9.5. 如何向SQL Server CE提交一个带参数的查询?
您可以使用.net精简框架在用户输入时,向SQL Server CE的数据库中插入值。以下教程向您展示了如何实现此操作:
连接到SQL CE的数据库。
把用户输入的值插入到SQL CE的数据库中 http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/CompactFramework/doc/sqlceparameterizedquery.aspx
9.6. Why does using RDA and the push method fail with error 27750?
When calling: rda = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess();
An error of type SQLCeException with a Native Error Code of 27750 occurs. This error corresponds to "Cannot load sscemw20.dll or ssceca20.dll is missing or not registered."
Load the library at the start of the application, even if you do nothing with it. To load the library, you can load the SqlCeEngine object. SqlCeEngine eng = new SqlCeEngine();
10. 其他信息
10.1. Pocket TaskVision 程序
This document provides an overview of the development tasks that were unique to the Pocket TaskVision sample application. Pocket PC devices have much lower storage capacities, memory and lower-end processors than desktop systems—storage and performance considerations are mentioned throughout the document.
10.2. 建立基于微软.net精简框架的进程管理器
In this article, learn how to marshal structures as byte arrays.
10.3. 使用微软.net精简框架开发移动游戏
Learn how to create .NET Compact Framework-based games. Learn the key requirements for writing games targeting small devices and see that the .NET Compact Framework can handle them with ease. Include advanced performance-tuning techniques that you can use to push the limits of your game.
10.4. 制作一个微软.net精简框架的DateTimePicker控件
Learn how to use a managed DateTimePicker class in your Pocket PC projects. The .net精简框架 provides managed classes for most controls but the DateTimePicker class is not supported. Wrapper classes that P/Invoke the native control can be found on the Web, but this sample provides a purely managed DateTimePicker class that you can use in your Pocket PC projects. The class and sample application are provided in C# and Visual Basic .NET.
10.5. 写一个捕捉Pocket PC签名的程序.
This article discusses the Pocket PC Signature sample application. The sample includes a client that runs on the Pocket PC that sends signature data over TCP sockets to a server that is running on the desktop. Data is encrypted and decrypted using the cryptography services.
10.6. 有没有非微软的网站提供在.net精简框架上开发应用的信息?See the "Related Sites" section of the MSDN Mobile and Embedded Developer Center:http://msdn.microsoft.com/mobility/Community/related/default.aspx
11. 连通性
11.1. 为什么不同通过ActiveSync把程序部署到Windows CE的设备上?
Symptom: When a Windows CE device is connected through ActiveSync, deployment and debugging (F5 and Ctrl-F5) fail with the typical error message "There were deployment errors. Continue?"
Cause: Due to the fact that ActiveSync 3.5 and 3.6 do not provide accurate information about the device instruction set, ConMan (Visual Studio .NET 2003 component for device connectivity) cannot use the information returned by ActiveSync to map a Windows CE device to the right .NET Compact Framework target (MIPSII, ARMV4 etc).
Workaround: Install and run the separately provided Windows CE Configuration Add-In. For ARMV4 devices, an alternative is to select Pocket PC Device at the beginning of the deployment.
11.2. 为什么不能通过ActiveSync调试 CEPC 或其他 x86 的Windows CE设备?
Symptom: After running the Windows CE Device Configuration Add-In, the user can deploy without debugging (Ctrl-F5) to an ActiveSync connected CEPC (or any x86 based Windows CE device) but cannot debug (F5). Non-x86 based Windows CE devices do not have this problem.
Cause: Debugging Windows CE Emulators (also x86 based) uses a TCP port that conflicts with the one used by ActiveSync for debugging x86 based devices. To support Emulator debugging, it is necessary to disable debugging for CEPC and other x86 devices by default.
Workaround: The following workaround will allow debugging of x86 devices but disable debugging with the Windows CE Emulator. The workaround requires the files WinCEx86Device.reg, and ProxyPorts.reg which can be found in the SDK utilities directory: "<VSROOT>\CompactFrameworkSDK\WinCE Utilities\WinCE Proxy Ports Reg".
If you do not have these files they can be downloaded from the following link:
Import WinCEx86Device.reg to the registry. Now you will be able to debug x86 devices, but debugging with the Windows CE Emulator will fail.
To restore Emulator debugging, remove the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\ProxyPorts" and then import ProxyPorts.reg.