

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Option Explicit


'Words.bas - string handling functions for words

'Author: Evan Sims [esims@arcola-il.com]

'Based on a module by Kevin O'Brien

'Version - 1.2 (Sept. 1996 - Dec 1999)


'These functions deal with "words".

'Words = blank-delimited strings

'Blank = any combination of one or more spaces,

' tabs, line feeds, or carriage returns.



' pword("find 3 in here", 3) = "in" 3rd word

' words("find 3 in here") = 4 number of words

' split("here's /s more", "/s") = "more" Returns words after split identifier (/s)

' delWord("find 3 in here", 1, 2) = "in here" delete 2 words, start at 1

' midWord("find 3 in here", 1, 2) = "find 3" return 2 words, start at 1

' wordPos("find 3 in here", "in") = 3 word-number of "in"

' wordCount("find 3 in here", "in") = 1 occurrences of word "in"

' wordIndex("find 3 in here", "in") = 8 position of "in"

' wordIndex("find 3 in here", 3) = 8 position of 3rd word

' wordIndex("find 3 in here", "3") = 6 position of "3"

'wordLength("find 3 in here", 3) = 2 length of 3rd word


'Difference between Instr() and wordIndex():

' InStr("find 3 in here", "in") = 2

' wordIndex("find 3 in here", "in") = 8


' InStr("find 3 in here", "her") = 11

' wordIndex("find 3 in here", "her") = 0


Public Function Pword(ByVal sSource As String, _

n As Long) As String


' Word retrieves the nth word from sSource

' Usage:

' Word("red blue green ", 2) "blue"


Const SP As String = " "

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter of Instr()

Dim pos As Long 'position of target in InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word count

Dim lEnd As Long 'position of trailing word delimiter

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

'find the nth word

x = 1

pointer = 1


Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If x = n Then 'the target word-number

lEnd = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'pos of space at end of word

If lEnd = 0 Then lEnd = Len(sSource) + 1 ' or if its the last word

Pword = Mid$(sSource, pointer, lEnd - pointer)

Exit Do 'word found, done

End If

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'find next space

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'word not found

x = x + 1 'increment word counter

pointer = pos + 1 'start of next word


End Function

Public Function Words(ByVal sSource As String) As Long


' Words returns the number of words in a string

' Usage:

' Words("red blue green") 3


Const SP As String = " "

Dim lSource As Long 'length of sSource

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter of Instr()

Dim pos As Long 'position of target in InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word count

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

lSource = Len(sSource)

If lSource = 0 Then Exit Function

'count words

x = 1

pointer = 1


Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'find next space

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'no more words

x = x + 1 'increment word counter

pointer = pos + 1 'start of next word


If Mid$(sSource, lSource, 1) = SP Then x = x - 1 'adjust if trailing space

Words = x

End Function

Public Function WordCount(ByVal sSource As String, _

sTarget As String) As Long


' WordCount returns the number of times that

' word, sTarget, is found in sSource.

' Usage:

' WordCount("a rose is a rose", "rose") 2


Const SP As String = " "

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter of Instr()

Dim lSource As Long 'length of sSource

Dim lTarget As Long 'length of sTarget

Dim pos As Long 'position of target in InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word count

lTarget = Len(sTarget)

lSource = Len(sSource)

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

'find target word

pointer = 1

Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If pointer > lSource Then Exit Function 'sSource contains no words

Do 'find position of sTarget

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, sTarget)

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'string not found

If Mid$(sSource, pos + lTarget, 1) = SP _

Or pos + lTarget > lSource Then 'must be a word

If pos = 1 Then

x = x + 1 'word found

ElseIf Mid$(sSource, pos - 1, 1) = SP Then

x = x + 1 'word found

End If

End If

pointer = pos + lTarget


WordCount = x

End Function

Public Function WordPos(ByVal sSource As String, _

sTarget As String) As Long


' WordPos returns the word number of the

' word, sTarget, in sSource.

