无论你是普普通通的大学生,还是才华横溢的绘画艺术家,苹果都能用同一款笔记本满足你的需求,这款产品就是新版MacBook。除了全新造型,MacBook在硬件配置上也进行了升级,Intel Core 2 Duo处理器、Nvidia 9400M显卡与128GB固态硬盘的组合,让MacBook成为目前最诱人的13寸笔记本。也许在看到它的第一眼,你已经为之倾倒,可是新MacBook的性能到底值不值1249美元?还是让我们近距离接触全新MacBook,再来评判是否物超所值。
新苹果MacBook采用以整块铝合金材质精制而成的一体成型机身,精致轻薄,轮廓优美且十分耐用。新MacBook(基础版价格为1,299美元)提供两种规格的酷睿2双核处理器供用户选择,用户还可挑选采用传统硬盘还是固态硬盘。但是屏幕规格是固定的,即13.3英寸WXGA LED背光屏,屏幕分辩率为1280x800,屏幕外附宽大玻璃 Multi-Touch 触控板,其面积增加了近 40%,而且支持更多的 Multi-Touch 手势。
Mac OS X v10.5.5 (Build 9F2114)
Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 2.0GHz (3MB L2 cache, 1066MHz frontside bus)
160GB 5400rpm SATA hard disk drive
13.3" glossy widescreen TFT LED backlit display (1280 x 800)
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics (256MB of DDR3 shared memory)
8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
iSight webcam
AirPort Extreme WiFi (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n)
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)
Mini DisplayPort, Ethernet, two USB 2.0 ports (480Mbps), Audio out and microphone in
Dimensions : 0.95" x 12.78" x 8.94" (H x W x D)
Weight: 4.51 pounds
Integrated 45-watt-hour lithium-polymer battery
60W MagSafe power adapter with cable management system外观和做工
“过去,笔记本电脑是由多个零部件装配而成的。而对于全新 MacBook,我们只用一个部件就取代了所有这些部件—一体成型机身,”苹果公司工业设计高级副总裁 Jonathan Ive 说,“MacBook 的一体成型机身是用一块铝合金精制而成的,这使得全新 MacBook 更轻薄、更坚实耐用,其美观雅致的外观是我们以前从未梦想过的。”
全新 MacBook 提供了 MacBook 用户表示他们希望在新 MacBook 中获得的三大功能—全金属机身、高性能 3D 显卡和 LED 背光显示器—其入门价格比 MacBook Pro 的人民币16,688元低了约人民币6000元。全新 13 英寸全功能铝合金 MacBook 只有 2.41 厘米厚,重量只有 2.04 公斤,是一款惊人小巧、耐用的笔记本电脑,起价只有人民币10,898元。MacBook 配备了新的 NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 图形处理器,图形处理性能可达前代产品的五倍,可在普通笔记本电脑上提供出色的 3D 游戏体验。全新 MacBook 目前有两种机型:配备 160GB 5400 rpm 硬盘的 2.0 GHz MacBook 及配备 250GB 5400 rpm 硬盘和背光键盘的 2.4 GHz MacBook。
The new "unibody" construction of the MacBook for late 2008 makes this MacBook one of the most impressively built 13-inch notebooks we've seen in recent memory. When you pick this notebook up it feels like you're holding a solid piece of metal. In a manner of speaking, you are. The unibody chassis is milled from a solid block of aluminum, making the MacBook one of the most durable 13-inch notebooks you can buy for less than $2,000. A thickness of less than an inch and a weight of roughly 4.5 pounds likewise help to make this update to the MacBook line a compelling choice for students and road warriors.
Bottom line, despite the impressive thinness of the design, the MacBook is quite solid and durable thanks to the aluminum construction. We don't recommend dropping the MacBook (or any notebook for that matter) but the MacBook should survive any use and abuse that a college student or corporate road warrior can deliver over several years of travel between home and school or home and work.
The MacBook lid does not have a latch to hold it closed, but the hinge mechanism works well and firmly holds the lid in place. While we're on the topic of the hinge, Apple made the strange choice of using black plastic around the hinge rather than brushed aluminum like the rest of a the chassis design. This isn't a major problem, but it looks a little odd and plastic doesn't give the same impression of durability as aluminum. On the bright side there is almost no flex to the screen thanks to the metal lid.屏幕
MacBook 和 15 英寸 MacBook Pro 上新的平滑玻璃 Multi-Touch 触控板使用户的追踪区域比以前扩大了近 40%,使得更容易使用各种 Multi-Touch 手势,比如开合、旋转和轻扫。新的手势使用户只需触碰指尖就能激活 Exposé 或在不同应用程序之间进行切换。整个触控板表面也是一个按钮,允许用户追踪和点击触控板上的任何地方。用户可以简单地在软件中启用多个虚拟按钮,比如右键点击。
全新 MacBook 系列的所有成员皆配备了一个开启后即刻明亮显示的 LED 背光显示器,能耗比其前代产品减少了 30%,并消除了业界标准荧光管背光灯中的汞。超薄显示器提供明快的图像和生动的色彩,十分适合观看照片和电影,而边到边的封盖玻璃更是创造了一个平滑、无缝的表面。全新 MacBook 系列中的所有显示器都是使用完全无砷的玻璃制造的。操作区接口性能测试温度总结和优缺点