select sys.v_$session.osuser,sys.v_$session.machine,v$lock.sid,
'MR', 'Media Recovery',
'RT','Redo Thread',
'UN','User Name',
'TX', 'Transaction',
'TM', 'DML',
'UL', 'PL/SQL User Lock',
'DX', 'Distributed Xaction',
'CF', 'Control File',
'IS', 'Instance State',
'FS', 'File Set',
'IR', 'Instance Recovery',
'ST', 'Disk Space Transaction',
'TS', 'Temp Segment',
'IV', 'Library Cache Invalida-tion',
'LS', 'Log Start or Switch',
'RW', 'Row Wait',
'SQ', 'Sequence Number',
'TE', 'Extend Table',
'TT', 'Temp Table',
'Unknown') LockType,
rtrim(object_type) || ' ' || rtrim(owner) || '.' || object_name object_name,
decode(lmode, 0, 'None',
1, 'Null',
2, 'Row-S',
3, 'Row-X',
4, 'Share',
5, 'S/Row-X',
6, 'Exclusive', 'Unknown') LockMode,
decode(request, 0, 'None',
1, 'Null',
2, 'Row-S',
3, 'Row-X',
4, 'Share',
5, 'S/Row-X',
6, 'Exclusive', 'Unknown') RequestMode,
ctime, block b
from v$lock, all_objects, sys.v_$session
where v$Lock.sid > 6
and sys.v_$session.sid = v$lock.sid
and v$lock.id1 = all_objects.object_id;