' Usage:

' WordPos("red blue green", "blue") 2


Const SP As String = " "

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter of Instr()

Dim lSource As Long 'length of sSource

Dim lTarget As Long 'length of sTarget

Dim lPosTarget As Long 'position of target-word

Dim pos As Long 'position of target in InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word count

lTarget = Len(sTarget)

lSource = Len(sSource)

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

'find target word

pointer = 1

Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If pointer > lSource Then Exit Function 'sSource contains no words

Do 'find position of sTarget

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, sTarget)

If pos = 0 Then Exit Function 'string not found

If Mid$(sSource, pos + lTarget, 1) = SP _

Or pos + lTarget > lSource Then 'must be a word

If pos = 1 Then Exit Do 'word found

If Mid$(sSource, pos - 1, 1) = SP Then Exit Do

End If

pointer = pos + lTarget


'count words until position of sTarget

lPosTarget = pos 'save position of sTarget

pointer = 1

x = 1


Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If pointer >= lPosTarget Then Exit Do 'all words have been counted

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'find next space

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'no more words

x = x + 1 'increment word count

pointer = pos + 1 'start of next word


WordPos = x

End Function

Public Function WordIndex(ByVal sSource As String, _

vTarget As Variant) As Long


' WordIndex returns the byte position of vTarget in sSource.

' vTarget can be a word-number or a string.

' Usage:

' WordIndex("two plus 2 is four", 2) 5

' WordIndex("two plus 2 is four", "2") 10

' WordIndex("two plus 2 is four", "two") 1


Const SP As String = " "

Dim sTarget As String 'vTarget converted to String

Dim lTarget As Long 'vTarget converted to Long, or length of sTarget

Dim lSource As Long 'length of sSource

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter of InStr()

Dim pos As Long 'position of target in InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word counter

lSource = Len(sSource)

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

If VarType(vTarget) = vbString Then GoTo strIndex

If Not IsNumeric(vTarget) Then Exit Function

lTarget = CLng(vTarget) 'convert to Long

'find byte position of lTarget (word number)

x = 1

pointer = 1


Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If x = lTarget Then 'word-number of Target

If pointer > lSource Then Exit Do 'beyond end of sSource

WordIndex = pointer 'position of word

Exit Do 'word found, done

End If

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'find next space

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'word not found

x = x + 1 'increment word counter

pointer = pos + 1


Exit Function


sTarget = CStr(vTarget)

lTarget = Len(sTarget)

If lTarget = 0 Then Exit Function 'nothing to count

'find byte position of sTarget (string)

pointer = 1


pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, sTarget)

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do

If Mid$(sSource, pos + lTarget, 1) = SP _

Or pos + lTarget > lSource Then

If pos = 1 Then Exit Do

If Mid$(sSource, pos - 1, 1) = SP Then Exit Do

End If

pointer = pos + lTarget


WordIndex = pos

End Function

Public Function WordLength(ByVal sSource As String, _

n As Long) As Long


' Wordlength returns the length of the nth word in sSource

' Usage:

' WordLength("red blue green", 2) 4


Const SP As String = " "

Dim lSource As Long 'length of sSource

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter Instr()

Dim pos As Long 'position of target with InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word count

Dim lEnd As Long 'position of trailing word delimiter

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

lSource = Len(sSource)

'find the nth word

x = 1

pointer = 1


Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If x = n Then 'the target word-number

lEnd = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'pos of space at end of word

If lEnd = 0 Then lEnd = lSource + 1 ' or if its the last word

WordLength = lEnd - pointer

Exit Do 'word found, done

End If

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'find next space

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'word not found

x = x + 1 'increment word counter

pointer = pos + 1 'start of next word


End Function

Public Function DelWord(ByVal sSource As String, _

n As Long, _

Optional vWords As Variant) As String


' DelWord deletes from sSource, starting with the

' nth word for a length of vWords words.

' If vWords is omitted, all words from the nth word on are

' deleted.

