed the more pressure we shoulder, the more we neglect it and go to play. We got closer and closer in the constant contact, but that seemed not all the matter, something else emerged at the same time, maybe both of us were expecting something special.

Right on that winter day, when it snowed, he came to stand in front of me with three rose in his hands. I was shocked, but still pretended to be calm: "oh, what beautiful rose! Are they for me?"

"Yeah." I managed to talk before him as quickly as I could "So far as I know, rose and Chinese rose belong to the same species, my father likes Chinese rose very much, please help me to go his place to have them cut at the bottom, I'm sure they'll survive, thanks then." I hesitated to say something irrelevant, for fear he would speak out something that I didn't want to hear, and then I fled away from him as fast as I could.

It's a pity that the rose was dead finally, neither of us mentioned this matter. He came to my house as usual, and we still got along very well with each other. Of course, we still listened to that song together as often as what we used to.

As final exam was coming, I kept my words to invite him to dinner. He talked with me about his favorite food on the way happily. Then when we got to the restaurant, he suddenly stopped and asked me seriously: "Have you got a boyfriend?" I told him it was extremely confidential.

He insisted that I should tell him; otherwise he wouldn't step into the restaurant. I had to make concession and told him I failed to meet a suitable guy, and then he asked me what kind of boy I was looking for. I pretended to say calmly: "He must be at least four years older than me, and it's impossible for a person who is even one day younger than me."

He asked anxiously: "Does age means so much to you?" I nodded with a firmly and replied: "Definitely," then I added, "If you were not 4 years younger than me, I must have fallen in love with you." ] After that, I went to university, and he had to move to another city. As I was free at the time, so I went to see him off. On the two-hour's journey, we didn't say even a single word to each other. His parents’ eyes got red, so did mine...

After that I was extremely busy at college, at first, we kept touch in with each other through letters. We often complained about the situation at that time, and couldn't help recalling the past enjoyable time we spent together. Afterwards, I didn't receive his letter quite often, and I even wrote him back very late. Finally, we didn't write to each other at all until one New Year’s Day, I received his letter unexpectedly. There in this letter, he told me he had got a girlfriend; she was as lovely as me.

I know he made fun of me again, but this time, I didn't get angry. Instead, I felt great pain in heart. I packed the letter away, and listened to that song again and again lonely-----------

--Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you . Whatever it takes ,or how my heart breaks ,I will be right here waiting for you ……

Tears shed like two streams...

From then on, I didn't write to him, and I stopped listening to that tape. Everything seemed to go with the wind without any trace.

Then one year later, when I heard that familiar song accidentally in the street, that charming song, all the things happened in the past came into mind at once like irresistible waves. They were very much like the roses, which were at their best. They were so vivid, striking and irresistible that it had brought me back to the past days:

In the snowflakes, a handsome boy stands in front of me with a bundle of rose in his hand. Snowflakes kiss the rose quietly. The rose is so red that it seems to catch fire next moment. It’s glaring violently together with the shimmering of the snow, and then my eyes got hurt, so do my heart...


I wrote this sotry two years ago, and I like it very much, as the song is exactly my favourite song as well, your comments are welcome.

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