Interesting MATLAB (V4) Demos
XY and XYZ plots
graf2d --> XY plots
graf2d2 --> XYZ plots (including volume)
hndlgraf --> handle graphics for line plots
hndlaxis --> handle graphics for axes
graf3d --> handle graphics for surface plots
Complex function 3D plots
grafcplx, cplxdemo --> complex XYZ plots
xpgallry quivdemo --> quiver
lorenz --> Lorenz attractor
xpmovie vibes --> L-shaped membrane
xpmovie crulspin --> spinning toroid (aka cruller)
xpmovie logospin --> spinning logo (L-shaped membrane)
sqdemo --> superquadrics
sshow sunspots --> Fourier analysis of sunspot data
fourier --> Fourier series to approximate a square wave (Gibb effect)
fftdemo --> to extract two major components in a noise time series
Data fitting
sshow fitdemo --> nonlinear data fitting
census --> prediction of world population
spline2d --> spline for data fitting; data supplied by clicking mouse
Sparse matrix
sshow buckydem --> soccer ball (Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome)
sshow sparsity --> reordering of nodes
airfoil --> display sparse matrix from NASA airfoil
sepdemo --> orderings and separators for a finite element mesh
xpbombs --> mine sweeping
life --> life game
bblwrap --> push me!
makemaze --> maze traverse
Gallery of 3D objects
xpgallry klein1 --> Klein bottle
xpgallry tori4 --> four-linked unknotted tori
xpgallry spharm2 --> spherical harmonics
xpgallry cruller --> cruller (toroid)
xpklein --> Klein bottle
Other gallery
xpgallry modes --> 12 modes of the L-shaped membrane
xpgallry logo --> logo of TMW
xpquad --> various version of Barr's superquadrics
truss --> 12 natural bending mode of a 2D truss
travel --> travel salesman problem
wrldtrv --> great circle flight paths and distances
makevase --> make a vase by clicking
spinner --> screen saver of lines
delsqdem --> finite difference Laplacian on various domains
xpsound --> sound
funfuns --> zero finding, minimization, and integration of one-input functions
sshow e2pi --> e^pi or pi^e
quake --> earth quake wave visualization
penny --> visualization of a penny
imageext --> change colormap of images
earthmap --> various views of the earth
vdp --> Van der Pol equations
bounce --> bouncing ball
simppend --> simple pendulum
onecart --> mass-spring system
dblcart1 --> mass-spring system (two masses)
dblpend1 --> double-pendulum system
dblpend2 --> double-pendulum system
penddemo --> inverted pendulum (slow!)
Optim. toolbox (help optim)
bandem --> expo-style banana optimization
bandemo --> command-line-style banana optimization
Signal processing toolbox (help signal)
sshow filtdem --> filter effect demo
sshow filtdem2 --> filter design demo
cztdemo --> FFT and CZT (two different Z-transform algorithms)
phone.m --> display time and frequency (and sound) of touch tone phone pad
sigdemo1.m --> time and freq. plots of discrete signals (mouse dragging)
sigdemo2.m --> time and freq. plots of continuous signals (mouse dragging)
filtdemo.m --> interactive design of lowpass digital filters
moddemo.m --> modulation scheme (voice signal)
sosdemo.m --> slice plot of a digital filter
NN toolbox (help nnets)
neural --> printed character recognition
IP toolbox (help images)
imdemo --> general demo
xpimage --> enhancement
firdemo --> 2D FIR filters
nlfdemo --> nonlinear filters
dctdemo --> DCT demo
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox:
invkine: inverse kinematics
juggler: ball juggling
fcmdemo: FCM
slcp: cart and pole
slcp1: cart and a varying pole
slcpp1: cart and two varying pole
sltbu: truck backup
slbb: ball and beam
fuzpcr: OCR (PCR?) using fuzzy logic (nearest neighbor classification)
Soft Computing Toolbox
taylor: polynomial fitting and Taylor series expansion
sddemo: demo of using steepest descent on the peaks function
percepdm: demo of single-layer perceptron
mlpdm1: Curve fitting using MLP
mlpdm2: XOR problem using MLP
rbfndm1: Curve fitting using RBFN