' Usage:

' DelWord("now is not the time", 3) "now is"

' DelWord("now is not the time", 3, 1) "now is the time"


Const SP As String = " "

Dim lWords As Long 'length of sTarget

Dim lSource As Long 'length of sSource

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter of InStr()

Dim pos As Long 'position of target in InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word counter

Dim lStart As Long 'position of word n

Dim lEnd As Long 'position of space after last word

lSource = Len(sSource)

DelWord = sSource

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

If IsMissing(vWords) Then

lWords = -1

ElseIf IsNumeric(vWords) Then

lWords = CLng(vWords)


Exit Function

End If

If n = 0 Or lWords = 0 Then Exit Function 'nothing to delete

'find position of n

x = 1

pointer = 1


Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If x = n Then 'the target word-number

lStart = pointer

If lWords < 0 Then Exit Do

End If

If lWords > 0 Then 'lWords was provided

If x = n + lWords - 1 Then 'find pos of last word

lEnd = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'pos of space at end of word

Exit Do 'word found, done

End If

End If

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'find next space

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'word not found

x = x + 1 'increment word counter

pointer = pos + 1 'start of next word


If lStart = 0 Then Exit Function

If lEnd = 0 Then

DelWord = Trim$(Left$(sSource, lStart - 1))


DelWord = Trim$(Left$(sSource, lStart - 1) & Mid$(sSource, lEnd + 1))

End If

End Function

Public Function MidWord(ByVal sSource As String, _

n As Long, _

Optional vWords As Variant) As String


' MidWord returns a substring sSource, starting with the

' nth word for a length of vWords words.

' If vWords is omitted, all words from the nth word on are

' returned.

' Usage:

' MidWord("now is not the time", 3) "not the time"

' MidWord("now is not the time", 3, 2) "not the"


Const SP As String = " "

Dim lWords As Long 'vWords converted to long

Dim lSource As Long 'length of sSource

Dim pointer As Long 'start parameter of InStr()

Dim pos As Long 'position of target in InStr()

Dim x As Long 'word counter

Dim lStart As Long 'position of word n

Dim lEnd As Long 'position of space after last word

lSource = Len(sSource)

sSource = CSpace(sSource)

If IsMissing(vWords) Then

lWords = -1

ElseIf IsNumeric(vWords) Then

lWords = CLng(vWords)


Exit Function

End If

If n = 0 Or lWords = 0 Then Exit Function 'nothing to delete

'find position of n

x = 1

pointer = 1


Do While Mid$(sSource, pointer, 1) = SP 'skip consecutive spaces

pointer = pointer + 1


If x = n Then 'the target word-number

lStart = pointer

If lWords < 0 Then Exit Do 'include rest of sSource

End If

If lWords > 0 Then 'lWords was provided

If x = n + lWords - 1 Then 'find pos of last word

lEnd = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'pos of space at end of word

Exit Do 'word found, done

End If

End If

pos = InStr(pointer, sSource, SP) 'find next space

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do 'word not found

x = x + 1 'increment word counter

pointer = pos + 1 'start of next word


If lStart = 0 Then Exit Function

If lEnd = 0 Then

MidWord = Trim$(Mid$(sSource, lStart))


MidWord = Trim$(Mid$(sSource, lStart, lEnd - lStart))

End If

End Function

Public Function CSpace(sSource As String) As String


'CSpace converts blank characters

'(ascii: 9,10,13,160) to space (32)


' cSpace("a" & vbTab & "b") "a b"

' cSpace("a" & vbCrlf & "b") "a b"


Dim pointer As Long

Dim pos As Long

Dim x As Long

Dim iSpace(3) As Integer

' define blank characters

iSpace(0) = 9 'Horizontal Tab

iSpace(1) = 10 'Line Feed

iSpace(2) = 13 'Carriage Return

iSpace(3) = 160 'Hard Space

CSpace = sSource

For x = 0 To UBound(iSpace) ' replace all blank characters with space

pointer = 1


pos = InStr(pointer, CSpace, Chr$(iSpace(x)))

If pos = 0 Then Exit Do

Mid$(CSpace, pos, 1) = " "

pointer = pos + 1


Next x

End Function

Public Function SplitString(iSource As String, iTarget As String, Optional BeforeTarget As Boolean = False) As String


'Returns the characters before or after the split

'identifier. By default will return text after id,

'set BeforeTarget as true to return the text before



If BeforeTarget = True Then

SplitString = DelWord(iSource, WordPos(iSource, iTarget))


SplitString = DelWord(iSource, 1, WordPos(iSource, iTarget))

End If

End Function

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