Thanks for giving me the opportunity to express my personal opinion about the
“whether capital punishment is necessary and effective or not” .but, before I
do it, please pay attention to the voice from a mother of executed prisoner:
I never felt such pain as I did
the night that my son...died. I didn't
think I would live through it, and I am
not sure that I wanted to....I sincerely
hope that no other mother will have
to go through that kind of pain again...
At this point her eyes filled with tears, and her voice choked with sobs, she was unable to go on. From which you could also make allowances for her difficulties: If only capital punishment had been abolished.
The death penalty is wrong, no matter what the circumstance. Why?
First, it is wrong because killing is wrong. Some people have quoted a sentence of the Bibles that” thou shalt not kill”. That is pretty clear; it is saying
that killing is wrong. Capital punishment is a form of killing. Therefore capital punishment is wrong.
Second, capital punishment is not a satisfactory method of restitution. Some
people have raised the concept of an “eye to eye”. The idea is that punishment
should be equivalent to the crime. principles of justice based on an” eye for
an eye” tend to be self perpetuating. An act is committed; an equally vicious act is committed in reprisal. History is replete with examples, at some point someone should stop plucking eyes.
My third reason for believing that capital punishment is wrong is that it offers no restitution. In property crimes, it is common for the perpetrator to be required to repay the cost of losses or damage. This is not possible in cases of
murder, because it is not possible to restore victim to life. And in no way does
executing the criminal parallel restore the victim for life.
Fourth, capital punishment does not achieve its sometimes stated objective of
deterrence. If it did, then the United States, which has one of the highest execution rates in the world would have one of the lowest crime rates. Yet crime remains a major problem in the United States. By contrast, Canada, located right next door, has no death penalty and yet has one of the lowest crime rates in the
Fifth, capital punishment is a mechanism which prohibits restitution where cases of injustice occur.yulinxing, a young man in Hubei province was wrongly convicted of murder and spent about 10 years in jail. He was set free until March this year.
For these reasons, and more, I oppose capital punishment. It is a pity that china hasn’t abolished it. I call on the nations like china in the world to follow suit, and to work toward a society where life, above all else, is valued and protected.
Thank you!