5.29. 为什么不能在DomainUpDown 中输入文字,而要选择?
5.30. 为什么OpenFileDialog被限制在"My Documents" 文件夹中?
5.31. How can I activate the SIP (InputPanel) without a menu?
5.32. How do I add a subnode to every node in a TreeView?
5.33. How do I determine the number of rows or columns in a DataGrid?
5.34. How do I create a owner drawn Listbox?
5.35. How can I implement Control.GetNextControl under the .NET Compact Framework?
5.36. How do I get notified when the user clicks on a treeview node?
5.37. How do I set the title of a fullscreen multiline edit control window?
5.40. Why doesn't the scrollbar value ever get set to the maximum value?
5.41. How do I tab out of a custom control to the previous control?
5.42. How do I add Toolbar buttons with Transparency? 6. 与本地代码(Native Code)协同工作
6.2. 如何使用dumpbin.exe帮助描述 P/Invokes?
6.4. 如何调用 P/Invoke GetTickCount?
6.7. 在微软.net精简框架上调用系统函数时,如何装配数据类型?
6.10. 调用本地代码时,数据类型有什么限制?What are the limitations on marshalling types via P/Invoke?
6.11. 调用GetLastError时,总是获得不定的代码?
6.13. 调用本地代码时,为什么得到"NotSupportedException"异常?
6.15. Why do I get a MissingMethodException when I call a function from a native DLL?
6.16. How do I set the system time?
6.17. How do I programmatically soft reset the device?
6.18. How can I put an icon on the title bar regardless of the which form is active?
6.19. How do I disable and capture hardware buttons?
6.20. How do I hide the start icon?
6.21. How do I enumerate, create, and terminate processes?
6.22. Where can I find a centralized library of P/Invoke samples?
6.23. How do I play and record .WAV audio files with the Waveform Audio Inteface? 7. 通用
7.10. 我可以建立一个委托(delegate)交给Invoke吗?
7.13. 如何让我的.net精简框架程序和Pocket Outlook的数据结合?
7.19. 如何在微软.net精简框架上获得Windows CE设备的唯一号码?
7.20. 如何在微软.net精简框架的应用程序上发送短消息?
7.21. 不使用Control.Name,可以判断事件的发送者吗?
7.26. 当使用已经释放的对象的方法或属性的时候,为什么得到一个异常?
7.27. 如何获得"Enter", "TAB", 和 "Arrow"按键的事件?