
For Jeannie and any others. Hope for those who suffer

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Dear Jeannie and others who have suffered,

Life is usually hard and sometimes in some places for some people it's unusually

hard. As I've often written, it's a "soul school." In the 20th century life has changed more drastically than in any other period in recorded history. In one

century, ours, it has changed more than in the previous 10,000 years. The 20th

has been a century of blackest chaos shot through with the brightest advances and possibilities. The churning winds of change never stopped. May this present

century be the beginning of our way out of chaos, and thetimes continue to grow steadily brighter!

Jeannie, do you happen to know the present circumstances of life now, of your first love? Sometimes these things come back around again and the way clears so that what once began can continue. Of course it would be unwise to focus too strongly on this, but it *has* been known to happen on occasion.

I hope you have been able to find contentment. Or that by the time you aremy age you will be able to look back and see that the whole had a pattern that was surprisingly necessary. It's odd that so many aged people seem to see this in their pasts. I'm beginning to see it in my own life, too, the older I get.

It's probably one of the main reasons that old people have often been found in studies to be among the happiest of the age groups.

Dear Jeannie, maybe you don't believe that there is anything for the mind andheart after this life. My belief is that the next "world" is within this world,

but we aren't aware of it because we haven't reached its level yet. A lower level of existence can never comprehend one that is higher. I would like to illustrate what I mean.

Spirit is a power that exists. It is like the rays of the sun that shine from the sun, but aren't attached to the sun. From the great power we can't know because it is too far beyond us, and which I prefer to call "The Unknowable Essense,

" spirit eamanates as the sun's rays shine from the sun. Each level of being in

existence exhibits "spirit" at its own level of ability to reflect. An example

of this is the way light from the sun reflects brightly from water or a diamond,

but only dully from a black stone, and brighter from a white one. The light is the very same, but the ability to reflect it differs.

In this material world of existence this is the way that "spirit" reflects in each level of existence here. These levels are the mineral, vegetable, animal, and human.

Spirit at the level of minerals operates as something that allows minerals to break down. Then they are reused by other levels and move through the cycle. Minerals don't have minds and certainly know nothing of plants.

Plants are the next higher level. Plants exhibit spirit as the power of growth.

Plants know nothing of animals which is the level above them, but animals know

plants, and often select those to eat or those with which to heal themselves.

Animals are the next higher level of spirit reflectance. In animals, spirit shows itself as the power of the senses and a practical level of comprehension. They understand what is before them, and what they require to live, but they don't

understand beyond that.

Animals don't have the ability and imagination of humans that allows humans to bring into understanding some hidden laws of science so they can transcend laws of nature. For instance, humans can travel to the moon, observe other planets, live under the oceans, talk around the world at the speed of light, and so on. Humans work with the unseen and the far distant in time or space. No animal has

the capacity to reflect spirit at this level.

Animals only know humans to the degree of animals' own capacity, yet humans have

the power of spirit of animals *and* this additional capacity, that allows them

to overcome and accomplish what no other being but a human being can do. The great sun itself can't deviate from the laws of nature to which it is bound. Humans can bend the laws of nature to their own use. That is the power of spirit showing itself at the human level.

There are higher levels than the human level. One of these is the level of spirit that a great teacher reflecting the Unknowable Essense can exhibit. Such a human with that level of reflectance of spirit is as far above the most brilliant

human, as a human is above a dog, a pig or an elephant or any of the most intelligent animals.

The level of spirit in such a Teacher allows comprehension of the needs of the future humanity, of the teachings that are needed to lift humans to a higher level of spirit and civilization. Such a One can call on any knowledge needed to accomplish this purpose. As humans can only comprehend up to their own highest capacity to reflect spirit, it is not possible for us to comprehend theirlevel of existence because it operates at a higher level than ours.

When we finally leave our bodies behind and what they are made of returns to the

earth to continue the constant recycling that happens in the world of existence

, our minds/hearts/intellects, (often called "souls") are no longer confined by

the instrument of the earthly body, to time and space; and our hard-won capacities gained in this "soul school" are freed to become aware of that higher level of existence which is wider than what we can possibly ever imagine while we're still here.

We only know whatever could be shared with us through humans with higher levels

of spirit than ours, such as Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Baha'u'llah, Krishna, and others, as well as many lost in the mists of time, who came to help the human race

grow and mature.

I'm telling you about this to attempt to express something I hope will comfort you. Although it may be hard for us to believe now, there *are* higher levels of

existance than ours, which we can't comprehend yet. Not until we graduate to a

higher level of existence ourselves. We only even know about any of this because those great human Educators mentioned have been able to give us metaphorical

glimpses. We can only get a glimmer of their meaning through metaphors and not

through descriptions, because it is different from anything we have ever experienced.

They bring assurance that a higher level does exist for us and that we will be born to it when we lay down our bodies naturally, when the time comes, and then we will have graduated from this "soul school" and hopefully have developed the

capacities needed to learn to function in conditions that exist at that level.

These higher level of spirit carrying humans mentioned above wouldn't have gone

through the hell on earth that each of them did in their lives, some being tortured, or persecuted and even allowing themselves to be killed; if they didn't know it wasn't the end of everything. They knew that they could return to those higher levels from which their spirits came to help we humans, and to which they belong. Life on earth would be pointless if there wasn't something greater that

continued. If there wasn't, why would they submit to the worst of us, when they

often demonstrated far greater power and understanding than any of us.

As with the mineral, vegetable and animal here, there are more levels of spiritual ability once we leave here where we will journey to reflect light at higher levels of capacity which we can't even begin to imagine now.

It has been taught us that there are "many worlds of God", and yet "that world is within this world."

We can't possibly have the self-same personalities there, (how could we when our

personalities are affected greatly by the chemicals and conditions that affect

them?) We will recognize each other and not lose people who have loved us and whom we have loved here, and we won't suffer there as we have in this material world You will know your first love there, and you will remember the life you had

in this world. Our memories won't be clouded by chemicals in our bodies and the

limitations of our physical brains. There isn't any separation there where there is no time and space. There is no marrying or burying, either. It is a different plane of existence, but it is in this world. We just don't have the capacity yet to see or experience it, although our "souls" have never left it.

I hope you don't become impatient, and wonder why I've tried to tell you all this. Some people here have heard me speak of some of it before because it is a profound part of my inner self and I believe it implicitly because it was explained

to me as I have tried to explain it to you. I hope to help to sooth your heart

by sharing this understanding, and I hope that as I have explained it you will

be able to see that it makes sense. I hope you will know that nothing is in vain, and that injustices in this world are made up in the next.

Warmly, and with heartfelt caring for you, dear Jeannie,


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